1200字范文 > 体育传播学 sports communication英语短句 例句大全

体育传播学 sports communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-01 22:30:46


体育传播学 sports communication英语短句 例句大全

体育传播学,sports communication

1)sports communication体育传播学


1.On the Progress of Physical Education Communication in China;刍议我国体育传播学研究的发展进程

2.Research Review of Peripherization Theory on Chinese Sports Mass Communication中国体育传播学边缘化理论研究述评

3.Discipline Characteristics and Research Condition of Sport Media;体育传播学的学科特征与研究现状——兼论体育的传播特征及其信息符号理论

4.The Development and Function of Physical Education Through Mass Media in Point of Propagation;从传播学视角看体育教育传播媒体发展与功能

5.Pan-recreationalized tendency of China s sports mass media in communication science theory;我国体育大众传播中泛娱乐化的传播学解析

6.Error and countermeasure of PE major education in China from the viewpoint of dissemination;从传播学视角看当下我国体育专业教育之阙失

munication Theory and Strategies in Adertisements Made by Sports Stars;体育明星广告的传播原理及传播策略

8.Viewing at Situation of Multimedia Teaching in Colleges by Theory of Educational Communication;从教育传播学理论看高校多媒体教学的现状

9.The Current Situation and Tendency of Sport Journalism and Communications in China(-);中国体育新闻传播学发展现状及趋势(-)

10.The Research on Female Students Sports Teaching in Colleges of Journalism and Communication;新闻传播类高等院校女生体育教学改革的研究

work theory of the role of the media in vocational education from the perspective of science;从传播学角度论网络媒体在职业教育中的作用

12.Medium Olympic Games Disseminate to the University Student Participate in Sports Influence媒介奥运传播对大学生参与体育的影响

13.Westernization of the culture of sports choice behavior interpretation of communication洋务派体育行为选择的文化传播学解读

14.The scientfic content and influence on sports education of Sports Science《体育界》科学传播及其对近代中国体育学科生成的影响

15.Effects of Sports Information Communication on Middle School Students Participation in Sports in the Urban Districts of Beijing;体育信息的传播对北京市城区中学生参加体育活动的影响

16.Analysis of the Factors in Propagative Effection ofHealth Education in College Physical Training;影响学校体育教学中健康教育知识传播效果的因素分析

17.The Study of the Television Sports Report and the Sports Journalists;电视体育报道与电视体育传播人初探

18.Present Situation of Internet Media in Scholastic Sports Information Communication and its Countermeasure;网络传媒在学校体育信息传播中的现状与对策研究


sport journalism and communications体育新闻传播学

1.The current situation of development ofsport journalism and communications in China in recent years is comprehensively introduced in this paper,including the publication of academic works,textbooks and papers,and the establishment of academic organizations,conferences and faculties.全面阐述了近年来中国体育新闻传播学发展的现状,包括学术专著、教材、论文的出版发表情况,介绍了国内有关学术组织、学术会议和学术队伍建设情况,并从七个方面总结了当前国内体育新闻传播研究存在的问题,提出了今后的努力方向及发展趋势。

3)communicate of sports science体育科学传播

4)sports communication体育传播

1.Characteristics and development strategies forsports communication industry in China;我国体育传播产业的特性与发展对策研究

2.A Study of Soft Power Construction in China from the Perspective of Sports Communication;从体育传播的视角看中国软实力的建构

5)sport communication体育传播

1.The paper sums up the communication background of the rise ofsport communications as a subject and the accedemic accumulations ofsport communication theory in the development ofsport communication research history.主要概括了体育传播学作为学科兴起的传播学背景和体育传播研究历史演进体育传播理论的学术积淀;讨论了建构体育传播学的理论范式、基本观念、知识体系、学科方法、学术地位、现实价值等。

2.Then,present situation of thesport communication was inspected.体育需要传播,体育传播与一个国家的传播实力密切相关,在全球化浪潮下的体育存在传播的偏向。

3.The priciples of communication, sport science, logic, urbanology and sociology were applied to study the relation betweensport communication and urban civilization.运用传播学、体育学、逻辑学、城市学与社会学的原理,对体育传播与都市文明的关系进行初步探究,展现和揭示了二者之间相互影响、相互依存的关系。

6)the science of diffusion传播学教育

1.The neglect or despise of the healthy development of education will do harm to the theoretical research ofthe science of diffusion and the practice of the science and, consequently, do harm to the whole system.在我国传播学教育的实践中,存在一些急需要解决的问题。


新闻传播学类专业业务培养目标:本专业培养具备系统的新闻理论知识与技能、宽广的文化与科学知识.熟悉我国新闻、宣传政策法规,能在新闻、出版与宣传部门从事编辑、记者与管理等工作的新闻学高级专门人才。业务培养要求:本专业学生主要学习马克思主义基本原理和新闻学基本理论和基础知识,受到新闻业务的基本训练,具有社会活动和科研的基本能力。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:1.掌握新闻学基本理论与基本知识;2.掌握新闻采访、写作、编辑、评论、摄影等业务知识与技能;3.具有调查研究和社会活动能力;4.了解新闻工作的方针、政策和法规;5.了解中国新闻工作现状与发展趋势,了解外国新闻工作发展动态。主干学科:新闻传播学主要课程:新闻学概论、中国新闻事业史、外国新闻事业、新闻采访与写作、新闻编辑与评论、马列新闻论著选读、中国历代文学作品选读、大众传播学、新闻法规与新闻职业道德、新闻摄影、 广播电视学、新闻事业管理、广告学与公共关系学等。主要实践性教学环节:包括初级实习、毕业实习等,一般安排30周。修业年限:四年授予学位:文学学士
