1200字范文 > 地方政府 local government英语短句 例句大全

地方政府 local government英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-19 12:03:49


地方政府 local government英语短句 例句大全

地方政府,local government

1)local government地方政府

1.Effective function analysis of thelocal government on the regional financial risk prevention and supervision;地方政府对区域金融风险防范及监管的有效职能分析

2.PRDlocal governments role in clustering innovation;珠三角地方政府在集群创新中的作用

3.The analysis of facilitory mechanism acted bylocal government in industry cluster;地方政府对产业集群的促导机制和效应解析


1.of or relating to the government of a municipality.地方政府的或者与地方政府相关的。

monwealth Local government Forum英联邦地方政府论坛(地方政府论坛)

3.Land Price,Competition Among Local Governments and Governance Failure;土地价格、地方政府竞争与政府失灵

4.Article 7 Regional and Local Governments第7条 地区和地方政府

5.These decision are made at the state or local levels.而是由州政府或地方政府制定的。

6.Central government, ie the government of a whole country, as contrasted with local government中央政府(区别於地方政府)

7.a grant from a central government to a local government.从中央政府到地方政府的拨款。

8.The Research of Governance on Local Government and Effective Government;地方政府治理及有效型政府构建研究

9.The Brand Marketing of Local Government and the Construction of Service-oriented Government;地方政府“品牌营销”与服务型政府建设

10.Local Government s Reputation and Its Efficiency in Carrying Out Decisions;地方政府的决策执行水平与政府信用

11.Discussion on " reasonable government" and local government debts;理性政府"及地方政府举债问题探析

12.The Research of Government"s Credibility and Capacity-building for Local Government政府公信力与地方政府能力建设研究

13.Relations of Magistrates and Government Clerks and Their Influence on the Regional Politics of the Song Dynasty;宋代地方政府之官吏关系与地方政治

14.Local Low-rank Officials, Local Governments and Bureaucratic Policy of Qing Dynast;清代的地方吏役、地方政府与官僚政治

15.Local Governance: From Local Government Innovation to Comprehensive Governance地方政府治理:从地方政府创新到全面治理

16.Policy Games and their Solutions between Central Government and Local Governments;中央政府与地方政府的政策博弈及其治理

17.Fiscal Game Mode Analysis between the Central and Local Governments in China我国中央政府与地方政府间财政博弈式探析

18.The Fiscal Actions of Local Governments:Local Fiscal Capacity and Local Development地方政府财政行为:地方财力与地方发展


local governments地方政府

1.Local Governments,Behavior Consistency and the Determinants of Farmers Burden——Panel Data Analysis on Shanxi Province;地方政府、行为一致性与农民负担决定——以山西省1994—2000年的面板数据为例

2.Evaluation on the Performance of Local Governments in China;中国地方政府能力评价研究

3.Functions oflocal governments in China s western development;论西部大开发中的地方政府职能

3)the local government地方政府

1.The Institution Innovation of the Local Government and Development of Private Economy--The Research of the Wenzhou Institutional Evolvement;地方政府制度创新与民营经济发展——温州制度变迁研究

2.The function ofthe local government should be decided and the programs and policies should be enacted accordingly.在西部生态环境不断恶化的情况下,地方政府在环境保护中的作用举足轻重,但是西部地方政府在角色定位方面存在着严重的偏差。

3.The innovation ofthe local government public business administration style based on principal-agent should improve the principal-agent operation bid management mechanism, perfect the contract assurance system and innovate the incentive and restraint mechanism.基于委托代理的地方政府公共事业管理方式创新,需健全地方政府公共事业委托代理运作招投标管理机制,完善地方政府公共事业委托代理运作合同保证制度,创新地方政府公共事业委托代理运作激励约束机制。

4)local authority地方政府

1.During the Nanjing Provisional Government time, founded on receiving the policy of central authorities changing existing habits and customs and based on consolidating rule, Shanghailocal authority issued a series of reform laws with progressive significance to abolish the old and establish the new, which fully reflect the government goal of modern country.南京临时政府时期,上海地方政府在秉承中央政府移风易俗政策的基础上,以巩固统治为变俗根本,发布了一系列具有进步意义的改革法令,除旧布新,充分体现了现代国家治理的目标。

2.The Britishlocal authority s governance transformation is an incessant process.英国地方政府改革是一个持续不断的过程。

3.Thelocal authority institution innovation has also hindered the reform s further deepening while effectively impeding the economic development,appearing the deviation with the goal of social development.地方政府制度创新在有效的推动经济发展的同时也阻碍了改革的进一步深化,与社会发展的目标出现了偏差。

5)Regional government地方政府

1.Unlike the conventional theory of"voting by foot",the"yardstick competition"theory,which used to be applied to the regulation of the government behaviour and is currently used as a means of analyzing the competitive acts of regional governments,is more focused on the behaviour of government officials than on the interest of the local people.随着财政分权的发展,该理论被用来分析地方政府间的竞争行为。

2.Regional government has important role in the Northeast Old Industrial Base Revival.地方政府在振兴东北老工业基地的进程当中起着举足轻重的作用,包括宏观调控地方经济发展、协调社会矛盾、营造有效的市场环境等。

3.The question of divarication of competitive sports management style of China regional government under the background of transition period and duality structure is the question of reform to "national system".转型时期和地区发展二元结构双重约束条件下,我国地方政府在竞技体育事业发展中的管理方式歧化及其相关问题,是近年来我国竞技体育“举国体制”改革的讨论当中遇到的一个棘手而又绕不开的问题。

6)local government finance地方政府财政

1.The revenue from land resource tax is a major source oflocal government finance.土地资源税收是地方政府财政收入的主要来源。


