1200字范文 > 大阴影 Giant shadow英语短句 例句大全

大阴影 Giant shadow英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-18 20:25:27


大阴影 Giant shadow英语短句 例句大全

大阴影,Giant shadow

1)Giant shadow大阴影


1.The prospect of war loomed large in everyone"s mind.战事将起的庞大阴影威慑人心.

2.The compared study of the giant shadow of pneumoconiosis stage Ⅲ with CT and X-ray featuresⅢ期尘肺大阴影的CT与X线表现对照分析

3.ShadowBuffSize - Numeric Button, from 512 to 10240, defining the shadow buffer size.阴影缓存大小-数字按钮,从512到1024,定义阴影缓存的尺寸。

4.The Effect of Chronic Hypoxia on Erectile Function of Rats;慢性缺氧对大鼠阴茎勃起功能的影响

5.The Anxiety In the Shadow of Great Poets On the Tang Poet Xue Neng;大家阴影下的焦虑——唐代诗人薛能论

6.He seemed, with his chilling an lofty aspect, like some eminence which casts a shadow over the sun.他阴森,高傲,就象一个能给太阳带来阴影的庞然大物。

7.The effect of strengthen kidney-yin and mourishing te heart and tranquilization on the learning and memory ability of the aged and yin-deficiency rat model;滋阴补肾、养心安神法对老年阴虚大鼠模型学习记忆的影响

8.The Effects of Nourishing Spleen Yin Recipe on Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Different Brain Areas of Spleen-Yin Deficiency Alzheimer s Disease Model Rats;滋补脾阴方药对脾阴虚痴呆大鼠不同脑区内质网应激影响的研究

9.Influence of Nourishing Yin Antitoxic Capsule on adrenocortical cell apoptosis and TNF-α in Yin deficiency rats induced by hydrocortisone养阴抗毒胶囊对阴虚大鼠肾上腺皮质细胞凋亡及TNF-α的影响

10.Plato All shit is a shadow of the Ideal Shit.柏拉图:所有的大便都是理型大便的阴影。

11.Effect of soy isoflavone on Bcl-2 mRNA expression in vagina of ovariectomy rats大豆异黄酮对去卵巢大鼠阴道上皮Bcl-2mRNA影响

12."What do you mean, conspiracy?“什么? 大阴谋?…

13.The margin or shadow size value you have specified is greater than the available space surrounding the layout cell. Specify a smaller margin or shadows size value.您指定的边距或阴影大小值大于布局单元格周围的可用空间。请指定较小的边距或阴影大小值。

14.the shadows of the great trees ride at anchor on the billowy sea of grass.大树的阴影停泊在波浪起伏的茫茫草海上。

15.For four long years, much of Europe had been under a terrible shadow.在漫长的四年中,欧洲大部笼罩着可怕的阴影。

16.The two world wars cast a shadow over the people all over the world.两次世界大战在全世界人民中投下了阴影。

17.The Lunar Atmospheric Tide and It Effects on the Ionospheric Es-layer and F2 Layer;大气太阴潮汐及其对电离层Es层和F2层的影响

18.The Alterations of eNOS and iNOS Expression in Corpus Cavernosum of Hyperlipidemia Rats;高脂血症对大鼠阴茎勃起功能影响的实验研究


metropolitan shadow area大都市阴影区

3)min-max shadow maps最小-最大阴影图

1.In this paper,we propose an algorithm of integratingmin-max shadow maps with variance shadow maps to remove light bleeding.文中使用最小-最大阴影图来辅助消除方差阴影图中的光渗现象,在对深度纹理进行滤波的同时生成一个最小-最大阴影图;在实时绘制场景时,利用最小-最大阴影图来辅助判断当前片元是否完全处在阴影区域内部,由此生成更真实、更准确的阴影。


1.Extraction of heights of buildings in city from shadows in QuickBird image;利用QuickBird影像的阴影提取建筑物高度

2.On the Beauty ofShadow in Architecture and Interior Design;建筑室内装饰中的阴影美

3.Research on application of shadow in virtual 3D vision art;虚拟三维环境下阴影应用的研究


1.We present an algorithm for separating the local gradient information by using Multiple images in the presence of highlights and shadows.提出一种在多光源下多幅图像来恢复有高光和阴影物体三维表面的方法。

2.Based on results of change detection using statistical hypothesis test,the intensity,hue and saturation in the YCbCr color space are employed to recognize and eliminate shadows and .在一种快速动态背景图像初始化的基础上,建立了Gaussian统计背景模型;基于使用统计假设检验方法检测变化区域的结果,利用YCbCr颜色空间的亮度、颜色信息,识别和消除视频序列图像中的阴影和反光等。


1.The hierarchical structure is visualizedas a stack of rectangles andshading and 3D are used to strengthen the perceived depth in the structure.柱型树状图是多层次信息可视化的有效方法,它通过矩形的堆叠、阴影和3D效果来显示多层信息结构,克服了标准树状图算法带来的无法显示信息树的结构问题。

2.This method considers both global and localshading, and it eliminates the error caused by only using global or localshading.这一方法同时利用了图像的局部和全局阴影 ,避免了只利用局部或全局阴影所带来的误差。

3.Technical Research on Virtual Color Shading of Dunhuang Fresco;根据敦煌彩塑的自身形态、位置、尺寸等特征 ,以及当前计算机的运算能力 ,我们把彩塑漫游的方法归结为 3D建模和IBR漫游两大类 ;利用三维扫描和数字摄影获得的彩塑信息 ,经过模型简化、纹理生成、计算IBR中间图像等处理步骤 ,得到漫游时使用的模型数据 ;将模型数据直接应用在漫游系统中 ,并增强了阴影等真实感效果 ,获得最终的漫游结果。


