1200字范文 > 公共价值取向 public value orientation英语短句 例句大全

公共价值取向 public value orientation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-27 12:17:54


公共价值取向 public value orientation英语短句 例句大全

公共价值取向,public value orientation

1)public value orientation公共价值取向

2)The value tropism of public policy公共政策价值取向


1.On the 3D Construction for Value Orientation of Public Policy in China;论我国公共政策价值取向的三维建构

2.The Value Tropism of the Public Policy Supported by the "Harmonious Society" Idea;“和谐社会”理念支持的公共政策价值取向

3.A Probe into the Changes and the Reasons of the Value Tropism of China s Public Policy;中国公共政策价值取向的发展变化及原因分析

4.Analyze the Changes and the Reasons of the Value Tropism of the Public Policy;论中国公共政策价值取向的发展变化及原因分析

5.People-Oriented:The Value Orientation of the Public Policy in China;我国公共政策的价值取向——以人为本

6.On the Value Tropism of China s Public Policy at the Period of Social Transition;转型期我国公共政策的价值取向论析

7.On the orientation of our public policy of fair play:from the perspective of cheap renting houses;我国公共政策的公平价值取向:解读“廉租房”政策

8.The Value Tropism of Common Prosperity of Public Policy in Socialistic;社会主义共同富裕公共政策的价值取向

9.The Adoption of Basic Values of the Governmental Public Policies in the Vision of the Harmonious Society;和谐社会视野下政府公共政策的基本价值取向

10.The Value Orientation of the Public Policy and Conflict and Coordination of the Preference of the Public;公共政策的价值取向与公众偏好的冲突与协调

11.The Study of Humanistic Tendency of Public Policy in the New Era of Our Country;新时期我国公共政策的人本价值取向研究

12.The Properly Valuable Choice of Public Policy for Structuring the Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会公共政策之应然价值取向

13.The Guidance of Scientific Development to the Value Orientation of Public Policy in China;科学发展观指导下的我国公共政策的价值取向

14.On Value Orientation of Public Policy in the Transformation in China;转型期我国公共政策的价值取向问题论析

15.Reflecting on Public Policy of Utilitarianism Value Selection and its Practice功利主义价值取向的公共政策及其实践反思

16.Study on the value objective of public policy--from the tropism,definition and evaluation perspectives;论当代公共政策的价值目标——取向、界说与评价途径

17.On the Choosing of Value in the Development of Western Public Administration Theory;西方公共行政理论演变中的价值取向

18.The service is the worth mindset of the city planning administrative policy decision for the public benefits.服从、服务于公共利益是城市规划行政决策的价值取向。


The value tropism of public policy公共政策价值取向

3)the common value-direction共同价值取向

4)value orientation价值取向

1.A philosophical reflection on the currentvalue orientation of tobacco industry;当前烟草行业价值取向的哲学思考

2.On thevalue orientation of China tobacco industry;中国烟草产业的价值取向初论

3.Probe into preclinical medical education based on educationalvalue orientation;基于教育价值取向的基础医学教育思考与探索


1.The Route Analysis on the Parent Rearing Pattern andValues to University Students Mental Health.;父母教养方式、价值取向影响大学生心理健康的路径分析

2.Sincere Emotion,Stern Examination——A brief talk on the values of Nan Yujian s novels in 1990;真诚的情感 冷峻的审视——浅谈南豫见20世纪90年代中长篇小说的价值取向

3.On the values of domestication and foreignization from the perspective of the nature of literary translation;从文学翻译的性质看异化和归化的价值取向——文学翻译性质研究之二

6)Value tropism价值取向

1.The value tropism of campus culture construction;大学校园文化建设的价值取向

2.Philosophy reflections on the undergraduates innovation quality value tropism;大学生创新素质价值取向研究

3.The Value Tropism of the PRC s Traffic Security Law;论我国道路交通安全法的价值取向


