1200字范文 > 学科确立 Establishment of a Discipline英语短句 例句大全

学科确立 Establishment of a Discipline英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-22 07:01:38


学科确立 Establishment of a Discipline英语短句 例句大全

学科确立,Establishment of a Discipline

1)Establishment of a Discipline学科确立


1.History Retrospect & Significance Analysis of Establishment of "Literature"Disciplines“文学”学科确立的历史追溯和意义分析

2.The Japanese Factors in the Establishment of Modern Chinese Literature and Art and Aesthetic Disciplines;中国现代文艺学、美学学科确立中的日本因素

3.On the Carrying-out of the Scientific Development View and the Adopting of a New Philosophic View;论落实科学发展观与确立新的哲学观

4.Establishing the Institution of Policy Assessment to Ensure the Realization of Scientific Development;建立政策评价制度 确保科学发展

5.Establishing Scientific Ideas about Teaching Materials:The Ultimate Task of Innovating Teaching Materials;确立科学教材观:教材创新的根本课题

6.On Establishing Scientific Development View and Constructing Resources Saving Society;确立科学发展观 建设资源节约型社会

7.Correct Orientation of Achievements and Concept of Scientific Development;树立正确的政绩导向 落实科学发展观

8.It is Necessary to Recognize Legal English as a Branch of Science;论确立“法律英语”学科地位的必要性

9.Improvement of the Educational System of Quyi and Establishment of Its Discipline Position健全曲艺教育体系 确立曲艺学科地位

10.Big scientific mode of thinking awaiting cognition in new-high-tech era;确立高新科技时代大科学思维方式的设想

11.Transformations of Modern Academic System and the Foundation of Chinese Modern Literature as a Theoretical Discipline;近代学制变革与中国现代文学理论学科的确立

12.Understand the Content of the Credit System in a Proper Way Construct a Scientific Management System of the Student Status;正确理解学分制内涵 建立科学学籍管理体系

13.Persisting Science Development View,Setting up the Correct Guidelines for Institutions of Higher Learning;坚持科学发展观 树立正确的办学指导思想

14.Establishing the Systematic View of Man s Quality, Rectify the Disciplines in University;确立人的素质系统观,加强大学的学科调整

15.On the Development of the Western Hermeneutics in Terms of the Establishment of the Humanities;从人文科学地位之确立看西方解释学的发展

16.The Practical Basis for College Students" Establishment of Scientific Belief on Marxism大学生确立马克思主义科学信仰的现实依据

17.Tenet of Testing, Appraisal and Certification: Independence, Impartiality, Scientificalness and Accuracy.检测、鉴定和认证工作理念:独立、公正、科学、准确。

18.Establishing and Performing Scientific Development Outlook Should Make Clear Several Relevant Problems树立和落实科学发展观应明确的几个相关问题


scientific legislation科学立法

3)discipline perspective学科立场

1.From "discipline perspective" to "school perspective"——On school awareness and practice orientation of pedagogical school in China;从“学科立场”到“学派立场”——论中国教育学的学派意识及其实践路向

4)scientific grounds科学立场

5)discipline independence学科自立

6)university development based on disciplinary programs学科立校


国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)国防科学技术先期技术开发(见国防科学技术预先研究)advanced technology development of national defense science and technologyguomng kexue listiu Xlanqi lishu切ifa国防科学技术元期仪不井汉哗u-vanced teehnology develoPment ofnationalde-fense seienee and teehnology)见国防科学技术预先研究。
