1200字范文 > 生丝产质量 Raw silk production and quality英语短句 例句大全

生丝产质量 Raw silk production and quality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-21 14:17:22


生丝产质量 Raw silk production and quality英语短句 例句大全

生丝产质量,Raw silk production and quality

1)Raw silk production and quality生丝产质量


1.Silk Production and Quality Management Based on Operational Research and Statistics基于运筹学及统计学的生丝产质量管理

2.large moths whose larvae produce silk of high quality.其幼虫可生产高质量的丝的一种大蛾。


4.The Research on Quality Control in the Production of Cake Type Viscose Rayon Filament Yarn for Export of Jilin Chemical Fiber Co., LTD;吉林化纤出口饼装丝生产质量控制研究

5.The Effect of Nutrition on Phellinus igniarius Mycelial Biomass and Exopolysaccharide Yield营养物质对桑黄菌丝生物量及胞外多糖产量的影响

6.Our instant principle to glass machinery is that: adopting advanced producing crafts at home and abroad with meticulous attitude to insure scientific, extractive and durable quality.引用国内外先进技术生产工艺,秉持一丝不苟的精神,确保产品质量。

7.Effects of the Casing Soil Properties on Mycelium Biomass of Agaricus Mushroom and Its Microbial Diversity覆土基质特性对蘑菇菌丝产量的影响及其微生物多样性研究

8.Effects of Different Harvest Time on Yield and Quality of Radix Curcume Longae;黄丝郁金不同采收期的产量和质量研究

9.Effect of different seminal rhizomes on yield and quality of Curcuma longa不同规格种茎对黄丝郁金产量和质量的影响

10.Study on producing protein feed through the candida利用假丝酵母生产蛋白质饲料的研究

11.The waste after mercerization produces an effluent containing 5% NaOH.丝光后产生含碱量5%的废液。

12.Studies on the Output of Cocoon and Raw Silk andDistribution of Sericultural Areas in the World;世界蚕茧和生丝生产量及其产地变迁的研究

13.Viscose Rayon Filament Yara of Export to Japan Cortrol Product Quality Research of Jilin Chemical Fiber Group Co.,Ltd;吉林化纤出口日本粘胶长丝产品质量控制研究

14.Stopwatches made in Shanghai are of high quality.上海生产的秒表质量高。

15.quality control of textile workshops纺织生产现场质量控制

16.Production Practice of Improving 90m~2Sintering Output and Quality90m~2烧结机提高产量和质量生产实践

17.Technique Study on Increase Production of Large Capacity in Spinning Device of Polyester Fiber;大容量纺丝装置增加生产能力技术研究

18.Effect of Different Preservation Conditions on Mycelial Growth and Fruit-body Yield of Cordyceps militaris菌种保藏条件对蛹虫草菌丝生长及产量的影响


raw silk output生丝产量

1.The research estimates Chinese nationalraw silk output prior to the Opium War in order to provide a quantitative assessment of the effect that increasing Chinese raw silk ex- ports had on the expansion of Chinese sericultural production in the second half of the 19th century and the first two decades of the 20th.为了对19世纪下半叶生丝出口增加对中国近代蚕桑业扩张的影响有一个"度"的测量,本研究对鸦片战争前的全国生丝产量进行估算。

3)raw silk quality生丝质量

1.The auxiliary improvesraw silk quality while reducing raw silk breaks and cutting production cost.经山东数家制丝企业应用证明 ,ZSF - 1复摇助剂适用于绞装生丝复摇前丝小真空给湿 ,能改善生丝外观质量 ,减少生丝切断 ,提高生丝质量 ,降低生产成本等。

2.Targeting serious breaks of raw silk and repeated degrading of lot samples, measures to reduce the breaks are taken, e g partial renovation of rereeling equipment and atmospheric control so as to improve raw silk qualit针对生丝切断严重 ,丝批多次降级的状况 ,通过采取复摇设备的局部改造和复摇车间的温湿度管理等有效措施 ,切断明显减少 ,生丝质量得以提高。

4)Production quality生产质量

1.Research on the Integrated Production Quality Management Method for Steelmaking Industry钢铁制造业集成化生产质量管理方法研究

2.The production process of asphalt mixture,its importance of production quality,as well as its domestic testing status are described.阐述了沥青混合料的生产过程、生产质量的重要性以及国内对沥青混合料生产质量的检测现状,介绍了长安大学质量控制研究所开发研制的"沥青混合料生产质量监控器"。

5)mass creation质量产生

1.The processes of themass creation are controlled by the derivative (/t)μGXα(x,t) of continuous order between the diffusion and relativistic wave equation.质量产生过程受到在扩散方程和相对论波动方程之间连续变化所决定的连续阶导数(/t)μGXα(x,t)控制。



蚕茧质量监督检查和国家生丝质量检验蚕茧质量监督检查和国家生丝质量检验cocoon quality supervision inspection and national silk quality inspection检验局承担并组织有关检验机构对全国已核发生产准产证的缘丝、绢纺企业的生丝、绢丝质量进行抽查检验(两年共四期),以考核生产企业生丝质量水平。中国桑蚕鲜茧评茧计价方法主要有3种:①鲜上光茧干壳量仪器评定(简称仪评)计价;②“组合售茧、嫌丝计价,’(简称“组、缎”)评茧方法;③茧层率评茧计价。国家质量技术监督局于19望)年6月7日下发了《关于加强茧丝质t监督工作的通知》,要求加强桑蚕鲜茧收购期间的质量监督执法检查;重点做好鲜茧收购过程中“四率”(仪器配备率、仪器完好率、仪评率和仪评相符率)的检查工作。各级专业纤维检验机构应充分发挥职能作用,加强蚕茧质量监督管理;加强对茧站仪评计价工作指导;加强对蚕茧收购计t器具的检定工作;充分运用法律手段,在蚕茧收购期间开展执法检查活动,对违法行为坚决予以查处。在国家生丝质t检验方面,1998年国家经贸委等4部门联合发布了(缀丝绢纺准产证制度实施办法》,规定缎丝、绢纺企业准产的基本条件。经国家茧丝绸协调小组审议,并报国务院领导批准,“国家生丝质量检验”项目列人(国家茧丝绷发展风险基金》第二批发展项目。该项目由中国纤维检验局承担并组织依法设t或依法授权的具有生丝、绢丝检验能力的纤检局(所)、生丝质检站对全国已核发生产准产证的缀丝、绢丝企业的生丝、绢丝质量进行检验。(吕善模),ngconjian zhilia叩Jiondu iianCha he gUOJia she叩51 zh1旧nyan蚕茧质一监督检查和国家生丝质t检验coon甲ality su伴币sion inspection and natsilk卿ality ins衅tion)专业纤维检验机构蚕鲜茧收购期间,对茧站收购鲜茧进行质量监督和检验的全过程。国家生丝质量检验是指由中国CO-nal桑查维
