1200字范文 > c-myc原癌基因 c-myc oncogene英语短句 例句大全

c-myc原癌基因 c-myc oncogene英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-21 01:30:44


c-myc原癌基因 c-myc oncogene英语短句 例句大全

c-myc原癌基因,c-myc oncogene

1)c-myc oncogenec-myc原癌基因

1.The effect of ahylysantinfarctase on the expression of C-myc oncogene by rabbit vascular smooth muscle cells after denudation;蝮蛇抗栓酶对兔血管损伤后血管平滑肌细胞C-myc原癌基因表达的影响


1.C-mycRibozyme Expression Vector Inhibits Exaggerated C-myc Expression in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells;原癌基因c-myc核酶表达载体抑制血管平滑肌细胞的c-myc表达


1.The Effect of RNA Interference Against c-myc Oncogene on Cell Cycle;原癌基因c-myc RNA干扰对细胞周期的影响

2.Inhibition of c-myc Oncogene by Small Interference RNA in Laryngeal Squamous Carcinoma Cells;siRNA对喉鳞癌细胞中c-myc癌基因抑制的研究

3.The expression of oncogene c-myc and its role on human laryngeal cancer癌基因c-myc在喉癌组织中的表达及意义

4.The Study on the Inhibition Effect of c-myc Gene by RNA Interference in Laryngeal Carcinoma Hep-2 Cells;RNAi技术干扰喉癌Hep-2细胞c-myc基因的实验研究

5.Studies on Abnormal-expression of FHIT、PTEN、C-myc Geng in Laryngeal Carcinoma;喉癌组织中FHIT、PTEN、C-myc基因异常表达的研究

6.Study on the Relationship between p14~(ARF), ARF-BP1, c-myc Genes and Hepatocellular Carcinoma;p14~(ARF)、ARF-BP1、c-myc基因与肝细胞癌关系的研究

7.Expression of c-myc Protein on Rats′ Brains after Brain Concussion;实验性大鼠脑震荡后c-myc癌基因的表达

8.Effects of Phenylacetate on C-myc oncogene expression in colorectal carcinoma苯乙酸对大肠癌细胞C-myc基因表达的影响

9.Expression and clinical significance of Bcl-2,Bax and C-myc in hepatocellular carcinoma肝癌中Bcl-2、Bax和C-myc基因的表达及其临床意义

10.The Study is about the Relation between c-myc Expression and Clinical Pathological Progression of Gastric Cancer;c-myc基因在胃癌中的表达及其与胃癌临床病理特征关系的研究

11.A Study on the Expression Significance of p53, c-myc and PCNA Protein in Esophageal Carcinoma and Premalignant Transformation;p53、c-myc基因蛋白及PCNA在食管癌及癌前病变中的表达及意义

12.Effects of Yiqi Huoxue Huayu Method on the Expression of c-myc and N-ras mRNA in Precancerous Lesions of Hepatocarcinogenesis in Rats;益气活血化瘀法对大鼠肝癌前病变癌基因c-myc、N-ras mRNA表达的影响

13.Relationship between helicobacter pylori infection and the expressions of p53,ras,c-myc gene in gastric cancer and precancerous lesionsHp感染与胃癌和癌前病变中p53、ras、c-myc基因表达的关系

14.Expressions and correlation of k-ras and c-myc in colorectal carcinomaK-ras基因与c-myc基因在大肠癌中的表达及相关性研究

15.The Significance of the Expression of PTTG and c-myc in Primary Lung Carcinoma;PTTG和c-myc在原发性肺癌中表达的意义

16.A Study for the Expressions of c-Myc and GSTs in Primary Hepatic Carcinomac-Myc、GSTs在原发性肝癌中表达的研究

17.The Expression of PCNA and c-myc Gene in Epstein-Barr Virus-associated Gastric Carcinoma;EB病毒相关胃癌组织中c-myc基因与PCNA表达的研究

18.Expression and Clinical Significance of PTTG and C-myc in Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma;垂体瘤转化基因PTTG和C-myc在肺鳞癌组织中表达及意义的研究



1.C-mycRibozyme Expression Vector Inhibits Exaggerated C-myc Expression in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells;原癌基因c-myc核酶表达载体抑制血管平滑肌细胞的c-myc表达

3)Oncogene C-myc癌基因C-myc

1.Objective To investigate the correlation between the expressions of tumour suppressor gene PTEN and oncogene C-myc in colorectal carcinoma.目的:探讨抑癌基因PTEN和癌基因C-myc在结直肠癌发生、发展中的作用及其相关性。

4)C myc oncogeneC-myc癌基因

5)Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-myc原癌基因蛋白质C-MYC类

6)proto-oncogene proteins c-myc原癌基因蛋白质c-myc


