1200字范文 > 大气环境 atmospheric environment英语短句 例句大全

大气环境 atmospheric environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-11 01:54:00


大气环境 atmospheric environment英语短句 例句大全

大气环境,atmospheric environment

1)atmospheric environment大气环境

1.Galvanic corrosion of magnesium alloys inatmospheric environment;镁合金在大气环境中的电偶腐蚀

2.Summarization of the application of remote sensing inatmospheric environmental monitoring;遥感技术在大气环境监测中的应用综述

3.The systematic analysis and simulation ofatmospheric environment based on GIS;基于GIS的大气环境系统分析与模拟


1.The Atmospheric Environmental Capacity and Impact Analysis of Baoshan, Shanghai;宝山区大气环境容量及环境影响研究

2.Study on the Evaluation and Air Environment Capacity in Hefei City;合肥市大气环境质量评价与大气环境容量研究

3.Special Fund for Climate and Atmospheric Environmental Studies气候和大气环境研究特别基金


5.Air Quality and Atmospheric Environmental Capacity Calculation in Liuzhou City柳州市大气环境质量及其环境容量测算初探

6.The Study of Air Environment Capacity and Time Limit Satisfying Project in Lhasa City;拉萨市大气环境容量及环境空气质量限期达标方案研究

7.Corrosivity classification of atmospheric environmentGB/T15957-1995大气环境腐蚀性分类

8.For atmospheric environments definitive standards have not been published yet.大气环境正式标准尚未发表。

9.The Status Quo of Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control in Taiyuan City太原市大气环境污染现状及防治管理

10.Application of computer on the aerosphere environmental impact assessment计算机在大气环境影响评价中的应用

11.Retrospect and Prospect for the Studies of Atmospheric Environment in the Lanzhou Area兰州地区大气环境研究的回顾与展望

12.Study on the Seasonal Variations of the Atmospheric Environmental Capacity in Lanzhou;兰州市区大气环境容量季节变化初探

13.Atmosphere Environmental Capacity Study in Contitions of Ligh Air and Calm;小风和静风条件下大气环境容量研究

14.Research on Atmospheric Envirionmental Carrying Capacity of Urban Road Traffic;城市道路交通的大气环境承载力研究

15.Durability Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures in Industrial Environment;工业大气环境混凝土结构耐久性研究

16.Atmospheric Pollution and Its Prevention Measures;大气环境化学污染及其防治措施研究

17.The abiotic factors of the environment include light, temperature, and atmospheric gases.环境的非生物因素包括光、温度和大气

18.say greenhouse gases are one of the country"s biggest environmental problems.温室气体是中国最大的环境问题之一,


atmosphere environment大气环境

1.Application of Particle Swarm Optimization based BP neural networks toatmosphere environment assessment of thermal power plants;基于粒子群优化的BP神经网络在火电厂大气环境评价中的应用

2.Evaluating the effects of post-FGD emissions of natural draft cooling tower on theatmosphere environment based on S/P model;应用S/P模式评估自然通风冷却塔排放脱硫后烟气对大气环境的影响

3.Analysis ofatmosphere environment bearing capacity in Jiaozuo city;焦作市区大气环境承载力分析

3)air environment大气环境

1.The Impact of Northern Sand and Dirt Storm on the Air Environment in Hangzhou and Its Countermeasures;北方沙尘暴对杭州大气环境的影响及应对措施

2.In this paper,the relationship between the typical air pollution indexes and the per capita GDP in Urumqi City is analyzed based on the data of economic growth and theair environment quality in Urumqi City during the period of 1981- by developing the regression model between the concentrations of main air pollutants and the per capita GDP.通过把乌鲁木齐市3种大气污染物(SO2,NOX,TSP)排放浓度与人均GDP值(近25年的数据)进行1~5阶的线性回归模拟,结果显示:3阶线性回归的模拟效果最好,故认为乌鲁木齐市大气环境污染物排放浓度与人均GDP增长之间的回归模型,符合环境库兹涅茨三次回归拟合曲线特征。

3.This paper discusses the present situation of air pollution and proposes the idea of protectingair environment through levy environment tax based on the reference to it in other countries.加强环境管理、保护大气环境是可持续发展的基本内涵。


1.Initial corrosion of AZ91D magnesium alloy inatmosphere containing SO_2;AZ91D镁合金在含SO_2大气环境中的初期腐蚀行为

2.Design and Implementation of the Data Model and Database in Simulation of Atmosphere;大气环境仿真中数据模型及数据库的设计与实现

3.Interference of theatmosphere for space CCD camera;大气环境对空间CCD相机成像的影响

5)atmospheric environmental science大气环境学

6)ambient atmosphere pressure环境大气压

1.Change ofambient atmosphere pressure distribution and systematic error of differential-pressure vacuum measurement;环境大气压的分布变化规律与差压式真空度测量的系统误差


大气环境大气环境atmospheric environment大气环境(atmospherie environment)工作现场的温度、湿度、气压、空气成分等环境因素。大气环境是影响工作效率的一个重要因素。心理学对大气环境的研究,包括室温对体温的影响、温度对工效的影响、通风对工效的影响、空气中化学成分对心理的影响,以及大气污染问题的研究,如有毒废气和粉尘对人体的危害作用等。(张燕逸撰张燮审)
