1200字范文 > 主任 director英语短句 例句大全

主任 director英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-04 19:33:53


主任 director英语短句 例句大全



1.Management ability ofdirector of nursing adminis tration department;护理部主任应具备的管理能力

2.Establishment of a Harmonious Relationship among the Director of Circulating and Reading Department,Librarians and Readers;流通阅览部主任、馆员、读者关系的和谐构建

3.In accordance with innovation of medical treatment service and market economic ,the author brings forward thatdirector of medical service division should possess as follows diathesis:① stable politics diathesis ;② deep culture diathesis ;③ very high plan diathesis ;④ stable psychology diathesis.本文针对医疗卫生事改革和市场经济的新形式 ,提出医院医务处主任自身应具备如下的素质 :1具备坚定的政治素质 ;2具备深厚的文化素质 ;3高深的谋划素质 ;4稳定的心理素


1.Good-bye, Dean Rafer.再见, Rafer主任。

2.The positions of director and deputy director shall be assumed by notaries.主任、副主任由公证员担任。

3.The director will come into office next month主任将于下月上任。

4.He is appointed dean of the chemistry department .他被任命为化学系主任。

5.How long has the present director been at the helm?现任主任掌权多久了?

6.He preceded me as Chairman of the Department.他先我担任该系主任。

7.She was then asked to lead the women"s association.于是让她担任妇联主任。

8.He has been transferred to be head of a workshop.他已调任车间主任。

9.The new department head took over yesterday.新的系主任昨天接任。

10.Senior Master [Correctional Services Department]主任教师〔惩教署〕

11.Security Officer [Correctional Services Department]保安主任〔惩教署〕

12.Officer [Correctional Services Department]惩教主任〔惩教署〕

13.He is appointed chairman of the department in succession to Mr. henry他被任命接替亨利先生担任系主任

14.He was appointed chairman of the department in succession to Mr. Henry.他被任命接替亨利先生担任系主任。

15.Director, UN Affairs, and Special Assistance to the Executive Director联合国事务主任兼执行主任特别助理

16.Chief Commissioner of Planning计划委员会主任(计委主任)

17.integrated Office of the Director-General/Executive Director主任/执行主任合并办公室

18.Assistant Executive Director and Director, Environment Fund助理执行主任兼环境基金主任



1.The Problem Research about Actual Effect of Moral Education of the Headteacher in Senior Middle School;高中班主任德育实效性问题研究

2.To explore an effective way to environmental education by theheadteacher.文章主要从班主任开展环境教育的重要性入手,提出开展这项工作的基本思路。

3)major task主要任务

1.The new democracy theory set economic construction as themajor task and the contradiction between the proletariat and the capitalist as the major contradiction of the new democratic society.新民主主义论中所确定的新民主主义社会的主要任务是经济建设,主要矛盾是无产阶级与资产阶级的矛盾。

2.It is themajor task of the united front to train highly qualified and much learned groups with.针对新时期高校民主党派出现的新情况 ,加强高校民主党派基层组织的思想建设和组织建设 ,培养一支政治素质好、知识层次高、参政议政能力强、有代表性、有社会影响的骨干队伍 ,是新时期高校统战工作的主要任务。

4)department director科主任

1.How to enhance the competence of clinicdepartment director;医院如何提高科主任队伍整体素质

2.Research on Preventing and controlling Medical Conflicts by Department Director on the Basis of Crisis Management Theory基于危机管理理论的科主任防控医疗纠纷模型研究

3.In order to improve the medical care service and develop the medical skills of our hospital,we analyzed the defect and its reason of going the rounds of wards by thedepartment directors.为提高诊治水平,促进医院业务技术建设,分析了我院科主任在业务查房中的缺陷及其原因,教育科主任提高对查房质量重要性的认识。

5)director specially engaged特聘主任

1.This article introduces purpose and method of our hospital carrying out institution ofdirector specially engaged,pointing out to carry out this institution is a good encourage mechanism and personalizing hospital talent strategy.介绍了医院尝试实行特聘主任的目的与做法,指出实行特聘主任充分体现了医院的人才战略,是一种良好的激励机制,必须认真考核,需要统筹兼顾,强化人才培养,对医院管理及人才培养工作将有一定的借鉴作用。

6)a teacher in charge of a class班主任

1.It discusses the important effect ofa teacher in charge of a class in school physical education and the demands of school physical education about the physical education accomplishment toa teacher in charge of a class.学校体育要求班主任要有一定的体育素养,班主任在学校体育工作中起着重要的作用。

2.Asa teacher in charge of a class,if he can hold students mentality in scientific and effective way and advance various students healthy growing up in the best use of the circumstances will make conclusive rule in successful educational works.作为班主任,能否以科学而有效的方法把握学生的心理,因势利导地促进各种类型的学生健康成长,将对教育工作的成败起着决定性作用。

3.As a main part of social moral education, professional moral education is one of the front part of the work ofa teacher in charge of a class.职业道德教育是社会道德教育的重要组成部分,班主任工作是职业道德教育的前沿部分。


