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认知论 cognitive theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-20 08:30:03


认知论 cognitive theory英语短句 例句大全

认知论,cognitive theory

1)cognitive theory认知论

1.The paper discusses the shortcomings and obstacles of universal grammar in the explanation of SAL and also the advantage ofcognitive theory in that field,and suggests that we should broaden our range of viewpoint and should not bind ourselves only to universal grammar.本文讨论了普遍语法在解释第二语言习得时的不足和障碍以及认知论的解释优势,认为在二语习得领域我们应该放宽眼界,不应束缚于普遍语法。

2.The author integrates the language learning with writing ability training from the perspective ofcognitive theory.文章从认知论角度出发,将语言学习与写作能力培养加以整合,通过分析语言学习策略和写作认知过程,并借鉴任务型学习理念,进而提出英文学术写作能力培养的对策与措施。

3.Based on the input theory,affective filter hypothesis andcognitive theory,by means of empirical research,this paper discusses the value of teaching English songs as a supplementary to regular English listening teaching,pointing out the feasibility and effectiveness of using English songs as English listening material.基于输入论、情感论和认知论,通过实证研究,文章探讨了英语歌曲在英语听力教学上的实际应用价值,指出将英语歌曲融入听力教学是可行且有效的,能显著提高学生的听力水平。


1.Meta - cognition----New development of cognition theory of physical education;元认知——体育教学认知论研究的新发展

2.On Aesthetics and Epistemology of Historical Opera during the Qing and Ming Dynasties明清曲论家的历史题材剧审美认知论

3.Analyzing Contextually the Theory of Computational - Representational Understanding of mind;计算-表征认知理论的认知语境分析

4.On“knowledge out of ignorance” --My fresh idea on Laozi s theory of knowledge;论“无知之知”——老子认识论思想新探

5.On the Cognitive Theory and Cognitive Therapy of Paranoia;国外关于偏执狂认知理论与认知治疗述论

6.On the thinking Mistake and the Cognize Node of the Decision-making of Early Diagnosis论早期诊断决策的认知误区和认知节点

7.Unfinished Work--From Cyborg to Cognisphere;认知域为何要取代生化人?——论认知的转型

8.The Cognitive Explanation of the Understanding of Zeugma;辞格Zeugma理解的认知阐释——认知参照点理论的应用

9.The Cognitive-energetic Model-A More Comprehensive Cognitive Model of ADHD;认知能量模型——一种更为综合的ADHD认知理论

10.On Cognitive Conditions of Metaphor Translation;隐喻翻译的认知限定条件——兼论翻译的认知空间

11.Theory of Spatial Cognition,the Semantic Cognitions of Chinese"Shang(上)",and Its English Translation空间认知理论与“上”字的空间语义认知及英译

12.Story and Cognition:Remarks on Functions of Literature in the View of Cognitive Poetics故事与认知——简论认知诗学的文学功用观

13.Moral Education Epistemology of “Knowing-practice-knowing ” and Its Practice of “Embodying-Tao”;“知—行—知”德育认识论及其“体道”实践

14.Cognition and Recognition: Hamlet’s Power of Knowledge;认识与再认识:论哈姆雷特的认知能力(英文)

15.Knowledge Innovation and Cognitive Factors Under the Framework of Knowledge Management;论知识管理框架下的知识创新与人的认知因素

16.Schema theory is one of the important theories of Cognitive Linguistics.图式理论是认知语言的重要理论之一。

17.Application of Meta-cognitive Theory in Teaching;略论元认知理论在教育教学中的运用

plementarity Analysis on Cognitive Linguistics and Relevance Theory;试论认知语言学与关联理论的互补性


cognition theory认知论

1.Admonish doctrine,identify theory andcognition theory belong to the theory of rhetorical theory The political rhetoric includes five parts:situational rhetoric,movement rhetoric,institutional rhetoric,presidential rhetoric and ob-rhetoric.政治修辞理论的发展经历了规劝说、认同说和认知论三个发展阶段。

2.Based on thecognition theory and the depth of web patent information resources analysis, the paper does some thoughts on it.文章从专利分析过程中探寻专利信息源的特性,在项目实践的基础上,基于当前网络专利情报源的分析深度,从认知论的角度做了几点思考。

3)cognitive theories认知理论

1.According tocognitive theories, cognitive factors play a crucial role in causing depression.抑郁症在当今社会呈多发趋势,认知理论认为,认知因素在抑郁症的产生中起关键作用。

2.Based on Nida s functional equivalence and equivalent translating theories,the author tried to analyze translating strategies of metaphors withcognitive theories.认知理论关照下的英汉概念隐喻对比发现,英汉概念隐喻之间存在相似性和差异性。

3.This paper makes a comparison between Jackendoff and Langacker scognitive theories in five aspects in the hope of deepening the understanding of the two theories: ontologies, epistemologies; relations between syntax and semantics; relations between lexicon and encyclopedia; opinions on feature analysis; production and representation of conceptual structure.文章从本体论与认识论、句法与语义的关系、词汇意义与百科知识的关系、对义素分析的看法、概念结构的产生和表征等五个方面比较了杰肯道夫(Jackendoff)和兰盖克(Langacker)的认知理论的异同,以期通过比较加深对两人理论观点的认识和理解。

4)cognitive theory认知理论

1.Inspired by thecognitive theory s attempt to "evoke precise technique to dissect internal hierarchy which cannot be expressed through external expressions into small quantified portions," the author explores how people construct space structures in their imagination and attempts to establish a comprehensive .受认知理论中,“不可展现于外的层级研究,可化解成可量化的小部分的精准技巧”启发,重新了解人们在意象中如何建构空间结构,试图建立完整且供规划者依循的理性思维设计观念——一种“分类”与“整合”的再出发,使规划者工作脚步更加踏实。

2.The main views of constructirism andcognitive theory are introduced first, on the basis of which combine with the main characters of the Virtual Reality, the problems that the Virtual Reality applies on the field of education are discussed with thecognitive theory and constructirism.为此,首先介绍了构建主义理论和认知理论的主要观点,并在此基础上结合虚拟现实的主要特性,从认知理论与构建主义理论的层面,讨论了虚拟现实技术应用于教育领域的有关问题。

3.The main part of thecognitive theory is then described in details.详细的分析论述了认知主义学习理论,并提出了一些将认知理论应用于网络教学中学习活动设计及网页设计的方法。

5)cognition theory认知理论

1.It is really worthwhile to discuss something about thecognition theory which is the basic theory of the traditional cartographic field.认知理论是传统地图制图学领域的基础理论,该理论在地理信息系统中的作用机理和表现方式值得探讨。

2.The behaviorism school of philosophy regards the language learnt as the result of conditioned reflex,whilecognition theory takes language learning as the language creative capability in the part of the student on the basis of grasped grammatical rules.行为主义哲学把习得语言看作是条件反射的结果,而认知理论把学习语言看作是学生根据所掌握的语法规则创造语言的能力。

6)epistemic paradox认知悖论


