1200字范文 > 科学基金制 Foundation system of nature science英语短句 例句大全

科学基金制 Foundation system of nature science英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-18 17:02:04


科学基金制 Foundation system of nature science英语短句 例句大全

科学基金制,Foundation system of nature science

1)Foundation system of nature science科学基金制

1.TheFoundation system of nature science is an important means for adjusting the optimired allocation of science research resources in China——the statistic analysis of the projects supported by the foundatios of nature science from 1982 to 1995;科学基金制是调控我国科学资源优化配置的重要手段———1982至1995年国家自然科学基金优化配置情况的统计分析


1.Evolution,Evaluation and Policy Recommendations for Chinese Science Foundation Institution;我国科学基金制的演变、评价与政策建议

2.The Role and Function of the Science Fund System in National Innovation System of China;论科学基金制在我国创新体系中的地位和作用

3.An Analysis of Interactive Relations Between the Systems of National Natural Science Funds and Graduate Education;国家自然科学基金制与研究生培养制度的互动关系分析

4.Simple Analysis on Quality Control in Application of Local Foundation of Science地方科学基金项目申报质量控制浅析

5.Experiences of foreign science foundations to promote fairness and the suggestion to us;国外科学基金公正性的制度安排与启示

6.A Preliminary Research on Quantity Control of the Application for Proposals of the National Natural Science Foundation;浅论国家自然科学基金项目申报质量控制

7.ESF Communications欧洲科学基金会通信

8.European Science Foundation Assemblies欧洲科学基金会大会

9.International Information Science Foundation国际信息科学基金会

10.Review on the Applications and Support to Projects of General Program by NSFC in the Fields of Astronomy in ;度天文学科科学基金面上项目

11.Review of the Applications and the Support for Projects of General Program by NSFC in the Fields of Astronomy in 2001;2001年度天文学科科学基金面上项目

12.United Nations Fund for Science and Technology for Development联合国科学和技术促进发展基金(科技发基金)

13.Analysis of the Strategy of Funding Profile of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science;日本学术振兴会(JSPS)科学基金资助机制与战略分析

14.Research on NSF Regulating Research Misconduct by Law美国国家科学基金会对学术不端行为的法律规制

15.Study on the Trust Mechanism of Finance System of Harmonious Society Based on the Scientific Concept of Development;基于科学发展观的和谐社会金融系统信任机制研究

16.How Chinese management for science funds could be benefit from the auditing oversight system of NSF美国国家科学基金会审计监督制度对我国的启示

17.System,awareness of quality:Local Science Fund Management finished the three dimensions制度、意识、素质:地方科学基金结题管理的三个维度

18.The application of scientometrics to science fundation management;科学计量学方法在科学基金项目管理中的应用


The System of National Natural Science Funds自然科学基金制

1.The System of National Natural Science Funds shoulders the essential responsibility of promoting the fundamental research and innovative research, while the system of graduate education functions as the basis of training professionals and specialists.国家自然科学基金制担负着推动基础研究和创新研究的重要任务 ,研究生培养制度则是我国培养高水平专业人才的基础所在。

3)Scientific Fund科学基金

1.Analysis on the later stage management of scientific fund at basic level scientific research institution;浅谈基层科研单位科学基金的后期管理

2.On the basis of factor analysis, this article introduces the application of this method to the study of the synthetical evaluation indicator system of scientific fund.在对因子分析方法进行理论探讨的基础上,将其引入科学基金综合评价指标体系的优化研究,取得了满意的结果。

4)science foundation科学基金

1.Some considerations on the construction of the teams ofscience foundation management in colleges;高校科学基金管理队伍建设建议

2.Experiences of foreignscience foundations to promote fairness and the suggestion to us;国外科学基金公正性的制度安排与启示

3.Discussion on Improvement of Natural Science Foundation Supporting System;关于完善科学基金资助体系的探讨


1.Advances in research on preventive medicine funded byNSFC;预防医学国家自然科学基金资助项目研究成果简介

2.The Important Support Role ofNSFC in Promoting the Climate Change Research in Atmospheric Science;国家自然科学基金为推动我国大气科学学科中的气候变化研究提供重要支撑

3.As the development of China s government performance management and budget reform,and the management development ofNSFC,performance evaluation ofNSFC is necessary.本文从我国政府绩效管理改革和财政预算改革的发展趋势、科学基金管理自身发展等方面分析了我国科学基金绩效评估的需求,通过总结美国国家科学基金会绩效评估体系和经验,对我国科学基金的绩效评估提出了若干政策建议。

6)science fund科学基金

1.The application of scientometrics toscience fundation management;科学计量学方法在科学基金项目管理中的应用

2.The Role and Function of the Science Fund System in National Innovation System of China;论科学基金制在我国创新体系中的地位和作用


