1200字范文 > 人格重建 reconstuction of personality英语短句 例句大全

人格重建 reconstuction of personality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-09 15:35:04


人格重建 reconstuction of personality英语短句 例句大全

人格重建,reconstuction of personality

1)reconstuction of personality人格重建


1.Crisis and Reconstruction of Chinese Contemporary Poets Personality;论中国现代诗人的人格危机与人格重建

2.The Application of Grid Technology in the Reconstruction of VCH;网格技术在数字虚拟人重建中的应用

3.Adolescence s Character Education in Building Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会应重视青少年人格教育

4.The attempt to reconstruct the personality of intellectuals: re - reading one of the Chinese literary classics entitled the Scholars;重建知识分子人格的尝试——重读《儒林外史》

5.Dual Variation of Human Self-Construction--On the Building of Modern Personality and Ecological Personality;当前人自身建设的双重变奏——论现代性人格与生态人格的塑造

6.The Reconstruction of the Oil Painting Language under the Influence of Literati Painting Aesthetical Characteristics;文人画审美品格影响下的油画语言重建

7.Zhang Yong:New-Style Personality Shaped in the Backgroud of Cultural Re-establishment in Early Song Dynasty;张咏——宋初政治文化重建背景下的新型人格

8.A Reconstruction of the Aesthetic Ideal Personality Model in Song Dynasty;文化转型与宋代审美理想人格典范的重建

9.Fostering Qualified Talents by Carrying for ward Good Style of Study;学风建设是高校培养合格人才的重要因素

10.Rebuilding the Standpoint of Knowledge and Personality--On Xu Fuguan s View about Chinese Intellectuals;重建知识与人格的立足点——徐复观的知识分子论

11.On Constructing Values of Moral Character Model in Education and Administration of Students论学生教育与管理中人格范型价值的重建

12.Reflection on the Practice of Upgrading Principals′ Personalities and Constructing School Style with Dual Training Modes;校长人格提升和学校风格特色双重建构培训模式的实践反思

13.On the Reestablishment of the Personality of Poets in the Period of Jian an --an Initial Study of the Style of Jian an Poetry;论建安诗人个体人格之重建——建安时期诗歌创作的时代风格之形成研究之一

14.The reestablishment of Individual Personality and the reassessment of moral value--An Investigation of the life-and-death confrontation in the work “Wild Grass”;人格的重建与道德价值的重估——论《野草》中生与死的对抗

15.The Chinese armed forces pay great attention to training qualified personnel for the country"s economic construction.中国军队注重为国家经济建设事业造就和输送合格人才。

16.The Historical Basis of the Structure of Multiple Integration--Double Angles of View of History and Anthropology;多元一体格局的历史基建——历史学与人类学的双重视角

17.Rewriting of Maternal Instinct Sign, Reconstruction of the Feminine Personality;母性符号的改写,女性人格的重建——解读铁凝的《大浴女》

18.A Reconstruction of the Identity between the Life of People and that of the State--On the Theme of Marx’s Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right;重建“人民生活”和“国家生活”的同一性——论《黑格尔法哲学批判》的主题


the personality and the morals reconstruction人格和道德重建

3)mesh reconstruction网格重建

4)construction of personality人格建构

1.Having led into Lacan s theory about theconstruction of personality of subject and analyzed the women images of the female writings thoroughly,we can reach a oonclusion.文章引入拉康关于主体人格建构理论对女性文化文本主体人格建构进行了细致分析,从而得出以下结论:她们过分信任自己象征界的眼力,以极具破坏力的话语,不断制造狡黠的诡计,展示主体的存在,而人类诸多美好的情感则是缺席的;她们对现实界的体认仅局限于低层次的消费层面,以“身体的开放”代替心灵的开放,以身体器官的沉醉代替审美的沉醉,故其主体人格是残缺的。

5)bullding up of personality人格建树

6)personality construction人格建造


《关于维护、保持及重建和平公约》《关于维护、保持及重建和平公约》Convention for the Maintenance,Preservation and Reestablishment of PeaceGuanyu Weihu Baochi 11 Chong)ianHePing Gongyue《关于维护、保持及重建和平公约》(Conventionfor theM山i儿tenance,Preservationand Reestablishment ofpeace)全称《美洲国家间维护和平会议所通过的关于维护、保持以及重建和平公约》。美国等2]个美洲国家于1936年12月23日在阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯签订,次年8月25日生效,无限期有效。公约有5条正文,主要内容是:一旦美洲大陆受到威胁,各国政府将通过共同协商以制定维持和平的方法;在美洲国家间发生战争或事实上处于战争状态的情况下,各国应立即相互协商,以便交换意见,寻求和平协作的方法;在美洲以外的国际战争可能威胁美洲各国和平时,亦应举行此种协商,以确定为确保美洲和平而采取联合行动的时间和方式。公约的签署是美国政府推行“睦邻政策”的结果,反映了美洲国家反对法西斯扩张、保卫其主权与独立及维护和平的愿望。(王承)
