1200字范文 > 楚雄彝族老虎笙 totem dance Laohusheng of Yi nationality英语短句 例句大全

楚雄彝族老虎笙 totem dance Laohusheng of Yi nationality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-01 15:19:41


楚雄彝族老虎笙 totem dance Laohusheng of Yi nationality英语短句 例句大全

楚雄彝族"老虎笙",totem dance "Laohusheng" of Yi nationality

1)totem dance "Laohusheng" of Yi nationality楚雄彝族"老虎笙"

2)Laohusheng of Yi Minority彝族老虎笙

1.The Ancient Times Sacrificial Offering on Survival in Contemporary Culture Linguistic Environment——Comparative Study on Maogusi of Tujia Minority andLaohusheng of Yi Minority;存活在当代文化语境中的古代祭仪——土家族毛古斯与彝族老虎笙之比较研究


1.The Ancient Times Sacrificial Offering on Survival in Contemporary Culture Linguistic Environment--Comparative Study on Maogusi of Tujia Minority and Laohusheng of Yi Minority;存活在当代文化语境中的古代祭仪——土家族毛古斯与彝族老虎笙之比较研究

2.Discussion the Name of Three Sheng in Shuangbai Yi Nationality;说“笙”——兼议双柏彝族“三笙”之名

3.The Origin and Evolution of the Yi Children’s Folk Play “Tiger Hatching Eggs”;彝族儿童民间游戏“老虎抱蛋”的发源和变迁

4.A Study on Causes of "Tiger Dance" in Shuangbai County云南楚雄双柏“老虎笙”舞蹈成因分析

5.A tentative research on the relationship between the Tiger culture of Fuxi and the eight trigrams of the Yi nationality;伏羲虎文化与彝族八卦初探——兼谈伏羲文化是全球最古老的文化

6.Thoughts and Measures:the Preservation of "Lao Hu Sheng" Under the Context of Cultural Heritage Preservation;思路与对策:文化遗产保护语境下的“老虎笙”

7.While Yi and Lahu nationalities use Hulu (gourd) as resonator, so their instrument is called "Hulusheng".彝族、拉祜族则用葫芦作为声箱,所以人们称它为"葫芦笙"。

8.The Modern Changes and Inherit Thoughts of National Traditional Festivals--Case Studies about Yi Nationality"s Calabash Sheng Festival民族传统节日的现代变迁与传承思考——彝族葫芦笙节个案研究

9."The White Tiger cul"--the Wizardry Symbolize of the Yi People s Reproductive Worship;“送白虎”——彝族生殖崇拜的巫术象征

10.A Deep Structural Analysis of the Tiger-jumping Ritual Dance of Luoluo Yi;彝族“跳虎”仪式舞蹈深层结构分析

11.Nuo Ceremony:From Totem to Opera,Based on the Case Study. Tiger Nuo of Yi nationality in Shuang Bai County,Yunnan Province;傩仪:从图腾到戏剧——以云南双柏彝族虎傩为个案

12.To Drive out Epidemic Disease by Nuo--A Study of Witchcraft Culture of the Ceremony of Tiger Festival;巫傩逐疫——彝族虎节仪式的巫术文化研究

13.An Investigation on the Historical and Cultural Background of Yi s Tiger Jumping Festival;云南双柏小麦地冲彝族跳虎节历史文化考察

14.Intuitive Experience for A Qesthetics of Life-Research into the Comparison about Tales of Tigers between Yi and Miaonationalities;生命美学的直觉体验——彝族苗族虎故事审美心理比较探寻

15.On the Non-Material Cultural Carriers in Napo s Yi Ethnic Group;圣竹·神鼓·虎龙山·招魂礼——广西那坡彝族非物质文化载体之探究

16.Revelation of the “Tiger’s Day” Initiative in the Yi Ethnic Region of Xiaoliangshan;小凉山彝族“虎日”民间戒毒行动和人类学的应用实践

17.The cultural connotation and aesthetics revealed from the "eight-tiger-on-four-side" embroidery pattern of the Yi people in Wuding County;武定彝族刺绣《四方八虎图》的文化内涵和美学意义

18.A tiger, a tiger, the tiger is big.老虎,老虎,老虎很大。


Laohusheng of Yi Minority彝族老虎笙

1.The Ancient Times Sacrificial Offering on Survival in Contemporary Culture Linguistic Environment——Comparative Study on Maogusi of Tujia Minority andLaohusheng of Yi Minority;存活在当代文化语境中的古代祭仪——土家族毛古斯与彝族老虎笙之比较研究

3)Chuxiong Yi nationality楚雄彝族

1.During the long term life practice,TheChuxiong Yi nationality has created various,original,flowery,elegant and colorful design patterns by the way of twine,embroider and post etc.在长期的生活实践中,楚雄彝族妇女以织、绣、挑、贴等各种工艺手法创造了千姿百态、古朴纯正、繁缛华丽、疏密有致、典雅别致、色彩斑斓的图案纹样世界。

4)Chuxiong Yi Minority Autonomous Prefecture楚雄彝族自治州

1.A Research on Local Ethnic Minority Education s Legislation: Case Study of Ethnic Educational Item ofChuxiong Yi Minority Autonomous Prefecture;我国地方少数民族教育立法研究——以《楚雄彝族自治州民族教育条例》为个案

5)Tiger dance老虎笙

1.A Study on Causes of "Tiger Dance" in Shuangbai County云南楚雄双柏“老虎笙”舞蹈成因分析

6)Chuxiong Yi nationality autonomous prefecture楚雄彝州

1.Speeding up reform and innovation of system of household registration actively are the important measure to promote the urbanization development ofChuxiong Yi nationality autonomous prefecture and to accelerate moderately prosperous society establishing.积极加快户籍管理制度改革和创新,是促进楚雄彝州城镇化发展,加快小康社会建设的重要举措。


骆玉笙(1914~)京韵大鼓女演员。艺名小綵舞。4 岁起随养父戏法艺人骆彩武在上海、武汉演出。 9岁拜苏焕亭为师学唱京剧老生。14岁在南京登台清唱二簧。17岁正式改唱京韵大鼓。1934年,骆玉笙拜鼓王刘宝全的弦师韩永禄为师,学习"刘派"大鼓曲目。1936年演出于天津、北平一带。由于嗓音甜美,音域宽阔,韵味醇厚,高低咸宜,其师韩永禄为她设计的唱腔悠扬动听,"嘎调"尤为激越感人,被誉为"金嗓歌王"。她在刘派唱腔的基础上,兼融"白(云鹏)派"、"少白(凤鸣)派"之长,结合自身嗓音条件,通过长期的艺术实践,终于形成独具风格的"骆派"。早期以演唱悲曲见长,代表曲目有《剑阁闻铃》、《红梅阁》、《子期听琴》、《击鼓骂曹》等。1951年参加天津市曲艺团,锐意创新,努力编演新曲。50年代演唱《英雄黄继光》、《邱少云》、《珠峰红旗》。60年代初演唱《光荣的航行》、《正气歌》等。她演唱的曲目以声情激越、昂扬向上著称。由于她广泛吸取姊妹艺术的养料,革新唱腔,在京韵大鼓艺术方面取得了很高的成就。1971年骆玉笙开始担任教学工作,1976年重登曲坛。1979年加人中国共产党。现任中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会委员、中国文学艺术界联合会委员、中国曲艺家协会副主席。(见彩图)
