1200字范文 > 中国音乐传播学 the science of music communication in China英语短句 例句大全

中国音乐传播学 the science of music communication in China英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-10 00:28:20


中国音乐传播学 the science of music communication in China英语短句 例句大全

中国音乐传播学,the science of music communication in China

1)the science of music communication in China中国音乐传播学

1.In this article,the author will make a discussion on the development ofthe science of music communication in China,so he divides it into three stages,that is,the first stage is the 1980\"s,which is the rudiment period,the second one,in the 1990\"s,which is the exploration period,at last,the beginning of 21st century,which is the development period.中国音乐传播学是伴随着我国的改革开放而兴起成长的;对这门新兴学科来说,改革开放的30年有着孕育、催生、助长的意义。

2)music communicology音乐传播学

1.From the viewpoint of modern communicology,the papers introduced the academic features ofmusic communicology,as well as its research object,field and method.本文从现代传播学的视角出发,论述了音乐传播学的学科属性特征、学科研究对象、领域和方法。


1.Teaching and Study of Mass Communication of Music in Wuhan Conservatory of Music;武汉音乐学院大众音乐传播学的教学与研究

2.Summarize The First National Seminar On The Communication Of Music;传时代之音,播四海之乐——“首届全国音乐传播学术研讨会”综述

3.The Function and Communication of School Song from the Perspective of Social Musicology音乐社会学视野中的校歌功能与传播

4.Exploring of the mix- style Music Teaching;融合式音乐教学法初探——艺术传播系音乐课程建设个案分析

5.The Communication Of Music From Natural To Technique;从音乐的自然传播到技术传播(下)——当代音乐传播理论探索思考之一

6.The Communication Of Music From Natural To Technique(I);从音乐的自然传播到技术传播(上)——当代音乐传播理论探索思考之一

7.On Impart And Inherit The Traditional Music Culture With Its Communication;论传统音乐文化的传承与传播(下)

8.On Impart And Inherit The Traditional Music Culture With Its Communication(I);论传统音乐文化的传承与传播(上)

9.The Communication Net For Chinese Traditional Music and the Music Resource Sharing;中国传统音乐传播网络与音乐资源共享

10.On The Beauty of Tujia Music Music types, Dissemination and the Artistic Beauty of Thread Abstract;论土家族音乐之美──乐种、传播、线的艺术

11.The Chinese Traditional Music in Malaysia;中国大陆传统音乐在马来西亚的传播

12.Survey On The Development Of The Subject Music Communication Through the Teaching Program From The Three Colleges;从三所院校的教学计划看我国音乐传播的学科建设

13.In acoustics he studied the propagation of sound and musical consonance and dissonance.在声学中,他研究了声的传播和音乐的和谐与不和谐。

14.Reflection on the Problems of the Teaching in Music Education--Based on Margaret Mead s Three Models of Culture;米德的文化传播观对我国高师音乐教育教学改革的启示

15.I have to work up the history of music for my broadcast.为我的播音,我必须学点音乐史。

16.Integration and Chang: Discussi on The Music Propagation in Digital Age;交融与嬗变:数字化时代音乐传播刍议

17.Transmitting and Inflluence of Modern Western Music in China;近代西方音乐在中国的传播及其影响

18.An Analysis of Entertainment TV Programs of Taiwan in the Vision of Communication;用传播学视角看台湾娱乐节目的热播


music communicology音乐传播学

1.From the viewpoint of modern communicology,the papers introduced the academic features ofmusic communicology,as well as its research object,field and method.本文从现代传播学的视角出发,论述了音乐传播学的学科属性特征、学科研究对象、领域和方法。

3)China Music Historiography中国音乐学

4)musical communication音乐传播

1.The article discusses how the invention and development of broadcasting have influencedmusical communication in three aspects.广播的出现引发了信息传播方式的革命,由此带来音乐传播方式的变革,音乐实现了大众化传播;美国的商业电台开创并发展了流行音乐广播,在流行音乐发展史上,广播是最有力的推动者;音乐电台独立之后一度成为音乐传播最主要的媒介;类型音乐电台的出现,提供了更多音乐欣赏与选择的机会,音乐传播向着更为专业化的方向发展。

5)music communication音乐传播

1.Meanwhile,lack of regulation of the government and the malfunctioned market also add negative elements to the whole process ofmusic communication,causing misunderstanding of the audience to pop music itself as well as the difference between music,pop music,and entertainment.同时,政府规制缺乏和市场失灵将不可避免地使商业趋利中的负面元素渗入音乐传播的全部过程,致使受众对流行音乐本身也产生了误解,娱乐性的元素被抽取并加以放大,音乐—流行音乐—娱乐三者的界线愈加模糊。

2.The paper analyzes the current situation of Chinese folk songs from the prospective of communication,and brings up several suggestions on how to utilize the laws ofmusic communication to make to the communication of China folk songs marked with era characteristics.从传播学的角度对中国民歌在当代中国的现状进行分析,阐述了如何运用音乐传播的规律使中国民歌的传播更具有时代性。

3.Based on the conception of themusic communication, the article expounded the symbol logy principle ofmusic communication from the aspects of the symbol activities with communication mode, the individual features of the music symbol, its function of aesthetic, and cultural code.文章从音乐传播的概念出发 ,论及其核心论域、符号活动与通讯模式、音乐的符号特性、其美感功能和音乐传播的文化代码 ,来阐述音乐传播的符号学原

6)Communication Studies in China中国传播学

1.On Path-dependence inCommunication Studies in China论中国传播学研究的“路径依赖”现象


