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宁夏大学学报 Journal of Ningxia University英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-04 00:47:41


宁夏大学学报 Journal of Ningxia University英语短句 例句大全

宁夏大学学报,Journal of Ningxia University

1)Journal of Ningxia University宁夏大学学报

1.Thesis,Author,Citation Analysis ofJournal of Ningxia University(Natural Science Edition) Since 以来《宁夏大学学报(自然科学版)》载文、作者和引文分析


1.Thesis,Author,Citation Analysis of Journal of Ningxia University(Natural Science Edition) Since 以来《宁夏大学学报(自然科学版)》载文、作者和引文分析

2.An Investigation and Analysis on the College Students National Concepts in Ningxia Institutions of Higher Learning;宁夏高校大学生民族观念调查与分析

3.Nutritional Knowledge and Dietary Behaviors of Agricultural Sciences Students in Ningnia University;宁夏大学农科大学生营养知识及饮食行为

4.The program and reliability analysis on evaluating instruction quality in Ningxia University;宁夏大学教师教学质量评估方案及信度分析


6.The Research on Low-score Students in Physical Education of Ningxia University;宁夏大学本科生体育课成绩不理想的原因分析

7.An Epidemiological Survey of Tuberculosis in Rural Areas of Shizuishan City,Ningxia宁夏石嘴山市郊区农村结核病流行病学调查初步报告

8.Analysis of Health Recognition and Characteristics of Physical Exercises Behavior of Students in Ningxia University;宁夏大学学生健康认知与体育锻炼行为特征分析

9.The Study of Influencing Factors of Students" Attending Public Physical Education in Ningxia University宁夏大学学生公共体育选项课影响因素构成研究

10.Study on the Cause Analysis, Precaution and Regulation, and Countermeasures of Criminal Offences from Ningxia College and University Students;宁夏大学生违法犯罪行为原因分析、预防调控和对策研究

11.The Characteristics of the Demography of Hui Ethnic Females Who Participate in the Exercises of Populace Gymnastic in Ningxia;宁夏城镇回族女性参与大众健身操的人口学特征

parative Analysis on Relationship between Physical Exercise and Mental Health Level of College Students of Hui and Han Naitonality in Ningxia Province;宁夏回、汉族大学生体育健身活动与心理健康状况的比较研究

13.The Investigation and Analysis of Present Situation of Athletic Sports of Ethnic College Students in NingXia;宁夏地区少数民族大学生体育活动现状的调查与分析

14.The Impact of the Religious Culture to the College Students in Western Region--Taking Ningxia Universities As an Example西部地区宗教文化对大学生的影响——以宁夏高校为例

15.An Analysis of the Technical Statistics of Ningxia University Men"s Basketball Team in the 11th CUBA宁夏大学男篮参加第11届CUBA技术统计分析与对策研究

16.The Feasibility of Communicative Tasks in the College English Classroom in Ningxia宁夏地区大学英语课堂中交际型任务的可行性研究

17.Resport of Surveying University Students Attitudes to Take Part in Sports of Extracurricular Physical Education in the City of Ningbo in China;宁波市大学生参加课外体育活动情况调研报告

18.Design and Implementation of Learning Environment based on IPTV in Campus--A Case Study of the [Film and Video Course] in NingXia University;基于校园网络电视的学习环境设计与实现——以宁夏大学“影视学堂”学习平台构建为例


Ningxia University宁夏大学

1.Checklist of Hemiptera(Insecta) in the collection ofNingxia University;宁夏大学馆藏半翅目昆虫名录

2.Investigation and Analysis on the Physical Fitness Status of Students atNingxia University;宁夏大学学生体质现状分析研究

3.The Study of Influencing Factors of Students" Attending Public Physical Education inNingxia University宁夏大学学生公共体育选项课影响因素构成研究

3)College and university students from Ningxia宁夏大学生

4)Daxia University大夏大学

1.Zhang Yi-nian and the Psychological Institute ofDaxia University留美学者章颐年与大夏大学心理学会

5)Journal of Liaoning Normal University辽宁师范大学学报

1.Statistical Analysis on the Papers and Authors in theJournal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Sciences Edition) (2000~);《辽宁师范大学学报》(社会科学版)(2000~)载文及作者群分析研究

6)Liaoning University辽宁大学

1.SCI Statistic and Analysis of Articles aboutLiaoning University from 1958 to ;1958年-SCI(科学引文索引)收录辽宁大学论文统计与分析

2.The 60th Anniversary Celebration,100 Years Stupendous Changes——Liaoning University s History and Decision on the Time of the 60th Anniversary Celebration;六十华诞 百年沧桑——辽宁大学及其前身的历史沿革与对校庆时间的抉择


宁夏话考究—宁夏方言特色一:qing(庆) 注释:自做多情,无事生非。 经典句型:你小心qing死了着。。。。 羊油滴到石板上,qing住了~~` 二:shong 注释:形容某人做了被人所不齿的事,或其本人被人所不齿。 经典句型:你听你都说了些撒,快把人shong死了。 三:ta(踏) 注释:意为用脚踩,为威胁用语 经典句型:你再这么个小心我踏开了着。 四:saoqing(骚轻) 注释:意为某人举止轻浮含有轻佻,挑逗意味。 经典句型:你再少saoqing,听下列嘛? 五:er(二) 注释:多用来形容人做出了超出规范的事或性格卤莽不考虑后果。 经典句型:你咋这么二撒? 六:song(松) 注释:用在某个单字的后面,语意可褒可贬,主要由说话人所决定。 经典句型:qingsong,shongsong........... 七:niao(尿) 注释:理睬的意思。与“不”连用,意为“不理睬” 经典句型:他二着咋呢?再我也不niao他! 八:nie(捏) 注释:与“家”连用,为“人家”的意思。 经典句型:我给nie家说了半天,nie家就是没niao我.
