1200字范文 > 传统造型元素 traditional modelling element英语短句 例句大全

传统造型元素 traditional modelling element英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-17 23:44:34


传统造型元素 traditional modelling element英语短句 例句大全

传统造型元素,traditional modelling element

1)traditional modelling element传统造型元素


1.The Study on the Relation between China Traditional Modelling Element and Costume Design;中国传统造型元素与服装时尚设计研究

2.The Application of Chinese Traditional Elements in Shoe Design;中国传统造型元素在鞋类创意设计中的应用

3.The Innovative Application of Traditional Modelling Elements to Modern Jewelry Design,Taking the Elements in Qin and Han Dynasties as an Example传统造型元素在现代首饰设计中的创新应用——以秦汉时期造型元素为例

4.Application of China Traditional Visual Modeling Elements in Modern Design;现代设计中传统视觉造型元素的应用

5.Study on the Applying of Chinese Traditional Art Element in Design of Cartoon Roles;中国传统艺术造型元素在动画角色设计中的运用研究

6.Traditional Chinese Plastic Art Elements Applied in Modern Packaging Design l Liu Tailei中国传统造型艺术元素在现代包装设计中的运用

7.Light is important statue element and principal features in the west traditional painting.光在西方传统的写实绘画中是一个重要的造型元素 ,也是西方写实绘画的一个主要特征。

8.Traditional Culture Elements Through Chinese Ancient Lamps Evolvement Application on the Lamp Art in Xi an Southgate Square;中国古代灯具演变中传统文化元素在西安南门广场灯饰造型艺术的可行性研究

9.thirdly,they should place emphasis on the sound ability of forming and shaping carrying on the tradition of bright and dark sketch;三要传承明暗素描优良传统,强调学生扎实的造型能力;

10.diversified application of the element which is use in Chinese traditional book design;中国传统书籍设计元素的多元化应用

11.Residential Architecture Traditional Element Inherit and Express;居住建筑传统元素的现代传承与表达

12.A Research of the Union of Concept Automobile with the Chinese Element;概念轿车造型与中国元素相结合研究


14.Interior Modeling Element-Design and Creativity of Staircase室内造型元素——楼梯的设计与创意

15.Interior Modeling Element-Design and Creativity of the Ground室内造型元素——地面的设计与创意

16.From Direct Expression to Indirect Transmission,The Rise and Mature of Metaphor Advertising现代平面广告造型元素由直白表现到婉转传达——隐喻广告的出现和成熟

17.The Cultural Characteristics of Modern Packaging Design--also the transform and change of the traditional cultural elements in modern packaging design现代包装设计的文化特征——兼谈传统文化元素在现代包装设计中的转化与改造

18.The Application of Traditional Costume Elements in Fashion Design;现代服装设计中传统服饰元素的应用


design element造型元素

1.In the development and evolution process of modern plane advertisementdesign elements,the transform from direct expression in basic phase to indirect transmission in higher levels of print advertising works is not allow to ignore.在现代平面广告造型元素表现的发展与演变过程中,最不容忽视的就是广告作品由基础阶段的直白表现发展到了婉转传达的更高层次。

3)traditional elements传统元素

1.On the application of thetraditional elements in the spiritual inheritance of the time architecture传统元素在时代建筑精神传承中的应用

2.On the application of Chinesetraditional elements in the indoor design for modern houses谈中国传统元素在现代室内设计中的运用

3.Be aimed at the exploitation construction of QiongLong Mount in the suburban areas of Suzhou,which is a historical and cultural city,at the basis of understanding and cognition with the urban pattern in the Chinese ancient times, then extrat thetraditional elements,manifestations and features,union the spot status of QiongLong Mount,history and background.本文针对位于历史文化名城——苏州城郊区的穹窿山区块开发建设案例,基于对江南古代城市格局的解读与认识,以提取传统元素及其表现形式和特点,再结合实地状况、历史沿革和时代背景等,使传统元素在现代化空间中得到展现,实现城市历史文化的延续,体现江南水乡地域特色,呈现出由繁华的古城中心延伸到域郊的动静休闲娱乐区,是一种城郊区开发建设的中国式创造模式。

4)traditional element传统元素

1.Thetraditional elements of thought into the packaging of tea对传统元素融入茶叶包装的思考

2.Thetraditional elements have had the more and the more big variety in the big tide of the international jewellery, being turned from the nobility and costliness to the civilian and personalization.传统元素在国际首饰大潮中发生了越来越大的变化,由贵族化、高档化向平民化、个性化转变。

3.Many outstanding packaging design work, mostly in the design of fusion of thetraditional elements: This is because even in modern society, the essence of Chinese traditional culture in China is still deeply rooted in the hearts of people, China s modern packaging must be in the design of China s traditional thinking and culture throughout the .许多优秀的包装设计作品,大都在设计中融合了传统元素:因为即使是在现代社会中,中国传统文化的精髓在中国人的心里依然根深蒂固,中国现代包装设计要想赢得中国消费者的认可,必须在设计中贯穿中国传统思想文化的精髓,这是现代包装设计借鉴古代、借鉴传统的根本意义所在,也决定着中国现代包装设计能否在应用中实现价值的关键之处。

5)traditional plastic arts传统造型

6)model and traditional cultural element造型与传统文化要素


