1200字范文 > 科技信息门户 science and technology information portal英语短句 例句大全

科技信息门户 science and technology information portal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-11 17:28:31


科技信息门户 science and technology information portal英语短句 例句大全

科技信息门户,science and technology information portal

1)science and technology information portal科技信息门户

1.The construction of thescience and technology information portal site requires the adaptation of the developmental tendencies of scientific and technology information field.科技信息门户的建设需要不断地适应科技情报行业的发展趋势。


1.Relevant Technology Research of Science and Technology Information Portal Site under Kno wledge Service Environment知识服务环境下的科技信息门户相关技术研究

2.Subject Portal; Concept, Architecture and Key Technologies学科信息门户:概念、结构与关键技术

3.Design and Implementation of Science and Technology Information Portal;Internet科技信息资源门户网站(STIP)系统的实践研究

4.Application of RSS Syndication and Push in Subject Information PortalRSS聚合和推送技术在学科信息门户中的应用

5.Information Resource Description and Organization of Subject Information Gateway学科信息门户的信息资源描述与组织

6.Research on Technology of Information Integration at Enterprise Information Portal;信息门户(EIP)中信息集成技术的研究

parative Study of Domestic and International Agricultural Subject Information Gateway;国内外农业学科信息门户的比较研究

8.Design and Implementation for the National Agricultural Subject Information Portal Toolkit;国家农业学科信息门户平台设计实现

9.The Design and Implementation of System Course Teaching Information Portal;系统学科教学信息门户的设计与实现

10.Subject Information Portal Based on Mediawiki Wiki System基于Mediawiki的学科信息门户建设

11.Research on Service Mode of Subject-Based Information Gateways under Web2.0 EnvironmentWeb2.0环境下学科信息门户服务模式研究

12.A Study on Resources Quality Control System of Subject Information Gateway学科信息门户资源质量控制体系研究

13.Pattern Analysis and Function Integration of User-based Subject Information Gateways;面向用户的学科信息门户构建模式及功能整合

14.The Design of the Personal Information Portal Based on AJAX Technology;基于AJAX技术的个人信息门户的设计

15.Design of Enterprise Information Portal for Third Party Logistics Based on Multi-Agent Technology;基于Multi-Agent技术的3PL企业信息门户设计

16.On the Selection and Design of a Discipline Information Portal学科信息门户元数据格式的选择与设计

17.Research on Topic-Map Based Knowledge Organization Systems of Subject Information Gateway;基于主题图的学科信息门户知识组织体系研究

18.Needs Survey & Functional Design on e-Portal of Educational Research教育科研信息化门户需求调查与功能设计


Scientific and Technological Information Portal科技信息门户网站

3)Subject information gateway学科信息门户

1.The Reach about the Construction of Chinese Subject Information Gateway;我国学科信息门户建设的研究

2.This paper briefly introduces the concept of subject information gateway,analyzes the shortcomings of the traditional subject information gateway and puts forward methods to improve the establishment of subject information gateway based on library 2.本文简要介绍了学科信息门户的概念及其主要特征,并分析了传统的学科信息门户建设中的用户交互性差的不足,提出利用图书馆2。

3.Starting from the connotations and features of the subject information gateway, this paper introduces the general development situation of domestic and foreign subject information gateway, and introduces the construction process and preliminary achievements of the chemistry subject information gateway in Chinese University of Mining &Technology library.从学科信息门户含义与特征入手,简述了国内外学科信息门户的发展概况,并介绍了中国矿业大学图书馆化学化工学科信息门户的建设过程和初步成果。

4)subject information portal学科信息门户

1.This paper expounds the present situation of Chinesesubject information portal,and advances some solving countermeasures.阐述了我国学科信息门户的现状,指出我国学科信息门户存在的问题,并提出了相应的解决对策。

2.This paper introduces the concepts of thesubject information portal, analyzes on some problems existing in the homepage design, the construction of the interactive platform and the construction of thesubject information portal, and probes into the rationality of the payment for thesubject information portal.介绍了学科信息门户的概念,分析了页面设计、构建交互性平台及学科信息门户建设中存在的问题,就学科信息门户收费的合理性等进行了探讨。


1.Discussion on the Potential Information Demands under theSIG (Subject Information Gateway);论学科信息门户下潜在信息需求

2.On the User-based Construction Pattern ofSIG;面向用户的学科信息门户构建模式分析

3.The paper introduces the ODP andSIG,compares the commons and difference of them,analyzes the advantage of the ODP and points out its significance toSIG.本文介绍了开放目录专案(ODP)和学科信息门户的概况,比较分析了二者的共性与不同,同时分析了ODP的优势以及它对学科信息门户建设的借鉴意义。

6)Information Portal信息门户

1.Application of Demand Analyses Technology in Petroleum EnterpriseInformation Portal;需求分析在石油企业信息门户中的应用

2.Choosing Plans for Short Message Service Platform based onInformation Portal;基于信息门户的短信平台的方案选择

3.Information Portal and Construction of Digital Library Portal;信息门户与数字图书馆门户建设


