1200字范文 > 伴生矿 associated mineral英语短句 例句大全

伴生矿 associated mineral英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-23 18:42:41


伴生矿 associated mineral英语短句 例句大全

伴生矿,associated mineral

1)associated mineral伴生矿

1.By means of the differences of physical property and motion characteristics in the superfine pulverization between talc andassociated minerals,the purification of talc can be achieved.利用滑石与伴生矿物杂质的物理性质的差异以及其在超细粉碎过程中不同的运动特性达到提纯的目的。

2.This paper introduces the physical basis,instrument and equipment,methodology and technology which to findassociated mineral for field X-ray fluorescence determination.介绍了现场X射线荧光勘查技术的理论基础、仪器设备和运用X荧光分析仪寻找伴生矿的方法技术。


1.Trace Elements and Associated Ore in Handan-Xingtai Coalfield;邯邢矿区煤中伴生矿产及微量元素研究

2.Making Reasonable Use of The Source of accompany Increasing The synthesis Powers of our Enterprise;合理利用煤矿共伴生矿产资源 提高企业综合实力

3.The Application of the Portable XRF Instrument to Find Associated Mineral in the Mineral Prospecting手提式X荧光分析仪在矿产普查中寻找伴生矿的应用研究

prehensive Utilization of Associated Mineral Resources and Tailings:One of the Ways to Overcome the Mining Crisis共伴生矿产和尾矿综合利用是危机矿山解困的途径之一——部分危机矿山调查研究记述

5.For instance, if foreign investors develop paragenetic and associated minerals besides the major minerals, half of the mineral resources compensation fee will be forgone.如,外商开采主矿种以外的共、伴生矿产资源的,减半缴纳矿产资源补偿费;

6.The minerals of Jinchuan deposit have complex paragenetic relationship and lots of accompanying elements.金川矿床矿物共生关系复杂,伴生元素多。

7.Ore dressing refers to the concentration of a raw ore. Dressing can separate the desired mineral from much of the associated gangue.选矿就是精选生矿。通过选矿,有用矿物从伴随的脉石中分离出来。

8.Process Mineralogy Study on Associated Silver in a Deposit in Qinghai Province青海某铜铅锌矿床中伴生银的工艺矿物学研究

9.Small Scale Test of Refractory Associated Molybdenum Ore in Tongshankou Mine铜山口矿难选伴生钼矿石小型试验研究

10.Silver and gold are commonly associated in deposits.在矿床中金和银通常伴生。

11.Experimental Research of Strengthen Silver Reclaim in Galenit and Sphealerite;强化铅锌矿中伴生银回收的试验研究

12.At pegmatite contacts the composition changes to chalcopyrite, millerite, pyrite, and violarite accompanied by magnetite and hematite.在伟晶岩接触带,硫化物成分变为黄铜矿、针镍矿、黄铁矿及硫镍铁矿,伴生有磁铁矿和赤铁矿。

13.Utilization of Fuel Organic Mineral Resources Associated With Coal;与煤伴生(共生)可燃有机矿产的开发利用

14.The Mode of Occurrence of Associated Gold in the Shaxi Porphyry Copper Deposit, Anhui安徽沙溪斑岩铜矿床中伴生金的赋存状态

15.A Study on Increase in Recovery of Copper and Associated Gold/Silver in Fengshan Copper Miner;提高丰山铜矿铜及伴生金银回收率的研究

16.Leaching Zinc and Its Concomitant Metals from Difficult Dealt Zinc Oxide Ore with High Silicon in Alkali Solution高硅难选氧化锌矿中锌及伴生金属碱浸出研究

17.Study on Gold and Silver Occurrence States in the Pb,Zn Polymetallic Deposit in Anhui Province安徽某铅锌多金属矿床伴生金银赋存状态研究

18.Non-cyanogen Craft Research on Some Sulfide Minerals Ore Associated with Lead and Zinc某伴生铅锌硫化矿的无氰工艺试验研究


associated mineral伴生矿物

3)associated gold deposit伴生金矿

1.Superimposed gold mineralization ofassociated gold deposits in Tongling area——studies on factor analysis and fractal features of gold grade;铜陵地区伴生金矿中金的叠加成矿——因子分析和金品位分形研究

4)associated minerals伴生矿物

1.The micro structure of wollastonite and itsassociated minerals in Pingle(Guangxi) are analysed by using Scanning Electron Microscopy.采用扫描电子显微镜及电子探针观察分析了广西平乐硅灰石矿点中硅灰石的显微结构及其伴生矿物的嵌布情况和显微结构,为硅灰石的选矿提供了科学依

5)associated mineral伴生矿产

1.Analysis on coal quality of Zhaogu coalfield and comprehensive assessment ofassociated mineral;赵固井田煤质分析及其伴生矿产综合评价

6)accompanying mineral deposit伴生矿床


伴生矿伴生矿associated orebonsheng kuang伴生矿(~iatedore)在同一矿床(矿体)内,不具备单独开采价值,但能与其伴生的主要矿产一起被开采利用的有用矿物或元素。例如,斑岩铜矿床中的铂、锌、金等,黑钨矿石英脉矿床中的锡、钥、敏、妮、担、秘和水晶等。伴生矿是相对主要矿产而言,由于它们具有相似的地球化学性质和共同的物质来源,因而常伴生在同一矿床(矿体)内。伴生矿或赋存在独立矿物中,如斑岩铜矿中的辉铝矿;或呈类质同象或机械微细混人物被包含在主要矿产的矿物中,如方铅矿、闪锌矿中的锡、锢、稼、锗等。要仔细研究它们赋存状态和分布特征,以便采用合理的选矿、冶炼工艺流程,加以回收和综合利用。(黄华盛)
