1200字范文 > 都市水墨 Metropolis Shui Mo英语短句 例句大全

都市水墨 Metropolis Shui Mo英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-14 10:10:48


都市水墨 Metropolis Shui Mo英语短句 例句大全

都市水墨,Metropolis Shui Mo

1)Metropolis Shui Mo都市水墨

1."Metropolis shui mo" is the basic thrust of the form of ink to describe and direct the performance of a modern city landscape,urban scenes and urban life of the characters.都市水墨正是在这个全球化的背景下被提上议事日程的。


1.Where is the Road--An Apocalyptic of Chinese Painting in Modern Cities敢问路在何方——现代都市水墨画启示录

2.Research on the Contemporary Evolvement and Modern Experience of Urban Ink-portrait Painting;论都市水墨人物画的当代性演变及其现代经验

3.About Urban Ink Portraits of Contemporary Cultural Backgrounds Consider关于都市水墨人物画的当代文化背景的思考

4.Every drop of ink in my pen ran cold.我的钢笔的每一滴墨水都变凉了。

5.The child splashed ink about.孩子把墨水洒得到处都是。

6.I wanted some ink, but there was none in the house.我要墨水,但家里一点都没有。

7.The ink had faded so that many words were illegible.因墨水褪色了,许多字迹都很难读。

8.I"m afraid I spilled ink all over the tablecloth.恐怕我把墨水撒得满桌布都是。

9.Water, society and environment in the history of one Mexican city.一个墨西哥城市历史上的环境、会和水。

10.A small reservoir for ink.墨水池小型贮墨水容器

11.Ink stains worse than almost anything.墨水造成的污迹几乎比任何东西都厉害。

12.Study on the Development of Ink Image and Figure Paintings;水墨墨象与水墨人物画演进历程试探

13.Walk in city border:Another annotation of the Chivalry and Mohist Spirit in Shui Hu Zhuan;游走在城市边缘:对《水浒》侠墨精神的再阐释

14.Study And Marketable Outlook on Water Coloring of Environmental Protection;环保型水性油墨的研制、开发与市场展望

15.The ink quickly sinks in the blotting paper.墨水很快渗入吸墨纸中。

16.An Investigation of the Market of Computer Output Equipment and Consuming Materials-Color Inkjet Printers and Inks;国内计算机外设与耗材市场分析研究 彩色喷墨打印机及墨水的市场浅析

17.Studied on Start-up of Additional Gas IC Reactor and Treatment Technology on Printing Ink Wastewater and Municipal Wastewater;附加气IC反应器的启动及对油墨废水和城市生活污水处理的研究

18.Study on the Construction of Local Water Network and Water Resources Use in Jimo City;即墨市局域水网建设与水资源高效开发利用研究


urban ink都市水墨

1.However,urban ink ,as the transitional painting style of chinese painting,is faced with the problem how to give expression to art\"s humanist and spiritual value in the more and more material social background, which is a problem we must think over in creation ofurban ink.然而,作为中国画的现代化转型绘画样式——都市水墨,面临在当代纯物质化的社会背景下,如何重现艺术的人文价值与艺术的精神性价值,这是都市水墨创作中必须思考的问题。

2.This paper attempts at a deeper understanding of contemporaryurban ink portraits of the development process after they have to do more in depth analysis and inquiry,focusing on the diversification of the current cultural context,in an environment of popular culture,urban ink portraits should have what kind of contemporary features.本文试图在深入了解当代都市水墨人物画的发展历程后对其做较为深入的分析与探究,重点探析当下多元化文化语境下、在大众文化的环境下,都市水墨人物画又该具有怎样的当代性特征。

3)Opinion about Water-ink Drawing of Metropolitan都市水墨的思考

4)Urban Ink-Portraits Painting都市水墨人物画

1.After twenty years of development,Urban Ink-Portraits Painting has been emerging as a powerful force in Chinese ink painting.都市水墨人物画经过二十多年的发展逐渐兴起,成为中国水墨画的一支重要的新生力量。

5)the current washing painting of urban figures当代都市水墨人物画

1.On the present basis,the current washing painting of urban figures shows the living conditions of contemporary urban characters with unique expressive styles from the individual viewpoints.当代都市水墨人物画是二十世纪九十年代以来主要表现都市题材的水墨人物画,它既不同于传统水墨人物画,又不同于现实主义水墨人物画,在切入当下的基础上,当代都市水墨人物画以极具个人化的视角与独特的语言样式表现当代都市人的生存情境,以实现对当下都市的水墨式追问,当代都市水墨人物画为“水墨”与“当下”的对话提供了一种新的调合方式。

6)city hydropower都市水电


