1200字范文 > 程迥 Cheng Jiong英语短句 例句大全

程迥 Cheng Jiong英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-09 07:12:21


程迥 Cheng Jiong英语短句 例句大全

程迥,Cheng Jiong

1)Cheng Jiong程迥

1.Reserved Copy of Medical Classics,written byCheng Jiong in Nansong dynasty,was not related with the clinical prescriptions,but mainly about the textual research.《医经正本书》为南宋程迥所撰,未涉临床方剂,而以考辨为主。

2)Cheng Shaojiong程绍迥(1901~)

3)Chao Jiong晁迥

1.Friendship between Wang Yu-cheng andChao Jiong;王禹偁与晁迥的文学交游

4)the difference迥异


1.The two of them have utterly different dispositions.他们俩的性格迥异。

2.What you eat can make a visible difference吃得不一样,效果就迥异

3."Though their personalities were different, they got along as friends."虽然他们性格迥异,但却能友好相处。

4.Though their personalities differed, they got along as friends.虽然他们性格迥异,但却相处友好

5.There are really three fundamentally different linkers.实际上是由三个迥异的连接器组成。

6.That street displays mingled architectural styles那条街上的建筑物风格迥异。

7.In addition, the hotel boasts28 VIP compartments decorated in distinctive styles.并有28间装修风格迥异的VIP包房。

8.Society is made up of people of widely differing abilities.社会是由能力迥异的人组成的.

9.Society is made up of people of widely different abilities社会是由能力迥异的人组成的

10.A Comparative Study on the Different Views on the History of World War Ⅱ between Germany and Japan;德国、日本二战史观迥异的比较研究

11.Germany and Japan Differ Completely in Reflecting on War Crimes and the Implications;德、日对战争罪行反省迥异及其影响

12.Lu Yin and Su Xuelin:Figures of May 4th Movement with Different Characters庐隐与苏雪林——两位秉性迥异的“五四人”

13.He wanted something to happen to him, something new and different.他渴望会发生什么,一种崭新的、迥异的事情。

14.Cats and dogs have quite different natures dogs like company, cats are independent.猫和狗的习性迥异--狗喜欢有伴, 猫爱独来独往.

15.Sandra said that she doesn"t mind those comparisons, but she thinks they are very different in their own way.桑德拉说她不在乎这些,但她认为她俩风格迥异。

16.Is television the only medium in which vastly dissimilar messages jostle against one another?电视是唯一一个迥异信息相互冲突的媒介吗?

17.My theory as often been advanced by scholars, and equally often has been rejected我的理论在学术界里反响迥异,褒贬参半。

18.At the first glance, one saw that it was divided into many masses, singularly distinct.一眼便可以看出,新城分成好几大片、景象迥异。


Cheng Shaojiong程绍迥(1901~)

3)Chao Jiong晁迥

1.Friendship between Wang Yu-cheng andChao Jiong;王禹偁与晁迥的文学交游

4)the difference迥异

5)litho-phase cycle岩相旋迥

6)Surface of revolutions迥转面


程迥程迥 程迥 南宋文学家。字可久。原籍宁陵(今河南宁陵南)人,一作睢阳沙随(今宁陵北)人,故人称“沙随先生”。靖康之变,徙居余姚(今属浙江)。隆兴元年(1163年)进士,游宦江苏、江西等地。所著《古易考》、《古易章句》等书深受唯心主义理学家朱熹推崇。淳熙三年(1176年)著《医经正本书》一卷,载有医政、医事、度量等有关史料,然维护孝道伦常,提倡侍亲不避伤寒疫病,谓无传染等,有违科学之理。尝作有《活人书辨》,今佚。
