1200字范文 > Lux群体感应 Lux Quorum sensing system英语短句 例句大全

Lux群体感应 Lux Quorum sensing system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-12 03:20:05


Lux群体感应 Lux Quorum sensing system英语短句 例句大全

Lux群体感应,Lux Quorum sensing system

1)Lux Quorum sensing systemLux群体感应


1.Inhibition of Lux Quorum Sensing System of V.fischeri by Two Kinds of New Inhibitors两种新型制御剂对费氏弧菌Lux群体感应系统抑制效果研究

2.Research Progress on the Bacterial Quorum Sensing and Its Application细菌群体感应效应及其应用研究进展

3.A Primary Study of Quorum Sensing in Erwinia Amylovora;梨火疫病菌群体感应系统的初步研究

4.The Way to Communicate between Microbes:Quorum-sensing微生物细胞交流的方式——群体感应

5.Constructions of Reporter Genes" (lux, GFP) Vectors and Studies of Their Expressions in Tumor Cells and Tissues;报告基因(lux,GFP)载体的构建和在肿瘤细胞及组织中表达的研究

6.Establishment of LUX~(TM) real-time fluorescent PCR/RT-PCR for rapid detection of bovine leukemia virus牛白血病病毒LUX~(TM)实时荧光聚合酶链式反应检测方法的建立

7.Effect of Quorum-sensing Molecules on Early Stage of Candida Albicans Biofilms Formation;群体感应分子对白色念珠菌早期生物膜的影响

8.Study Function of Quorum Sensing in Hydrogen-producing Rhodobacter Sphaeroides;产氢类球红细菌的群体感应系统功能研究

9.Functional Studies of Quorum Sensing Autoinducer Degradation Gene aiiA from Bacillus Thuringiensis;细菌群体感应信号分子降解基因aiiA的功能研究

10.Isolation and Characterization of Microbes Containing Quorum-quenching Enzymes;含细菌群体感应淬灭酶的菌种筛选和鉴定

11.Screening for Bacterial Quorum Sensing Inhibitors以细菌群体感应为靶标的抑制因子筛选

12.Detection of the quorum-sensing of Acidovorax avenae subsp.citrulli哈密瓜细菌性果斑病菌群体感应系统的检测

13.Quorum sensing and its roles in pathogenesis among animal-associated pathogens-A review群体感应及其在动物病原菌致病中的作用

14.Analysis of an epidemic model with quorum sensing mechanism一类具有群体感应机理的传染病模型渐近分析

15.Construction and Expression of Green Fluorescent Protein Reporter Plasmid Regulated by Quorum-Sensing群体感应调控的GFP报告质粒构建与表达

16.Auto-induction of PcoI-PcoR Quorum-sensing System in Pseudomonas fluorescens 2P24荧光假单胞菌2P24中PcoI-PcoR群体感应系统的自体反馈调控

17.A Novel Screening System for Pseudomonas. Aeruginosa Quorum Sensing Inhibitors铜绿假单胞菌群体感应抑制物筛选系统的构建及其应用

18.Effects of Quorum Sensing Systems on the Pathogenesis of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Pneumonia in Rats;细菌群体感应(QS)系统在铜绿假单胞菌致病机理中的作用


Quorum sensing群体感应

1.Isolation and biofilm forming capacity of quorum sensing factor bacterium;生物膜中群体感应因子细菌的分离及成膜能力

2.Quorum sensing in intestinal pathogens;肠道致病菌群体感应研究进展

3.Progressive research on quorum sensing of bacteria;细菌群体感应的研究进展


1.Quorum-sensing system and biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa;铜绿假单胞菌群体感应系统与生物膜形成

2.Detection of the quorum-sensing of Acidovorax avenae subsp.citrulli哈密瓜细菌性果斑病菌群体感应系统的检测

3.Quorum-sensing is a signal sensing system by which bacteria monitor the density of their population.群体感应是细菌监控自身群体密度的环境信号感受系统。

4)Quorum sensing群体感应(QS)


1.Inhibition ofquorum-sensing response and its application in protection against microbial infection;群体感应效应的抑制及在抗微生物感染中的应用

6)Quorum quenching enzymes群体感应淬灭酶


