1200字范文 > 书法流派 calligraphy schools英语短句 例句大全

书法流派 calligraphy schools英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-05 01:50:20


书法流派 calligraphy schools英语短句 例句大全

书法流派,calligraphy schools

1)calligraphy schools书法流派


1.Perspective on the Methodology of Research on the History of Modern Calligraphy Schools in View of Research on the Academic School of Calligraphy;从学院派书法研究引向对当代书法流派史研究方法的思考

ments on Major Schools of Ancient Book Collectors;古代私家藏书流派及虞山派、浙东派论析

3.The Contemporary Schools of Thought of Bourgeois Law现代资产阶级法学流派

4.This fountain pen with a gold niB looks smart, writes smoothly, and will assist you in attaining success.金笔金笔,造型气派,书写流利,助您成功。

5.He was well-read in all these schools of thought current at the time.他对当时各流派的书是读得很多的。

6.Stream of Consciousness and Colors in the Novels of the New Sensual School;新感觉派小说中的意识流与色彩书写

7.Stone tablet calligraphy was popular in the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China.自清代至民国时期,碑派书法较盛,

8.a number of virtuosos emerged in Chinese calligraphy and painting.出现了开宗立派的专业画家、书法家,

9."and to the Reubenites and the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh, Joshua said,"约书亚对流便人,迦得人,和玛拿西半支派的人说,

10.Between the ideal and the reality --On law schools and the legalized rule理想与现实之间——论法学流派与法治

11.The sons of Merari according to their families received twelve cities from the tribe of Reuben and from the tribe of Gad and from the tribe of Zebulun.书21:7米拉利的子孙、著宗族、流便支派、得支派、布伦支派的地业中、阄得了十二座城。

12.Burgundy School世纪法国东部勃艮第地方艺术流派

13.Solving appoint order form job problem based on ant colony system;基于蚁群算法求解物流订单派送问题

14.The Main Schools of the Western Legitimacy Theories and Their Origin;西方合法性理论的主要流派及其渊源

15.New Economics of Law:Theoretical Schools and Critical Review;新法律经济学:理论流派与反思性评论

16.Foreign language methodological trends abroadand foreign language teaching in our country;国外外语教学法流派与我国外语教学

17.A Web Mining based Method for Music Genre Classification一种基于Web挖掘的音乐流派分类方法

18.receiving order【律】法院委派破产者产业管理人的委任书


Calligraphycreation school书法创作流派

3)north-style calligraphy北派书法

1.Under the background,the paper further announces to public the relationship between thenorth-style calligraphy and Yan Zhenqing\" Script.北派书法作为一种社会文化现象,在初唐仍然具有一定的社会需求,这为盛唐书风巨变提供了由量变到质变的基础。

4)college school calligraphy学院派书法

1.The “complexity”of thecollege school calligraphy is not only in two main body forms of creation and appreciation,but it is also in the course of whole creation of the main body cereation.学院派书法的“复杂化”不仅表现在创作和欣赏的二元主体结构中 ,而且还表现在创作主体的整个创作过程中 ;学院派书法创作的重要贡献之一 ,是对古代书法传统中潜在的惰性因素的扬弃而代之以系统的“制作”实践。

5)calligraphy expressionism书法表现派

6)Jurisprudential Schools法学流派

1.On the Basic Division of ChineseJurisprudential Schools;论中国法学流派分野的基本端倪


