1200字范文 > 社区人际关系 Virtual relationships英语短句 例句大全

社区人际关系 Virtual relationships英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-29 19:16:32


社区人际关系 Virtual relationships英语短句 例句大全

社区人际关系,Virtual relationships

1)Virtual relationships社区人际关系

2)Community Interpersonal Ethics社区人际关系道德

3)social interpersonal appellations社会人际关系称谓


parative Study of Social Interpersonal and Personal Demonstrative Appellations in Chinese and Japanese;社会人际关系称谓及人称指代称谓的汉日对比

2.The Choice of Address Forms and the Reflection of Social Identities;称谓语的选用与社会身份关系之表达

3.Talking About the Relations Between Language and Society from the Change of Address to Spouses;从配偶称谓变化谈语言与社会生活的关系

4.Appellation as a mirrior-image of social and cultural psychology--A comparative study of the Chinese and English appellations称谓:社会文化心理的镜象——英汉称谓系统的对比

5.On Social Address Through "Power" and "Solidarity";从“权势”和“同聚关系”看社交称谓

6.The social Significance of Shi in Zuo Zhuan’s Character Appellation《左传》人物称谓中“谥”的社会意义

7.Discussion on the relationship between language and social factor from the changing Address terms both in English and Chinese;从中英文称谓语及其变化看语言与社会因素之间的关系

8.The name of Luquan Yi clan is an appellation to distinguish the blood relationship of Yi nationality.禄劝彝族家支的“族称”是区别彝族血缘关系的称谓 ,他由原始社会演变而来。

9.Confucian beliefs about society and human relations were at the heart of Chinese life, he declared.他宣称,儒家关于社会和人际关系的理论在中国人的生活中深入人心。

10.A Study on the Relationship between the Interpersonal Harmony and the Harmonious Socialist Society;人际和谐与社会主义和谐社会关系初探

11.Therefore, what we said, the changes in addressing in actually the epitome of the changes in society.所以我们说﹐称谓的便化实际上是中国社会变化的一个缩影。

12.Yang: The United States is an egalitarian society in terms of interpersonal relationships.杨:就人际关系而言,美国是个平等社会。

13.This is a real portraiture of interpersonal relationship in the modern society.这是现代社会人际关系的真实写照。

14.The Inquisition on Countryside Interpersonal Relationship of China in the Social Reforming Time;社会转型时期我国农村人际关系探究

15.The Completely Comprehension of the Relationship Between People in Our Present Societv;和谐的人际关系:构建和谐社会的基础

16.The Relations of the Young And Middle-Aged Females;异性人际关系与中青年女性的社会化

17.The Influence of Self-monitoring on Social Status of Interpersonal Relationship自我监控对人际关系社会地位的影响

18.On The Intellectuals Title of “Banished Immortal” in Tang Dynasty;论唐代诗人的边缘心态与“谪仙”称谓之关系


Community Interpersonal Ethics社区人际关系道德

3)social interpersonal appellations社会人际关系称谓

4)inter regional relationship区际关系

1.Based on revealing the nature of sustainable development through analyzing the macroscopic, medium-scopic and microscopicinter regional relationship, this article puts forward some suggestions on how to harmonize the relationship between regions and how to realize the sustainable development in the implementation of western China development strategy.本文在揭示可持续发展的宏观、中观、微观区际关系内涵的基础上 ,对我国西部大开发如何协调区际关系、实现可持续发展提出了建议。

5)regional relations区际关系

1.<Abstrcat>Theregional relations of resource development and utilization are not complete resource allocation,but highly includes complicated benifit of devision,development of conflict as well as social equity and all that.资源开发与利用过程中所涉及到的区际关系问题并非单纯的资源配置,而是隐含了相当复杂的利益分配、发展冲突以及社会公平等方面问题的。

2.Theregional relations of resource development and utilization are not only to complete resource allocation,but also to include complicated benifit of devision,development of conflict as well as social equity and all that.资源开发与利用过程中所涉及到的区际关系问题并非单纯的资源配置,而是隐含了相当复杂的利益分配、发展冲突以及社会公平等方面的问题。

6)community relation社区关系


领导者处理人际关系的原则领导者处理人际关系的原则principles of handling social relations for a leader领导者处理人际关系的原则印rinciplesof handling soeial relations for a leader)领导者在协调处理人际关系时,应遵循如下原则:(l)社会利益原则。即从整个社会的利益出发,去协调具体的人际关系。这是建立新型的社会主义人际关系的基本原则。只有坚持这一原则,才能建立和发展健康、积极、同志式的良好人际关系。(2)群体活动效率原则。领导者的任务在于通过协调群体各方面的人际关系,调动每一成员的积极性,使之为群体目标的实现而努力工作。因此,领导者在处理人际关系时,应该将有利于群体活动效率的提高作为一项必须坚持的原则。(3)个人需要满足的原则。良好人际关系的最主要特征,就是关系双方需要的相互满足。因此,在交往过程中注重满足交往对象的需要,是领导者在处理人际关系中应遵循的一项原则。坚持这一原则与坚持社会利益原则和群体活动效率原则根本一致。满足劳动者的需要是社会主义生产的根本目的,也就是社会主义社会对领导者行为的要求。领导者在协调处理人际关系中坚持上述原则,就划清了社会主义新型人际关系与庸俗人际关系的界限:以社会、集体和他人利益为原则的人际关系有利于国家、集体和他人,有利于领导者顺利、有效地发挥领导职能,完成领导活动目标。(张丽君撰王树茂张德审)
