1200字范文 > 降损措施 measures for reducing line losses英语短句 例句大全

降损措施 measures for reducing line losses英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-17 05:25:24


降损措施 measures for reducing line losses英语短句 例句大全

降损措施,measures for reducing line losses

1)measures for reducing line losses降损措施

1.According to the process of power consumption marketing management such as electricity metering and checking, energy management and power consumption inspection,themeasures for reducing line losses were put forward,for example, implementing the checking system for line losses management,establishing and improving economy contract responsibility system etc.文章从用电营销管理的角度介绍了降低线损的方法,并针对用电营业管理的具体流程环节,即业扩报装、营业抄核收、电能计量管理和用电检查,提出了多项具体降损措施,比如实行线损管理考核制度,建立和完善经济承包责任制等,这些措施都具有一定的借鉴意义。


1.The Research of Line Loss Analysis and Its Reducing Strategy in Practical Distribution System;实际配电系统线损分析与降损措施研究

2.The Research of Line Loss Analysis and Its Reducing Strategy for Distribution Power Network;配电网理论线损计算方法及降损措施研究

3.The Annexed Line Losses Caused by the Asymmetry of Three-phase Current and its Loss-reduction Methods;三相电流不对称引起的附加线损与降损措施

4.Research on Middle and Low Distribution NetWork Loss Calculation and Energy-Saving Measures中低压配电网线损计算方法与降损措施的研究

5.Causes of the Energy Losses in the Distribution Network and the Major Countermeasures to Decrease Losses配电网电能损耗的原因与主要降损措施

6.Study on Measures of Decreasing Loss of West to East Power Transmission Line of China Southern Power Grid(CSG)in Peak Load Period;南方电网迎峰度夏期间西电东送通道降损措施分析

7.The technolgy solutions for reducing the loss of the electric energy in the realty management物业管理中降低电能损耗的技术措施

8.Integrated measures of harmonic loss reduction of low-voltage distribution降低低压配电网谐波网损的综合措施

9.Effective measures to control ore dilution ratio and mining loss rate in mine stope降低采场矿石贫化率和采矿损失率的有效措施

10.Measures and Influence of User Reactive-load Management to Loss Reduction用户无功管理对降损工作的影响分析及措施

11.Measures for Reducing Weight-loss of Flax Rove of Scouring and Bleaching Process降低亚麻粗纱煮漂工艺重量损失的技术措施

12.Pretreatment Process for Linen/Cotton Fabrics with Less Strength Loss降低亚麻/棉织物强力损失的前处理工艺措施

13.Measures of protection relay on reducing the damage of main transformer caused by medium-voltage and low- voltage busbar fault降低变电所低压侧母线故障对主变损害的继电保护措施

14.Analysis of measure of reducing the gas fractionation installment processing loss and the propylene water content降低气体分馏装置加工损失及粗丙烯微水的措施

15.The Measures to Reduce Evaporation Loss of Light Liquid Fuel During Storage and Transportation降低轻质液体燃料在储运过程中蒸发损耗的措施

16.Research for Reducing the Losses of High Efficiency (IE2) Electric Motors and Premium Efficiency (IE3) Electric Motors符合IEC高效(IE2)、超高效(IE3)效率等级的电动机降低损耗措施的研究

17.Measures are taken to bring down the workshop.车间里采取了降温措施。

18.Fraud losses on plastic cards fell by 5% to £402m as measures to combat crooks started to take effect.由于打击信用卡诈骗的措施开始生效,信用卡诈骗的损失额降低了5%,为4.02亿英镑。


measures of reducing line loss降低线损的措施

3)reduce loss降低损失措施

4)Line Loss Reduction Measures of Power Grid电网降损措施概述

5)and measures降耗措施

6)reducing measures降低措施


不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)不合格品纠正措施(见纠正措施)corrective actions for nonconforming product:see corrective actionsbul,卯ping jiuzhe叫euoshi不合格品纠正措施(~tive actions for non-印雨皿吨prt泪uct)见纠正措施。
