1200字范文 > 集约利用土地 Intensive land utilization英语短句 例句大全

集约利用土地 Intensive land utilization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-04 04:56:55


集约利用土地 Intensive land utilization英语短句 例句大全

集约利用土地,Intensive land utilization

1)Intensive land utilization集约利用土地

2)intensive land use土地集约利用

1.The purpose of the paper is to evaluate on the degree ofintensive land use of development zone,and analyze its influence factors and causes in order to offer reference for decision-making.研究目的:对城市化进程中的开发区土地集约利用水平进行评价,并根据评价结果分析其影响因素或原因,为开发区土地利用提供决策依据。

2.Based on the field land use survey data in country residential areas of a small town,Cixi,by using the general evaluation method,the conditions ofintensive land use in country residential areas of small towns were evaluated.以经济发达的浙江省慈溪市周巷镇三江口村“旧村改造”规划中实地调查数据为基础,采用综合评分法和4级评价标准对其农村居民点土地集约利用水平进行评价。

3.Based on the establishment of an evaluation index system,this paper evaluates theintensive land use of Wuhu City from 1990 to with method of global principal components analysis,and predicts the level ofintensive land use of the city in using the time series method,revealing in a quantitative manner the potential ofintensive land use.在构建城市土地集约利用评价指标体系的基础上,运用全局主成分法评价了1990-芜湖市土地集约利用水平,同时通过时间序列法预测土地集约利用水平,定量揭示其土地集约利用潜力。


1.Increment income rent-seeking of non-agricultural land and land intensive utility;农转非土地增值寻租与土地集约利用

2.Analysis of Land Use Status Quo and Study on Land Intensive Utilization of Lin"an City of Zhejiang Province临安市土地利用现状分析与土地集约利用研究


4.Country Land Intensive Utilization and Its Response;县域土地集约利用及其生态环境响应

5.The Study of Urban Land Intensive Use and Its Evaluating Methods;城市土地集约利用及其评价方法研究

6.A Study on Evaluation of Urban Land Intensive Use Based on GIS;基于GIS的城市土地集约利用评价研究

7.Study on Urban Land Intensively Utilizing Appraisal in Harbin;哈尔滨市城市土地集约利用评价研究

8.Research on the Land Intensive Use of Industrial Development Zone in Shanghai;上海工业开发区的土地集约利用研究

9.Study on Land Intensive Use in Process of Urbanization;快速城市化进程中土地集约利用研究


11.An Evaluation of Urban Land Intensive Use and Influence Factors in Chengdu City;成都市土地集约利用水平及影响因素

12.The evaluation of the urban land intensive use based on PSR model;基于PSR模型的城市土地集约利用评价

13.Classification and Stage of Urban Land Intensive Use Potentials;城市土地集约利用潜力的分类与分阶

14.Research evaluation of intensive land usage in Suxian District of Chenzhou Municipality;郴州市苏仙区土地集约利用评价研究

15.Appraisal of Urban Land Intensive Use--A Case Study in Anhui Province;城市土地集约利用评价——以安徽省为例

16.The Land Intensive Use of Research-take an Example as YueYang City;城市土地集约利用研究——以岳阳市为例

17.A studying on intensive utilization of current urban land;当前我国城市土地集约利用问题刍议

18.Thrift and Intensive Utilization of Campus Land of University in Our Country;我国大学校校园土地的节约集约利用


intensive land use土地集约利用

1.The purpose of the paper is to evaluate on the degree ofintensive land use of development zone,and analyze its influence factors and causes in order to offer reference for decision-making.研究目的:对城市化进程中的开发区土地集约利用水平进行评价,并根据评价结果分析其影响因素或原因,为开发区土地利用提供决策依据。

2.Based on the field land use survey data in country residential areas of a small town,Cixi,by using the general evaluation method,the conditions ofintensive land use in country residential areas of small towns were evaluated.以经济发达的浙江省慈溪市周巷镇三江口村“旧村改造”规划中实地调查数据为基础,采用综合评分法和4级评价标准对其农村居民点土地集约利用水平进行评价。

3.Based on the establishment of an evaluation index system,this paper evaluates theintensive land use of Wuhu City from 1990 to with method of global principal components analysis,and predicts the level ofintensive land use of the city in using the time series method,revealing in a quantitative manner the potential ofintensive land use.在构建城市土地集约利用评价指标体系的基础上,运用全局主成分法评价了1990-芜湖市土地集约利用水平,同时通过时间序列法预测土地集约利用水平,定量揭示其土地集约利用潜力。

3)land intensive utilization土地集约利用

1.A study onland intensive utilization in towns——A case of Jiangjin City;小城镇土地集约利用研究——以重庆江津市小城镇为例

2.Urban land is the base of urban social and economic development,the differentland intensive utilization brings us different economic,social and environmental benefits.结果表明:乌鲁木齐市对应的城市土地集约利用潜力值是3。

3.Scientific analysis of mutative law onland intensive utilization in central China area is beneficial to the implementation of "Rising of the Central Section".科学分析我国中部地区六省份土地集约利用变化规律有利于中部崛起战略实施。

4)Intensive use of land土地集约利用

1.The intensive use of land was a very important subject in the urbanization process.通过对我国城市化现状及土地利用存在问题的分析,研究了土地集约利用的途径,指出加快我国城市化进程,从经济结构和产业结构布局的基础上进行城市发展布局和制定土地利用规划,利用土地市场进行土地资源的配置是实现土地集约利用的有效途径。

2.Therefore, domestic and international scholars do a lot to study the intensive use of land currently.因此,目前国内外的学者就土地集约利用问题开展了大量的研究。

3.The paper try to analyze intensive use of land based on system viewpoint.文章尝试基于系统观点对土地集约利用进行分析。

5)land intensive use土地集约利用

1.Evaluation ofland intensive use and analysis of driving force factors at town level;乡镇土地集约利用评价及驱动因素分析

2.Study on Area Land Intensive Use;区域土地集约利用问题研究

3.Research on the Land Intensive Use of Industrial Development Zone in Shanghai;上海工业开发区的土地集约利用研究

6)land use intensity土地利用集约度

1.Based on the urbanland use intensity of 12 cities of Heilongjiang Province in the period of 2001 to ,using the method of grey system forecast,this paper predicts theland use intensity of those cities from to so as to coordinate the relation between shortage of constructed land and economic development and achieve intensive use of urban land.以"十五"期间黑龙江省12个地级市的城市土地利用集约度为基础,运用灰色系统预测GM(1,1)模型对"十一五"期间12个地级市的城市土地利用集约度进行数列预测,以助于协调建设用地指标不足与经济发展的关系,实现城市土地集约利用。

2.In view of the chaotic state of its measurements,the article discriminates several different concepts and the corresponding measurements ofland use intensity and appraises the characteristics and application field of these measurement methods.针对土地利用集约度测度混乱的状况,文章从投入指标还是产出指标、实物指标还是价值指标、综合测度还是分项测度、单纯测度还是复合测度以及初级集约度还是次级集约度测度等五个方面,辨析了土地利用集约度的概念,评价了各种测度方法的特点和应用范围。

3.Deepening the research ofland use intensity is very important to advance the research of land use spatial planning.加深对土地利用集约度内涵及其影响的认识,对土地利用的空间规划与布局研究有重要意义。


土地利用类型(见土地利用分类)土地利用类型(见土地利用分类)type of land usetudi Iiyong Ieixing土地利用类型(t月祀oflanduse)见土地利用分类。
