1200字范文 > 班彪 Ban Biao英语短句 例句大全

班彪 Ban Biao英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-26 00:00:54


班彪 Ban Biao英语短句 例句大全

班彪,Ban Biao

1)Ban Biao班彪

1.Ban biao and hexi culture between xihan dynasity and donghan dynasity;班彪与两汉之际的河西文化

2.Many outstanding personages, like Ban Jieyu,Ban Biao, Ban Gu and Ban Chao, all belonged to this famous family.东汉班氏家族不仅是一个簪缨世家,也是诗礼传家的书香门第,出现了如班婕妤、班彪、班固、班超、班昭等多位杰出的历史人物。


1.Ban Biao was very famous in Chinese history , but he wrote few monographs.班彪虽是历史名人,但很少有专论。

2.Using Ban Biao’s Bei Zheng Fu to Analyze the Lyrical Wayof Ji Xing Fu in Zhao Ming Selected Works;由班彪《北征赋》看《昭明文选》中纪行赋的抒情方式

3.Why Did Mao Zedong Choose Lin Biao as His Successorin the Early Period of the Great Cultural Revolution;“文革”初期毛泽东为何选择林彪为接班人

4.Later on, Lin Biao was added to the Standing Committee.后来又加了一个林彪。

5.a man of enormous size and terrifying aspect面目狰狞的彪形大汉.

6.Lin Biao and Jiang Qing formed counter-revolutionary cliques.林彪、江青是反革命集团。

7.And, of course, so did Lin Biao and Jiang Qing.林彪、江青更不用说了。

8.Beijing Cibol Sanitary Wares Co., Ltd.北京喜彪洁具有限公司

9.Impressionistic Composer Achille-Claude Debussy印象主义作曲家德彪西——兼论德彪西钢琴作品的主要创作手法

10.Class, class, class;班级,班级,班级;

11."Using a whole-tone scale of five tones, free treatment of rhythm, and subtle dynamics (loudness and softness), Debussy turned away from Wagner when he composed the. atonal and impressionistic "Pelleas and Melisande"(1902)."德彪西在创作强弱)变化手法。

12.A woman regarded as coarse and shrewishly abusive.泼妇被当作粗野、彪悍的骂街妇的女人

13.But he became a hero to many others, and his achievements were extraordinary.本书介绍他的生平事迹与彪炳战功。

14.A burly figure bursts from the Jews.从犹太人当中蓦地冲出一个彪形大汉。

15.Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 5th, by reporter Huangbiao He本报北京1月5日讯记者何黄彪报道:

16.They call that 320-pound bruiser “the Fridge”.他们称那个320磅重的彪形大汉为“冰箱”。


18.Research on Buhler s Humanistic Psychology Theory;C·彪勒的人本主义心理学思想探析


Bɑn Biɑo班彪(3~54)

3)Comment on Historian Ban Biao班彪述评


1.Pharnacia jianfenglingensis, sp.海南彪属─新种记述(科:亚科)毕道英(中国科学院上海昆虫研究所,上海200025)关键词:科,亚科,彪属,海南省迄今为止世界上已知现在活的最大竹节虫,要推齿足彪PharnaciaserratipesGray,雌虫体长达330mm(除足和触。

5)Lin Biao林彪

1.Some Questionable Points in Research of the Relations between Mao Zedong andLin Biao;毛泽东与林彪关系研究中若干疑点辨析

2.An Analysis of Mao Zedong s Attitude towardsLin Biao during the Mobilization Period of "The Great Cultural Revolution";“文革”发动阶段毛泽东对林彪的态度辨析

3.Why Did Mao Zedong ChooseLin Biao as His Successorin the Early Period of the Great Cultural Revolution;“文革”初期毛泽东为何选择林彪为接班人

6)Wang Biao王彪

1.To Guide and Observe Soul—The Study on Human Nature in the Novels byWang Biao;在灵魂边缘处守望——王彪小说中的人性思索


