1200字范文 > 素问集注 Su Wen Ji Zhu英语短句 例句大全

素问集注 Su Wen Ji Zhu英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-04 11:12:01


素问集注 Su Wen Ji Zhu英语短句 例句大全

素问集注,Su Wen Ji Zhu

1)Su Wen Ji Zhu素问集注

1.Literature Study onSu Wen Ji Zhu《黄帝内经素问集注》的文献研究

2)Annotation to Plain Questions素问注

1.Application of Word Explanation in Wang Bing"sAnnotation to Plain Questions王冰《素问注》中训诂术语的运用

3)wangbing"s comment of Suwen《素问》王冰注

4)Resensing and Annotating of Suxuan Anthology《素轩诗集》校注

5)aggregative comments集注

1.The quotations of Annotations of Literary Selection are typical of two traits:most quotations were made before JIN Dynasty and they mostly came from theaggregative comments.但通过对《汉书》注释史及目录学的考察,可以发现李善注引用的古《汉书》注并非逐家征引,而是基本引自东晋蔡谟所作的《汉书》集注本,它是颜师古《汉书注》通行之前最主要的《汉书》注本。


1.a variorum Shakespeare莎士比亚集注 [本]

2.Of or relating to a variorum edition or text.集注版的集注版或原文的,或与其有关的

3.Historical Annotation of Poetry of YAO Wen-xie’s Anthology of Changgu’s Poems;姚文燮《昌谷集注》的“以史注诗”

4.Direct one"s/someone"s attention to(使)注意,(使)注意力集中

5.central priming system集中注油系统集中注水系统

6.He"s tired and can"t concentrate.他累了,注意力不能集中。

7.IIL topological simplicity集成注入逻辑布局简化

8.IIL gate structure集成注入逻辑栅极结构

9.integrated injection logic processor集成注入逻辑处理机

10.IIL instruction set集成注入逻辑指令组

11.ion implantation gate MOS integrated circuit离子注入MOS集成电路

12.Staring is more intense than gazing and the eyes are often wide open.stare精神集中,常指张目注视

13.centre attention on把注意力集中在...之上

14.the trait of being observant and paying attention.把注意力集中在某方面。

15."Turn around, and pay attention.""转身过来,将注意力集中。"

16.Attention centred on the priest.注意力集中在牧师身上。

17.the object upon which interest and attention focuses.兴趣和注意集中的对象。

18.He fixed his attention on what I was doing.他集中注意我所干的活。


Annotation to Plain Questions素问注

1.Application of Word Explanation in Wang Bing"sAnnotation to Plain Questions王冰《素问注》中训诂术语的运用

3)wangbing"s comment of Suwen《素问》王冰注

4)Resensing and Annotating of Suxuan Anthology《素轩诗集》校注

5)aggregative comments集注

1.The quotations of Annotations of Literary Selection are typical of two traits:most quotations were made before JIN Dynasty and they mostly came from theaggregative comments.但通过对《汉书》注释史及目录学的考察,可以发现李善注引用的古《汉书》注并非逐家征引,而是基本引自东晋蔡谟所作的《汉书》集注本,它是颜师古《汉书注》通行之前最主要的《汉书》注本。

6)Plain Questions素问

1.Selection of Scholar Thought"Treat Pre-disease"From"Plain Questions";《素问》“治未病”学术思想选讲(三)

2.Textual Research on "Shi Qi Mai" inPlain Questions;《素问》“適其脉”解诂

3.Fortune doctrine formed in the Eastern-Han Dynasty, Whose contents firstly appeared in seven chapters ofPlain Questions.运气学说形成于东汉 ,其整体内容最早见之于现存的《素问》“七篇大论”之中 ,据现存资料而言 ,王冰是发掘并传承运气之学的第一人。


