1200字范文 > 天趣 the interest of the world英语短句 例句大全

天趣 the interest of the world英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-09 20:22:31


天趣 the interest of the world英语短句 例句大全

天趣,the interest of the world

1)the interest of the world天趣


1.The Biggest Pleasure Comes from the Natural Feeling--Preliminary Exploration into the Connotation of Zhang Wen-tao s Interest;天籁自鸣天趣足——张问陶“趣”内涵初探

2.Yes. The Arabian Nights is interesting, too.有。《天方夜谭》也很有趣的。

3.Will you like to visit the centre tomorrow ?你们明天有兴趣参观培训中心吗?

4.I would is interested in a 10 day trip around New Year time.我有兴趣在新年时去玩10天。

5.There was nothing interesting in the paper today.今天报上没有什么有趣的新闻。

6.There is nothing interesting in today"s paper.今天的报纸上没有什么有趣的事情。

7.`Who overslept this morning?" She quipped.`今天早晨谁睡过头了?'她风趣地问.

8.A funny thing happened in the subway yesterday.昨天地铁里发生了一件有趣的事。

9.Who overslept this morning?" She quipped.`今天早晨谁睡过头了?'风趣地问.

10.lacking interest in or talent for music.对音乐缺少兴趣或天分的。

11."Interestingly, the same attitude prevails today.“有趣的是,这样的看法在今天依然盛行。

12.I would be interested in a ten-day trip around Christmas time.我有兴趣在圣诞节前后去玩10天。

13.They would like to possess all the beauties in the world to gratify their momentary desires.恨不能尽天下之美女供我片时之趣兴

14.What I"d like to know is what happened when Miss Su saw you that day."我有兴趣的是,苏小姐当天看你怎么样。”

15.Until today, I was never really interested in medicine.直到今天 ,我才对医学真正感兴趣。

16.There was an interesting item in the newspaper today.在今天的报纸上有一条有趣的新闻。

17.I was amused to find that he and I were born on the same day.我发现我和他同一天生日而感到有趣。

18.Greenwich Park is lovely, but the observatory is really interesting.格林威治公园很可爱,但天文台真有趣。


natural entertainment野趣天乐

1.These works present thenatural entertainment filled with genuine feelings in the .这些作品通过展示自然景观、叙述野餐用品和加工方式 ,描写就餐者的言语、动作及情态 ,反映出野外聚餐所渗透的真情至性和它所表现的野趣天乐。

3)with spice formed naturally机趣天成

4)simple nature interest淡然天趣


1.On the aesthetic features and forms of expression of “interest;论“趣”的美学特征和表现形态

2.How to lead to theinterest of the undergraduates is an importable issue in teaching of College Chinese Language Course.如何引起大学生对语文的兴趣是大语文教学中特别值得关注的问题。

3.This essay, stepping back from that, and on the basis of the text analysis, probes into the aesthetic characteristics of Zhang Hu’ poems: emotion, reason, andinterest.近年来,学界关于张祜生平、里贯等方面的研究取得较多成果,分析张祜诗歌文本,可以发掘出其诗歌情、理、趣三者交融的美学特征。


1.The Semantics and Theoretical Study of Rhetorical Category "Qu";修辞范畴“趣”的语义及理论研究

2.He choose people s poems in different place In fact,Yuan Mei has his own request in poem-collection,one is qingzhen(fresh and nature),the other isqu(interesting),the third one is xin(new).就诗话所录之诗具体而论,“鲜”由下列多个标准构成:一为清真;二为趣;三为新。

3.”qu”in the painting study of ming dynasty, is a theory of great value in study.明代画学中的“趣”,是极其富有理论研究价值的,它继承了魏晋南北朝以及唐宋“趣”的理论成就,并且以此为基础,对“趣”理论作出了新的发展和贡献。


