1200字范文 > 变形局部化 deformation localization英语短句 例句大全

变形局部化 deformation localization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-04 20:00:09


变形局部化 deformation localization英语短句 例句大全

变形局部化,deformation localization

1)deformation localization变形局部化

1.Thedeformation localization theory of cutting of coal and rock;煤岩截割破坏的变形局部化理论

2.Experimental research ondeformation localization of mud-sand stone in quasi-plane strain state;准平面应变条件下泥砂岩变形局部化的试验研究

3.Experimental study on thedeformation localization of rock-soil material;岩土材料变形局部化的实验研究


1.Numerical Simulation of Strain Localization of Rock Based on FLAC;岩石变形局部化的FLAC数值模拟

2.Study of The Theory of Deformation - Failur Localization For Coal;煤体变形局部化的梯度塑性理论研究

3.Theoretical and Experimental Research on Deformation Localization and Instability of Rock;岩石变形局部化及失稳破坏的理论与实验研究

4.Strain Gradient Effects on Adiabatic Shear Deformation Localization of Particle Reinforcing Metal Matrix Composites;颗粒增强金属基复合材料绝热剪切变形局部化中应变梯度效应

5.Experimental Study on Strain Localization of Concrete Structures and Software Development of Finite Element Post-processing;混凝土变形局部化试验研究及有限元后处理程序开发

6.Experimental study on the forming of shear bands and the local deformation in deep excavation深基坑中剪切带的形成及局部化变形试验研究

7.It is assumed that plastic deformation stems from the localization of shear strain.岩样的塑性变形假设根源于塑性应变局部化。

8.Study on Mechanism of Rock Localization Deformation and Bifurcation Instability of Roadway Surrounding Rock;岩石局部化变形与巷道围岩分岔失稳机理研究

9.(Numerical) Simulation of Shear Strain Localization Processes along Circular Tunnels with Different Diameters不同尺寸的圆形隧洞剪切应变局部化过程模拟

10.Numerical Analysis on the Local Stress and Local Deformation in Multi-point Stretch Forming多点拉形中局部应力与局部变形的数值分析

11.Cannot Initialize local variables不能初始化局部变量

12.The Changes of the Defense Function of the Neovaginal Mucosa in Patients Undergoing Vaginal Construction by Sigmoid Colon;乙状结肠代阴道成形术后人工阴道局部防御功能变化的研究

13.Impact of Topical Use of Silver Diamine Fluoride on Streptococcus Mutans Inhibition氟化氨银局部应用防龋抑制口腔内变形链球菌效果观察

14.Hardness is a measure of the resistance to localize plastic deformation.硬度是材料抵抗局部塑性形变的量度。

15.Meshless local petrov-galerkin method for large deformation analysis大变形问题分析的局部Petrov-Galerkin法

16.Anatomical dissection was performed to observe the local changes at 10 days after operation.术后10天进行局部解剖,观察手术局部的变化。

17.The local variable "{0}" was not initialized before use局部变量“{0}”在使用前未初始化

18.Cannot Initialize thread local variables不能初始化线程局部变量


strain localization变形局部化

1.Bifurcation analysis of materials and numerical simulation ofstrain localization phenomena can provide a new method for analysis of borehole failure,and for its forecasting or control.采用材料的分叉分析方法和变形局部化的数值模拟研究 ,可望对井眼失效的机理分析、预测和控制提供新的思

2.It is well known that due to the strain softening behavior, thestrain localization along with shear band formation will occur in the dense sand subjected to shearing under drained condition.紧密砂土在排水剪切过程中由于材料的应变软化特性,会出现变形局部化并伴随剪切带的产生。

3.Elastoplastic models can’t simulatestrain localization due to ductile damage evolution.常规的弹塑性模型难以模拟材料破坏时由于内部损伤累积引起的变形局部化带形成过程。

3)localization of deformation变形局部化

1.Simulation of triaxial compression andlocalization of deformation;岩体假三轴压缩及变形局部化剪切带数值模拟


1.Experimental studies onlocalization and bifurcation behaviorsof a marble under triaxial compression;三轴压缩大理岩局部化变形的试验研究及其分岔行为

2.According to the test results oflocalization and shear bands formation under the consolidated undrained plane strain compression tests on soft clay in Shanghai,it was found that the deviator stress of shear band beginning to form was very close to its yield point in clay soils.过此点后粘性土局部化变形加剧。

3.Based on direct shear tests,the development oflocalization during the failure of rock specimens is studied.在直剪试验基础上,研究了大理岩试件产生破坏过程中局部化变形的发展过程。

5)localized deformation局部化变形

1.Advances of research onlocalized deformation in porous rocks;高孔隙岩石局部化变形研究新进展

2.Alocalized deformation was really observed in these tests.采用可量测局部变形的平面应变仪 ,对上海粘性土原状土样进行固结不排水平面应变压缩条件下局部化变形的试验研究 ,试验表明 :上海原状粘性土在固结不排水平面应变压缩试验过程中 ,确实存在局部化变形 ,土样经历了变形分叉、偏应力峰值、剪切带破坏到残余偏应力等阶段的渐进性破坏过程 ,定性提出上海原状粘性土局部化变形的一些规

3.The developments oflocalized deformation were observed;the shear band inclinations were measured and its variation with consolidating pressure was studied.采用可量测局部侧向应变的平面应变仪,对上海地区第②层褐黄色粉质粘土和第⑥层暗绿色粉质粘土的原状土样,进行固结不排水平面应变压缩试验,观察土样的局部化变形过程,量测剪切带倾角,研究剪切带倾角随固结压力的变化情况,计算剪切带倾角的传统土力学理论解并与实测值进行比较,根据剪切带内局部剪胀角的近似估算,初步研究剪切带内的变形机理,认为剪切带的形成与孔隙水的运动密切相关。

6)shear deformation localization剪切变形局部化

1.Research onshear deformation localization in high-strength steel during orthogonal cutting;高强度钢正交切削过程中剪切变形局部化研究


大坝内部变形观测(见水工建筑物变形观测)大坝内部变形观测(见水工建筑物变形观测)daba neibubianxing guanCe大坝内部变形观测见水工建筑物变形观测。
