1200字范文 > 农村饮水工程 rural drinking water engineering英语短句 例句大全

农村饮水工程 rural drinking water engineering英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-10 17:49:39


农村饮水工程 rural drinking water engineering英语短句 例句大全

农村饮水工程,rural drinking water engineering

1)rural drinking water engineering农村饮水工程

1.Existing problems ofrural drinking water engineering in Meizhou City and their solution;梅州市农村饮水工程存在问题与解决思路

2.The construction period ofrural drinking water engineering involves large investment and long working hour including design,tender,construction,acceptance,operation,etc.农村饮水工程建设应该与供水站管理制度的制定同步进行。


1.The GIS-based Regional Planning of Rural Drinking Water Supply;基于GIS的农村饮水工程规划研究

2.Water source administration and protection of rural drinking water works in Beihai city浅谈北海市农村饮水工程的水源管理与保护

3.Probe into the Sustainable Development of the Rural Drinking-water Project in Fangshan County;关于方山县农村饮水工程可持续发展的探讨

4.Existing problems of rural drinking water engineering in Meizhou City and their solution;梅州市农村饮水工程存在问题与解决思路

5.The Drinking Water Price of Safety Drinking in Rural Area and the Post-evaluation of Drinking Project农村安全饮用水水价及饮水工程后评价

6.Guarantee Mechanism of Zhejiang Rural Drinking Water Safety Project浙江农村饮水安全工程保障机制研究

7.Promoting the Continuous Utilization of Dysdipsia Relieving Projects through Strengthening Engineering Management;通过工程管理促进农村饮水解困工程持续利用

8.Water Quality of Rural Drinking Water Safety Project in Sichuan 四川省农村饮水安全工程水质调查分析

9.Examining quality of daily drinking water engineering and analysis of result in Yan′an延安市农村生活饮用水工程水质检测结果分析

10.Hygienic Evaluation of Drinking Water Safety Project in Countryside of Ya"an in 雅安市农村饮水安全工程水质卫生学调查

11.Quality test results ananysis of safe drinking water projects in rural area in Shunyi顺义区农村安全饮水工程水质检测结果分析

12.Discussion on Water Supply Project Construction Management and Safety Problems of Drinking Water in Rural Areas农村改水工程建设管理和饮水安全问题的探讨

13.Research of PPP Participated in Drinking Water Security Engineering in Rural Areas;PPP模式在农村饮水安全工程中的应用研究

14.Hegang City Safety of Drinking Water Projects Areas after Construction Management System;鹤岗市农村饮水安全工程建后管理体制改革

15.Study on the Paticipation of PPP into Rural Drinking Water Safety Project Operation Management;PPP参与农村饮水安全工程运营管理的研究

16.Probe into the Rural Drinking-water Difficulty Solving Project of Jiancaoping District,Taiyuan City;太原市尖草坪区农村饮水解困工程初探

17.Construction and Management of Rural Drinking Projects in the Lintao County;临洮县农村饮水解困工程的建设与管理

18.Management of Rural Drinking Water in Wencheng County文成县农村饮用水工程建设和管理的思考


rural drinking water security project农村饮水安全工程

1.More attentions have been paid torural drinking water security project by Binzhou government.滨州市高度重视农村饮水安全保障工作,在对全市农村饮水安全状况调查、监测、评价基础上,找出了存在的主要问题,探索、实践、总结出了全市农村饮水安全工程建设的措施、经验以及管理的成功模式,较好地解决了全市农村饮水安全问题,为不同类型区农村饮水安全工作提供了有益的借鉴。

3)Rural Drinking-water Difficulty Solving Project农村饮水解困工程

1.Probe into theRural Drinking-water Difficulty Solving Project of Jiancaoping District,Taiyuan City;太原市尖草坪区农村饮水解困工程初探

4)rural drinking water农村饮水

1.Analysis on general situation ofrural drinking water safety;农村饮水安全基本现状分析

2.Rural drinking water work of Guilin city;桂林市农村饮水工作的思考

3.Countermeasure studies for acceleratingrural drinking water safety project construction in Guangxi;加快广西农村饮水安全工程建设对策研究

5)Rural Drinking Water Information System农村饮水工程信息管理系统

1.According to actual demand,Rural Drinking Water Information System(RDWIS) for a province, 平台,分析、设计、编码实现了某省农村饮水工程信息管理系统(RDWIS),包括现状管理、规划管理、计划管理、项目管理、数据对比、系统管理、数据预处理等软件模块,并进行了软件部署与维护。

6)the post-establishing management of rural drinking water safety project农村饮水安全工程建后管理

1.At the same time,the post-establishing management of rural drinking water safety project is the important guarantee for the normal operation of rural drinking water safety project.同时,农村饮水安全工程的建后管理是工程正常运行的重要保证,但一直是农村饮水安全存在的主要问题,因此,对农村饮水安全工程建后管理的研究也是非常迫切和必要的。


