1200字范文 > 一贯道 Yiguandao英语短句 例句大全

一贯道 Yiguandao英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-01 19:14:33


一贯道 Yiguandao英语短句 例句大全



1.How the Reactionary Secret Society"Yiguandao" Was Banned in Suiyuan Area During the First Years of the People′s Republic of China;建国初期绥远地区取缔一贯道的斗争


1.How the Reactionary Secret Society"Yiguandao" Was Banned in Suiyuan Area During the First Years of the People′s Republic of China;建国初期绥远地区取缔一贯道的斗争

2.That way scholarship and moral virtue can be combined.这样,学问和道德可以融贯一气了。

3.They are digging a tunnel through the hill.他们正在挖一条贯通这座山的隧道。

4.The hill is pierced by a tunnel.这座小山被一个隧道贯穿。

5.I have always been aware that I am by nature self-absorbed and egoistical;我一贯知道,我生性是自顾自和利己的;

6.Journalists are not always accurate (in what they write).新闻工作者(的报道)并非一贯准确。

7.There was a small natural meadow there, through which flowed a stream.那里有一小片天然草坪,一道溪水流贯其中。

8.Coufucius said to his disciple, Zeng Zi,"My doctrine is an all-pervading principle."孔子说:“参啊,我的道理是以一理贯通万事万物的。”

9.Trajectory Consistence Evaluation Method Based on Probability Circle and Sequential Test基于概率圆序贯检验的弹道一致性评定方法

10.An Object-oriented Integration Program for Estimation of Through Error面向对象的巷道贯通误差一体化预计方法

11.The Ancient Tea-Horse Road traversed through Yunnan, Sichuan and Tibet of China to Southeast Asia and South Asia.茶马古道,是历史上一条贯穿滇、、等省()马帮运输古驿道。

12.This time the men were imported as work crews to construct the first transcontinental railroad.这一次他们是作为建造第一条横贯大陆的铁道的劳工而进口来的。

13.Do you know what "native place"-one of items of a Chinese form-mean?在中国人填写的表格中,有一项是“籍贯”,你知道是什么意思吗?

14.He"s always on the make, I have never known him do a disinterested action.他这个人一贯都是唯利是图, 我从来不知道他有什么无私的行动。

15.The East-West oil pipeline is nearly half welded and laid.东西贯通的输油管道已经差不多焊接和铺设好了一半。

16."A nickel"d ha" ben enough," she said."It"s just like you, no idea of the value of money. The child"ll eat himself sick."“给他五分就够了,”她说,“跟你一样,不知道金钱的贯重。会吃坏肚子的。”

17.In 1825, the Erie Canal opened, to serve as a crucial waterway through New York State.1825年开通了伊利运河,成为贯穿纽约城的一个重要通道。

18.New Ideas on the Concept of Eudemonia--On Learning Application Program of the Establishment of Citizens Moralities;幸福是一种感觉——从学习贯彻《公民道德建设实施纲要》谈起


My Dao is consistent with one"吾道一以贯之


1.He expounded his opinion of consistent reason with the pattern of questions and answers and emphasized the understanding of “real consistency” through dispute.《一贯问答》是方以智遁入佛门后的著作。

4)Yiguan Decoction一贯煎

1.Clinical Study on Toxicity-attenuation Effect ofYiguan Decoction in Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer with NP Protocol of Chemotherapy;一贯煎对非小细胞肺癌NP方案化疗减毒作用的临床研究

2.In his book entitled Continuation of the Classified Medical Records of Well known Doctors, it is recorded that he created a formula namedYiguan Decoction for strongly nourishing the yin phase of the liver, kidney and stomach and that he used Yiqi Decoction to heavily nourish the yang phase of the spleen and kidney.魏玉横一生倡导“补肝” ,在所辑《续名医类案》一书中既创“一贯煎”以峻补肝肾胃阴 ,又用“一气汤”重补脾肾之阳。

5)unfailing faith一贯思想

1.Deng Xiao ping maintained anunfailing faith of the importance of education.重视教育是邓小平的一贯思想 ,是邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义伟大战略思想的重要组成部


1.On Consistency of Deng Xiaopin’s Human Rights Criterion;试论邓小平人权标准的一贯性

2.7-audit report was revised on 14 April,,three aspects specified in the opinion paragraph of audit report were changed into two,and theconsistency was not obliged to specify individually any longer.我国于年度修订审计报告准则,它对年报中审计报告意见段的表述从“三要求”变成“二要求”,“一贯性”要求已不需单独表述。

3.If the accounting data have not the characters of comparability andconsistency which researchers wanted, many of conclusions would be trustless.实证研究严重依赖于所使用的数据,一旦会计数据并非如研究者所想象的具有可比性和一贯性,以往获得的不少结论就要打上折扣。


