1200字范文 > 居民健康 health英语短句 例句大全

居民健康 health英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-07 20:25:05


居民健康 health英语短句 例句大全



1.Decoration materials and the origin of toxic substance were introduced, and its pernicious effect for people"shealth and ecoenvironment was described.介绍了建筑装修材料及其有毒物质的主要来源;详述其对居民健康和生态环境的危害效应,提出防治对策。


1.On the Factors Affecting the Health of Yantai Residents and Their Investment in Health;烟台市居民健康与健康投资影响因素研究

2.The exploration on health promotion and health education for rural residents:experiences from Ningxia农村居民健康教育与健康促进探索:宁夏经验

3.Some of the residents had the out-of-date ideas about health care (62.0%) and community nursing (69.8%).62.0%居民健康理念落后、69.8%居民社区护理观念滞后。

4.Pollution of the water supply reaches a level pernicious to the health of the population水源污染已达到危及居民健康的程度

5.Pollution of the water supply reach a level pernicious to the health of the population.水源污染已达到危及居民健康的程度。

6.The Effects on the Residents Health Induced by the Heavy Metal Mercury, Lead and Cadmium in the Environment;环境汞、铅、镉污染对居民健康的影响

7.The Associations between Social Capital and Health Equity;社会资本与城市居民健康公平的关系

8.Analysis on Health Examination of 726 Residents in County Town城镇726名居民健康体检结果分析

9.Logistic Model Analysis on Western and Middle Rural Residents" Health Status and Its Determinants中西部农村居民健康状况Logistic模型分析

10.Health Status of Residents in Wuhou District,Chengdu成都市武侯区社区居民健康状况调查

11.Investigation on health literacy among residents in Zhabei District,Shanghai City上海市闸北区居民健康素养现状调查

12.Investigation on the status of health literacy about residents in 6 areas of Sichuan Province四川省6市县居民健康素养现状调查

13.Research on the Health Behavior of Rural Residents农村居民健康相关生活行为方式研究

14.The Nutrition and Health Status of the Chinese People中国居民营养与健康现状

15.1. The status of nutrition and health among the Chinese people has been significantly improved一、居民营养与健康状况明显改善

16.2. The nutrition and health problems in the population should not be ignored.二、居民营养与健康问题不容忽视

17.Analysis of cardiovascular health in Nanning city南宁市居民心血管健康状况调查分析

18.Survey of nutritional and health conditions of the citizens of Haikou City in 2002.2002年海口市居民营养与健康状况调查


healthy resident健康居民

1.Using the new polarographic analysis ,determination of selenium contents in blood samples collected fromhealthy residents?pregnant women and patients in Yueqing was conducted.采用新极谱法对浙江省乐清市健康居民、孕妇和疾病患者的全血样品进行硒含量的测定。

3)health service demand and utilization居民健康状况

4)personal health records居民健康档案

5)Health Information System居民健康信息系统

1.Research on the Pattern of Urban ResidentHealth Information System;城市居民健康信息系统的模式研究

6)people"s health in residential environment人居健康


居民jumin居民residents非居民的对称。在一个主权国家境内长期或永久居住,并受居住国法律保护和管辖的自然人(包括本国人、外国人、双重国籍人和多重国籍人)、法人和法人团体。按照国际货币基金组织的说明,居民是指在某个国家或地区居住期限达一年以上者,否则即为非居民。居民和非居民都包括个人、企业、非营利团体和政府四类。一国的外交使节和驻外军事人员等,即使在外国居住长达一年以上,仍属派出国的居民、驻在国的非居民。一个公司的国外子公司是其经营所在国的居民,其母公司所在国的非居民。国际性机构如联合国、世界银行、国际货币基金组织等,对于任何国家来说都是非居民。居民和非居民是在国际经济交往中约定俗成的一对有特定涵义的概念。作此界定的主要意义在于正确并且口径统一地反映各国的国际收支情况。根据这一界定,只有发生在居民和非居民之间的经济交易才是国际经济交易。例如,中国银行伦敦分行是英国的居民,中国的非居民;分行与中国银行总行的业务往来因而构成中国和英国的国际收支内容。相反,中国银行总行与在华的各外国公司之间的资金往来,只构成中国的国内收支。居民与非居民也是外汇管制法规中区别外汇持有者身份的基本分类。一般而言,由于居民的外汇收支涉及居住国的国际收支问题,管汇当局对之管制较严;反之,由于非居民的外汇收支与居住国的国际收支无涉,管汇当局对之管制较松。 (李扬)
