1200字范文 > BDI指数 BDI index英语短句 例句大全

BDI指数 BDI index英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-04 15:06:10


BDI指数 BDI index英语短句 例句大全

BDI指数,BDI index

1)BDI indexBDI指数


1.BDI and Shanghai Composite Index-related Research in the Financial Crisis金融危机下BDI指数与上证综指的相关性研究

2.Forming mechanism of BDI agent based on activity and its application基于活动的BDI主体形成机制及应用

3.Study About Rational Model Base on BDI Agent多Agent系统BDI模型的推理研究

4.BDI Model Based on Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network基于模糊小波神经网络的BDI模型

5.Theoretical and Technical Research on the CGF Behavioral Modeling Based on BDI Agent;基于BDI Agent的CGF主体行为建模理论与技术研究

6.Humanization of Mouse Anti-bladder Cancer McAb by CDR3 Directed Phage Antibody Library;CDR3导向抗体库技术人源化抗膀胱癌单抗BDI

7.A Probe into Modeling of Pedagogical Agent in Intelligent Tutoring System Based on BDI智能教学系统中基于BDI的教学Agent建模研究

8.indicative planning figure指示性规划数字(指规数)

9.Russell 2000 Index (RUT)罗素2000指数、小型股指数

10.all-items index [Consumer Price Index]总指数〔消费物价指数〕

11.Containing, involving, or expressed as an exponent.指数的包含指数的,涉及指数的,用指数表示的

12.An exponential function is one in which the variable appears in an exponent.指数函数是指数中出现变量的函数。

13.R-index and AR-index:Complementing Indicators to h-index;R指数、AR指数:h指数功能扩展的补充指标

14.The exponent is a fraction or negative number.指数是一个分数或负数。

posite index of leading indicators先行经济指标综合指数

posite index of lagging indicators滞后经济指标综合指数

posite index of coincident indicators重合经济指标综合指数

18.The Study of Target-Oriented Migrating Workflow Based on BDI Architechture;基于BDI模型理论的面向目标迁移工作流方法研究


BDI modelBDI模型

1.This paper proposes an agent architecture based onBDI model,the architecture integrates main behavior characteristics of deliberative agent and reactive agent,and appling rule database technology to improve the PAC Agent reactive rate.提出一种PAC Agent体系结构,该结构以BDI模型为基础,集成慎思式和反应式Agent的感知和反应能力,并运用规则库技术提高其反应速度。

2.Owing to the lack of a unified time metric in theBDI model with branching temporal, agents can not make decisions about the goals with time requests and coordination based on such goals.具有分支时序的主体BDI模型没有一个统一的时间度量与现实中的时间相对应,不方便进行关于时间相关目标的推理和实现基于时间相关目标的协同。

3.In this article, we combine theBDI model’s and the non-monotonic logic’s merits, import the conception of possible belief and the operator of belief maintenance to express the interactions between the agents and the dynamic environment, import the conception of the ag.本文结合BDI模型和非单调逻辑的优点,引入了可能信念概念和信念维护算子,表达了Agent和动态环境之间的互动关系;引入Agent价值概念和行为规划算子,表达了期望和意图之间的动态约束关系,很好地解决了Agent在非预期环境中的适应性问题。

3)BDI-based architectureBDI框架

4)BDI conceptsBDI概念

5)BDI logicsBDI 逻辑

6)Extensible BDI扩展BDI


