1200字范文 > 主观价值论 subjective theory of value英语短句 例句大全

主观价值论 subjective theory of value英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-12 14:21:17


主观价值论 subjective theory of value英语短句 例句大全

主观价值论,subjective theory of value

1)subjective theory of value主观价值论

2)subjective value主观价值

3)On Outlook of Value of Collectivism论集体主义价值观

4)mainstream values主流价值观

1.The establishment of themainstream values of youg people in China;当前我国青少年主流价值观的建构

2.The Influence of Puritanism on the Mainstream Values of American Multiculturalism美国多元文化社会主流价值观的清教主义缩影

3.Reflection on the Mediaeval Arab Social Mainstream Values in One Thousand and One Nights从《一千零一夜》看中世纪阿拉伯社会主流价值观


1.Dialectic Analysis of Dominent Value and Mainstream Value--With Respect to Changes in the Mainstream Value since the Reform and Implementation of Open-up Policy;主导价值观与主流价值观辨证——兼论改革开放以来主流价值观的变迁

2.Maintenance and Construction of Mainstream Values in Contemporary China;从“主流价值观”到“核心价值观”——当代中国主流价值观维护与建构的思考

3.The Influence of Puritanism on the Mainstream Values of American Multiculturalism美国多元文化社会主流价值观的清教主义缩影

4.The Analysis of the Mainstream Values in Today s Chinese Youth;关于塑造我国当前青少年主流价值观的新思考

5.Principal Concepts of Value and the Ideological Course of Chinese Writers in the 20th Century;主流价值观与20世纪中国作家的思想历程

6.A Study on the Present Situation and Influencing Factors of the Middle-school Students" Mainstream Values中学生主流价值观现状及影响因素的研究

7.The Underlying Mainstream Values of the Early Western Social Security System西方早期社会保障制度背后的主流价值观

8.Reflection on the Mediaeval Arab Social Mainstream Values in One Thousand and One Nights从《一千零一夜》看中世纪阿拉伯社会主流价值观

9.Try hard to make the view of science and technology play an important role in urban culture;努力使崇尚科技观念成为城市文化中的主流价值观

10.A Study on the Fundamental Situation and Influential Factors of the College Students" Mainstream Values大学生主流价值观的基本状况及其影响因素的研究

11.Puritan Influences on American Mainstream Cultural Values;论清教主义对美国主流文化价值观的影响

12.Cultivation of Youth Main Value and Mass Consciousness Disintegration;意识群体性分流与青少年主导价值观的培育

13.The Law and Countermeasures of Non-mainstream Culture s Effect on University Students Value Sense;非主流文化对大学生价值观影响的规律与对策

plementary of Concepts between Different Schools within Same Values同一价值主张下不同流派之间的观念互补

15.the values of justice and democracy正义和民主的价值观

16.The Development of Value Theory: Naturalism Theory of Value;价值理论的新发展——自然主义价值观

17.About the Social Dominant Value and the Individual Value;论社会主导价值观和个性化价值意识

18.Path of Propagation of Sense of Worth of the Cultural Core;中国电影的精神地图——论主流电影与文化核心价值观的传播路径


subjective value主观价值

3)On Outlook of Value of Collectivism论集体主义价值观

4)mainstream values主流价值观

1.The establishment of themainstream values of youg people in China;当前我国青少年主流价值观的建构

2.The Influence of Puritanism on the Mainstream Values of American Multiculturalism美国多元文化社会主流价值观的清教主义缩影

3.Reflection on the Mediaeval Arab Social Mainstream Values in One Thousand and One Nights从《一千零一夜》看中世纪阿拉伯社会主流价值观

5)leading values主导价值观

1.In facing the social reality of the polybasic value,the modern university students are generally positive,healthy and upward,but some of them have diverged from socialleading values.在价值观多元化的社会现实面前,当代大学生价值观总体上是积极、健康、向上的,但部分大学生中也存在对社会主导价值观的偏离。

6)dominant values主导价值观

1.College years are the key period to carry out the education ofdominant values for young students.大学时期是对学生进行主导价值观教育的关键时期。

2.Just like the environment,thedominant values of contemporary college students have been contaminated.处于社会转型期的大学生,社会主导价值观对其凝聚力和文化力减弱的情形业已出现。


价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VAjiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分
