1200字范文 > 天山天池风景区 haven lake scenic area of tianshan mountains英语短句 例句大全

天山天池风景区 haven lake scenic area of tianshan mountains英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-01 21:52:17


天山天池风景区 haven lake scenic area of tianshan mountains英语短句 例句大全

天山天池风景区,haven lake scenic area of tianshan mountains

1)haven lake scenic area of tianshan mountains天山天池风景区


1.Investigation and Study of the Degree of Tourists" Satisfaction with the Scenic Spot,Heavenly Pond,in the Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang新疆天山天池风景区游客满意度调查研究

2.Preliminary Study on the Follow-up Development of the Tianchi Scene Area in the Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang;新疆天山天池风景名胜区的后续开发

3.Study on the Collapse and Its Prevention in Heavenly Pond in Tianshan of Xinjiang Province新疆天山天池景区飞龙涧崩塌及其防治

4.The Occurrence and Distribution of Monochamus alternatus Hope in Wuyi Scenery Spot武夷山风景区松墨天牛的发生与分布

5.The Tianshan Mountains and Lake of Heaven are included among the 44 national parks designated as such in the first government decree of this kind issued by the State Council in Beijing.天山、天池是国务院第一批公布的44处国家重点风景名胜中的一处。

6.the scenic splendor of the Tianshan Mountains天山山脉瑰丽的风景

7.More Beautiful Natural Scenery in the Mountain Resort than the West Lake;天然风景胜西湖——避暑山庄湖区荷花景观赏析

8.Human Resource of Travel Agencies in Tianzhushan Scenic Spots:Present Situation,Problem and Countermeasures;天柱山风景区旅行社人力资源:现状、问题及对策

9.Study on Improving the Present Management System of Tiantaishan Scenic Spot in Qionglai City Sichuan Province;四川省天台山风景名胜区管理体制改革初探

10.An analysis of the tourist environment capacityin the national scenic resort of Tiantaishan;天台山国家风景名胜区旅游环境容量分析

11.The Soil Erosion Effects and Influence Cause on the Tiantai Mountain Tourist Destination in Zhejiang浙江天台山风景区水土流失成因及影响研究

12.The Primary Study on Evaluation and Resources Classification of Landscape Forest of Heaven Scenery Zone in Mountain Tai;泰山登天景区风景林资源分类及景观评价初步研究

13.Study on Comprehensive Evaluation of Tourism Resources in Mulan Tianchi Scenic Area;木兰天池景区旅游资源综合评价研究

14.Research on Tourism Environmental Carrying Capacity of Tianchi Scenic;新疆天池景区旅游环境容量调控研究

15.A Study on Improving the Present Management System of Scenic Areas in China--Taking Tianzhushan Scenic Spot as an Example;改善我国风景名胜区现行管理体制的对策研究——以天柱山风景名胜区为例

16.The three megaliths at the entrance of Mt. Tienchu Scenic Area-- Tienchu mountain"s golden signboard.天柱山景区入口处的三块巨石——天柱山的金招牌。

paratively Study on the Characteristics of Litter of Different Natural Forests in Wuyishan Scenery District;武夷山风景名胜区不同类型天然林凋落物特征比较研究

18.11 Thursday Go to Huangshan, Tram trip to Huangshan, visit Tianhai, Xihai, Night at Huangshan.星期四):乘车赴黄山,游黄山风景区,缆车上山,天海,西海光明顶,宿黄山顶上。


Tianchi Scenic Spot天池风景名胜区

3)Tiantaishan resort area天台山风景区

1.Aihen scenic spot is one of important parts ofTiantaishan resort area,and a growth point in the future.艾河景区是天台山风景区重要组成部分,是未来发展的一个增长点。

4)Tianchi volcanic region天池火山区

1.We obtain P-and S-wave velocity tomography and V p/V S perturbation images at different depths beneath the ChangbaishanTianchi volcanic region by three-dimensional velocity structure inversion.利用三维地震透射观测系统所获得的莫霍界面反射波对长白山天池火山区下方上地壳的三维速度细结构进行了反演计算 ,得到了研究区下方地壳内不同深度的P、S波速度层析成像和VP VS 扰动分布图像 ,结果表明 ,天池火山区及其周边速度结构所呈现出的非均匀性变化与该区的地质构造和岩浆系统的存在有着密切的关系 ,异常变化比较明显的低P波速度异常体分布和高VP VS 扰动体意味这些介质体处在“软化高温”的状态 ,这与该地区广泛分布的地热异常和低Q值结构的研究结果是一致的 。

5)Tian Mu Mountain天目山自然风景区

6)Tianzhushan scenic spot天柱山景区


天湖旅游风景区天湖旅游风景区位于著名的广东省从化 温泉省级旅游度假区内,天湖库容1千万立方米,最深处40余米,湖水清澈晶莹,湖畔群山环抱。林中古木参天,处处层林叠翠,是远足探幽避暑的胜地。天湖的“百丈飞瀑”是华南地区最大的自然瀑布,六十年代以来许多中外名人都曾惊叹赞美天湖瀑布的恢宏气势,留下不少佳话:朱德总司令当年亲笔题写“山舞银蛇”四个大字至今仍刻在瀑布旁的峭壁上;文学大师郭沫若先生曾欣然赋诗: “百丈叠三瀑,一溪奏万笳、泉飞崖罩面水激石生花。”柬埔寨 西哈努克亲王到此也流连忘返,满怀兴致坚持要在瀑布下的岩石上与陪同人员共进午餐......
