1200字范文 > 运动至力竭时间 time to exhaustion英语短句 例句大全

运动至力竭时间 time to exhaustion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-17 10:59:48


运动至力竭时间 time to exhaustion英语短句 例句大全

运动至力竭时间,time to exhaustion

1)time to exhaustion运动至力竭时间

2)short-time incremental graded exercise短时间力竭运动

1.To examine the influence of blood lactate (LA) and blood glucose (BG) after ashort-time incremental graded exercise to exhaustion on serum growth hormone (GH) concentrations; We measured serum LA,BG and GH concentrations in 10 healthy freshmen (male, 20.测定了男性大学生短时间力竭运动前后不同时刻血清GH、BG和LA的浓度。


1.Effects of Blood Glucose and Blood Lactate on Growth Hormone ReleaseAfter a Short-time Exercise to Exhaustion;短时间力竭运动血清生长激素水平与血糖和血乳酸浓度相关性研究

2.Changing of blood glucocard and blood lactate acide to exhausted movement after the long terms aerobic exercise;长时间有氧运动后再做力竭运动的血糖、血乳酸变化

3.Effect of Repetitive Bouts of Exhaustive Exercise with Different Interval on Oxygen Consumption in Juvenile Southern Catfish不同时间间隔重复力竭运动对南方鲇幼鱼耗氧率的影响

4.The Effects of TS on the Exhaustive Time of Training Rats and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Their Tissues大豆总皂甙对运动大鼠力竭时间和不同组织抗氧化能力的影响

5.a Kinematics Study of Vertical Jump under the Influence of Different Exercise Load-time;负荷时间长短对纵跳能力影响的运动学研究


7.In the past double decades, Hip-hop dancing has been becoming a very popular sport over the world because of its peculiar charm.在短短20多年时间里,街舞运动以其独特的魅力风靡全球。

8.Effects of Opiate on the Immune Functions Induced byExhaustive Exercise in Mice;力竭运动时阿片肽对免疫机能的作用

9.Effects of incremental-load exhaustive exercise on free radical metabolism of sprint athletes;逐级递增负荷力竭性运动对短跑运动员自由基代谢的影响

10.some athletes take anabolic steroids to increase muscle size temporarily.一些运动员服用合成代谢类固醇来短时间的增加肌肉的力量。

11.Study on the Expression of MMP-2in Mice s Akeletal Muscle at the Different Recovery Time Course After the Exhausted Swimming;力竭运动后恢复不同时程骨骼肌中MMP-2的表达

12.The Influence of F_3 Anti-fatigue Medicinal Liquid on the Animal Spirits at the Exhausting Activity of Rats;F_3抗疲劳药液对大鼠力竭运动时血气的影响

13.The Change in Rat Myocardial CnAβ at Different Time Courses after Exhausted Exercise力竭运动后不同时相大鼠心肌CnAβ的变化

14.The Continuous Changes of Exhaustive Exercise on Endothelin in Rats大鼠有氧运动力竭过程中内皮素的时相性变化

15.Results1.At the peak of exercise and in the recovery phase of exercise test,the QT interval in each epoch was significantly shorter than that before exercise.结果1运动终止时和运动终止后各时段的QT间期显著短于运动前。

16.Changes of cardiovascular function in exhaustive exercise in non-trained adults and its association with exercise habit;力竭运动时普通成年人心血管机能变化及运动习惯的影响

17.Nancy: Thismeans she runs short distances, very fast. Sprinters have troublerunning long distances, that"s for long distance, or cross country runners.这位“短跑运动员”跑得非常快。短跑运动员通常长跑时很吃力。

18.A kinetic study of effect on vertical jump of different exercise time;负荷时间长短对纵跳能力影响的动力学研究


short-time incremental graded exercise短时间力竭运动

1.To examine the influence of blood lactate (LA) and blood glucose (BG) after ashort-time incremental graded exercise to exhaustion on serum growth hormone (GH) concentrations; We measured serum LA,BG and GH concentrations in 10 healthy freshmen (male, 20.测定了男性大学生短时间力竭运动前后不同时刻血清GH、BG和LA的浓度。

3)Long-term exhaustive swimming长时间力竭游泳运动

4)exhaustive time力竭时间

1.Effects of Qidantongmai supplement onexhaustive time during exhaustive exercise in rats;芪丹通脉片对运动训练大鼠力竭时间的影响

5)exhaustion exercise力竭运动

1.In this article,rats are randomly divided into the control group and theexhaustion exercise group with the latter group further divided into sub-groups of 2,6,12,24,48 and 72 hours to test the content of mRNa.将大鼠随机分为对照组和力竭运动组,后者又分为运动后即刻、2、6、12、24、48和72小时组,测定钙蛋白酶蛋白及mRNA表达。

2.Their plasma levels of AST?LDH?α-HBDH? CK and CK-MB were examined before and after taking medicine for 15 days and afterexhaustion exercise.目的 :探讨银杏叶片、红景天和酪氨酸对高原人体力竭运动心肌酶活性的影响。

6)exhaustive exercise力竭运动

1.Effects of acutelyexhaustive exercise on some biochemical indexes in endurance-trained Mice′s blood;耐力训练后再力竭运动对小鼠血液部分生化指标的影响

2.On the transformation of Gray-I type synaptic structure in rat s cortex afterexhaustive exercise;力竭运动后大鼠皮层中Gray-I型突触形态的变化

3.Effects ofexhaustive exercise on serum lipoprotein metabolismand plasma endothelin concentrations in rats;力竭运动对大鼠血清脂蛋白、血浆内皮素的影响


