1200字范文 > 日本经济衰退 the economic recession of Japan英语短句 例句大全

日本经济衰退 the economic recession of Japan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-05 16:10:06


日本经济衰退 the economic recession of Japan英语短句 例句大全

日本经济衰退,the economic recession of Japan

1)the economic recession of Japan日本经济衰退


1.The Japanese Economic Recession and its Revelation Under the Financial Tsunami金融海啸下的日本经济衰退及其启示

2.The economy was turning down at that time.那时经济正日趋衰退。

3.The riddle of "Ten Lost Years" --Analysis on the reasons of the permnent decline of Japan s economy;"失去的十年"之迷——日本经济长期衰退原因探析

4.Japan s Three Turning Points and Its Continuous Economic Recession in Late Years;日本的三个转折点与近年经济的持续衰退

5.At the same time, Japan slides deeper into a slump, and we see all the output declines of this past year repeated.与此同时,日本将陷入更深的经济衰退困境; 今年各方面所经历的出产量衰退情况将会重现。

6.A Study on Japan s Economy in the Past More than 10 Years;日本经济衰退的症状、原因及现状与前景研究

7.A recession in America that affected Japan and the euro area would hit growth in Asia too.美国经济的衰退已经影响了日本和欧元区的经济,它也同样会打击亚洲经济的增长率。

8.With Japan moving towards a recession and Europe gasping for breath,experts are pinning their hopes on signs of a US recovery.由于日本经济逐步走向衰退,欧洲经济吃紧,专家们把所有的希望都集中在美国经济的复苏上。

9.U.S.Fundamentals Forebode No Recession;美国经济基本面良好,尚无衰退之虞

10.The protracted economic recession of Japan and the Great Depression of the 1930s are both characterized by zero interest rate plus deflation.日本持续经济衰退与30年代的经济大萧条都表现出零利率加通货紧缩的特征。

11.But this economy was in recession on Sept. 10, 2001.但在2001年9月10日,经济已经处于衰退中了。

12.Towards the end of the year, the US dollar strengthened again against the Yen in the face of a deepening recession in Japan, and the EERI rose again to close the year at 141.接近年底时,日本经济进一步衰退,美元兑日圆再度转强,港汇指数回升,年底收市报141。

13.Goldman Sachs also argued yesterday that the impact of weakening American demand would be exacerbated by the fact that “Japan is also teetering on the edge of recession’’.高盛昨日还表示,“日本也正徘徊在经济衰退边缘”这一事实,将加剧美国需求不断走弱的影响。

14.We are now in the midst of an economic recession with a worsening situation of unemployment.我们处在当今经济衰退、裁员日增的时期。

15.We are experiencing slump conditions .我们正经历着经济衰退。

16.She maintains that the capriciousness of the stock market, coupled with a decade-long recession, will not affect the growth of SRI in Japan.她坚信,股市变幻莫测以及长达的经济衰退,都不会影响社会责任投资在日本的增长。

17.Will U.S.Run into a Long Term Recession?美国经济会陷入长期衰退吗?——马克思主义视角以及与日本20世纪90年代的比较

18.The crisis turn back the entire economy of the capitalist world.那次危机使整个资本主义世界的经济全面衰退。


economic recession经济衰退

1.Using the currency crisis since 1990 as a sample, this paper empirically analyzes theeconomic recession after currency crises.文章以1990年以来的近200次货币危机为样本,对货币危机后的经济衰退进行了经验分析。

2.A dynamic model on the co-evolution of environmental and economic system is developed to analyze the mechanism ofeconomic recession due to environmental pollution.建立了环境经济耦合系统的动力学模型 ,分析了环境污染引发经济衰退的机制 。

3.This paper expounds and analyses the international economic background of these twoeconomic recessions and recoveries, as well as the differences between them.本文论述与分析这两次经济衰退与复苏的国际经济背景,并比较分析这两次经济衰退与经济复苏的不同特点。

3)Economic Depression经济衰退

1.The Impact of U.S. sEconomic Depression on Southeast Asian Countries;美国经济衰退对东南亚国家的影响

2.From Unequlibrium to Equilibrium——China s Countermeasure to AmericanEconomic Depression;从不均衡走向均衡——兼论中国应对美国经济衰退

3.Hong Kong is experiencing a severe economic depression.当前 ,香港经济形势严峻 ,文章根据当前香港经济现状 ,分析了造成香港经济衰退的原因 ,并在此基础上 ,提出了治理香港经济的建议。


1.An Empirical Study on International Synchronization of U.S.EconomicRecessions美国经济衰退的国际相关性实证研究

2.The paper theoretically investigates housing cycle and inverted yield curve and empirically tests the result of combined prediction of economic recession by these two variables.本文对房地产周期与收益率曲线反转对经济衰退的预测两个变量的联合预测进行了理论探讨和实证检验。

3.This paper mainly discuss the mechanism on how the international financial crisis and recession in the real economy impact the logistics industry in China: the crisis and recession not only have direct impacts on the logistics industry in spot markets, but also by declined long-term demand, which can seriously harm the development of logistics industry.在对物流行业的经济属性的分析基础上,探讨了国际金融危机及实体经济衰退对于物流行业的影响机制,认为金融危机和实体经济衰退既直接冲击了物流产业,更通过衰退的需求在长期内严重影响物流产业的发展。


6)Japan"s economy日本经济


