1200字范文 > 心史 the history of the mind英语短句 例句大全

心史 the history of the mind英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-30 14:41:06


心史 the history of the mind英语短句 例句大全

心史,the history of the mind

1)the history of the mind心史


1.A Brief of Psychohistory and Matters Needing Attention in Research;心理史学概述及研究需注意的问题

2.Because of the discipline characteristic of contemporary China history,the impact ofpsychohistory over the study of contemporary China history is more and more deep into power.当前,由于当代中国史的学科特性,心理史学对其研究的影响大有愈来愈深入之势。

3.The end of 19century beginnings of Psychohistory developed unevenly: From affirmations to disbeliefs.十九世纪末开始的心理史学发展至今所走的道路是不平坦的 ,从被人肯定到被人怀疑是否有科学性 ,对它的肯定以及否定始终围绕着资料可信度、人物心理意识重建、精神分析理论等问题而展开。


1.The Enlightenment from Psychohistory on Teaching and Research Of Psychological History;心理史学的发展对心理学史教学与研究的启示

2.A Study of Contemporary Chinese History and Psychohistory;心理史学的发展与当代中国史研究的深化

3.Theories and History of Psychology心理学理论与心理学史

4.concise history of Chinese educational psychology中国教育心理学简史

5.concise history of western educational psychology西方教育心理学简史

6.Unscramble the History of the Western Psychology --The Revelation Among the Transition from the Traditional History to the New重新解读西方心理学史——从“旧史”到“新史”的启示

7.A New Angle of View for the Psychologic History Teaching--The Disscusion about Teacher-Student Study Relationgship in the Phycology History;心理学史教学新视角——心理学史中的学术师承关系探析

8.The future of philosophy lies in psychology, in ethics, in politics, in aesthetics, and in the philosophy of history.哲学的未来在于心理学、理学、治学、学和历史学。

9.Psycho-and "Mentality" ──Two Main Sects of Western Psycho-History心理与心态──论西方心理历史学两大主要流派

10.On Analyzing the Similarities and Differences between the Indigenous Psychology of China and the Chinese Psychological History;中国心理学史与中国的本土心理学研究之比较

11.The Historical Inevitability of the Rejuvenation of Western Theoretical Psychology;论西方理论心理学复兴的历史必然性

12.Analysis on the Psychological Factors Which Affect the Middle-school Student s History Study;影响中学生历史学习的心理因素探析

13.Preliminary Survey of Psychological Quality Education in History Teaching of Middle School;中学历史教学中的心理素质教育初探

14.About the Methods and Principles of Historiography of Psychology;关于心理学历史编纂学的方法与原则

15.The Teaching and Learning of the History of Psychology and the Reform of the Cultivation Pattern;心理学史教学与人才培养模式的改革

16.A historical survey of the relationship between pedagogy and psychology in China我国教育学与心理学关系的历史考察

17.An Attempt of Using Psychological Health Education in History Teaching;试论在历史教学中渗透心理健康教育

18.To Create by Returning to the Origin:Pan Shu s Psychological Thought And it s Historical Contribution;返本开新:潘菽心理学思想的历史贡献



1.A Brief of Psychohistory and Matters Needing Attention in Research;心理史学概述及研究需注意的问题

2.Because of the discipline characteristic of contemporary China history,the impact ofpsychohistory over the study of contemporary China history is more and more deep into power.当前,由于当代中国史的学科特性,心理史学对其研究的影响大有愈来愈深入之势。

3.The end of 19century beginnings of Psychohistory developed unevenly: From affirmations to disbeliefs.十九世纪末开始的心理史学发展至今所走的道路是不平坦的 ,从被人肯定到被人怀疑是否有科学性 ,对它的肯定以及否定始终围绕着资料可信度、人物心理意识重建、精神分析理论等问题而展开。

3)history of psychology心理学史

1.The studying and chronicling of thehistory of psychology has been deeply influenced by the postmodernist movement.后现代主义思潮深刻影响了心理学史的研究与写作。

2.There are many faults in the directing thought,the contents and methods in teaching thehistory of psychology.心理学史作为心理学专业的核心课程,在心理学教学中居于重要地位。

pared with the history of other subjects,the teaching and research onhistory of psychology has dual functions.与其他学科史相比,心理学史的教学与研究承载着双重意义,一方面直接促进心理学的学科发展,另一方面丰富和加深了对人类社会发展史的认识和理解。

4)psychological history心理学史

1.Demestic scholors generally discuss abstract theories more of the classroom instruction onpsychological history s effect in the setting up of psychological special field curriculum,especially on its classroom instruction now.目前,国内学者有关心理学史这门课程在心理学专业课程设置中的作用的探讨特别是有关心理学史课堂教学方面的探讨,更多地局限于一些抽象的泛论,鲜有触及该门课程价值定位的深度思考,尤其是该门课程的课堂教学方面的深度思考。

5)psychological history drama心理史剧

1.The May-4thpsychological history drama has accomplished the real transformation of contemporary history drama.通过与古人内在心理的沟通、体谅,忖度古人的内在心理,达到对古人思想情感的理解和感悟,从而复活古人与今人相似或相近的生命形态,五四心理史剧完成了现代史剧的真正转型。

6)historical idealism唯心史观

1.The transition from advocating "crying revolution" to firmly advocating "communism of fierce method" marked not only MAO had transformed formhistorical idealism into historical materialism in class struggle,which was an important thing to MAO,but also MAO had transformed a ripe Marxist.从主张"呼声革命"到坚决主张"激烈方法的共产主义",不仅标志着毛泽东在阶级斗争这个重大问题上完成了从唯心史观向唯物史观的转变,而且也标志着毛泽东已经转变为一个成熟的马克思主义者。


