1200字范文 > 人间真情 true feelings of human world英语短句 例句大全

人间真情 true feelings of human world英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-05 02:00:32


人间真情 true feelings of human world英语短句 例句大全

人间真情,true feelings of human world

1)true feelings of human world人间真情

1.This text will interprete work of Zhu Ziqing from several angles of realistic care,thetrue feelings of human world,an artistic state of the prose,prose conceiving,and language,and explain the aesthetic meaning of his prose art.从现实关怀、人间真情、散文意境、散文构思及其语言几个角度去解读朱自清的作品,阐释其散文艺术的美学意蕴。


1.The true feelings in the world - A remark on the third picture of Smile;人间真情的激荡——评析冰心《笑》中的第三幅画

2.This film is a lyrical comedy that criticizes the worship of the golden calf and glorifies the true love.这是一部抒情喜剧故事片。影片批判了拜金主义,颂扬了人间真情。

3."Great Lyricist" and " Cordial Sentiment"--On the Interest of the Life Aesthetics in"Ren Jian Ci Hua"(Poetry of Life)“大词人”与“真感情”——谈《人间词话》的人生美学情致

4.The meeting between the mother and her son was dramatic indeed.这母子之间相会的情景真令人感动。

5.On the Differences and Similarities of the Narrative between "the True Feelings" and "the World"浅议《真情》与《人间》的叙事异同

6.and painting a truly touching portrait of the growing love between Spiderman Peter Parker and Mary Jane.并描绘了蜘蛛侠彼得?帕克与玛丽?简之间爱情成长的真实感人画面。

7.2(idm)bill and `coo(of lovers)exchange kisses and loving whispers(指情人间)接吻及谈情.

8.He was quite unreasonable.这个人真不通情理。

9."They won"t be far apart,the pair of them, out there in the glacier. An ice-cold end to their love affair. "“他们之间不会离得太远,这对情人都被埋在冰川里。这真是一个爱情故事的冰冷结局。”

10.The Venusians welcomed the Martians with open arms. The love between the Venusians and Martians was magical.金星上的女人们张开双臂迎接他们的到来。火星男人与金星女人之间的爱情——真是奇妙。

11.Real Face and Real People: after Reading Zhou Libo’s Proses;真人真性情——走进周立波的散文世界

12.True Man,True Essays--Cao Zhi"s Works study性情其人,真诚其文——由曹植诗文看其真性情

13.But critics of online relationships arguer that no one can truly know another person in cyberspace.但是网络恋情的批评者认为没有人能够真正在网络空间认识一个人。

14.It"s very nice [colorful, smart-looking, fancy, impressive, exotic].非常好。[色彩真鲜艳。真精神。真有趣。真能打动人。真有情调。

15.It is a veritable heaven on earth.它是人间真正的天堂。

16.It is really a fairyland on earth.这里真是人间仙境。

17.Between Imagination and Reality: A Study on Wen Yiduo s Love Poems;在想象与真实之间——论闻一多的情诗

18.the affection, friendship, love, etc between people人与人之间的感情、 友谊、 爱情等.


Terrestrial epidemic situation人间疫情

3)human love人间有情

4)human feelings and thoughts人间情怀

1.Some of them are cheap consumer goods to the masses while others may have attained relatively high spiritual levels and possessed rich spiritual connotations, such as social psychology, or social emotions of specific periods in history; the comprehension and emotional stirrings about life; the contemporaryhuman feelings and thoughts; and profound spiritual pursuits.后者的内涵具体包括:特定时期的社会心理的反映,对生活的理解与感叹的呈现,现世的人间情怀的表现,深层的精神追求。

5)sad feelings of human world人间悲情

6)Emotional reality show情感真人秀

1."Emotional reality show" is a new television form that enjoys growing maturity in recent years."情感真人秀"是近年来出现并日益成熟的全新电视节目形态,它以矛盾为出发点,凭借戏剧化的包装在事件双方的冲突中展现真实人物的情感,引起了受众和电视研究者们的广泛关注和论争。


真情1.本心;真实的感情。 2.实在的情况。
