1200字范文 > 工商部门 industry and commerce department英语短句 例句大全

工商部门 industry and commerce department英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-06 04:24:29


工商部门 industry and commerce department英语短句 例句大全

工商部门,industry and commerce department

1)industry and commerce department工商部门

1.Discussed shallowly theindustry and commerce department the investigation does not have in the food safe supervision without the card according to food management responsibility浅谈工商部门在食品安全监管中查处无证无照食品经营的职责


1.The Research of China"s Rural Food Market Supervision of Administration of Industry and Commerce我国工商部门农村食品市场监管研究

2.After door of The Ministry of Commerce and Industry applies for to end, still must arrive duty Wu branch, undertake duty Wu endowment ask.在工商部门申请完毕之后,还必须到税务部门,进行税务资询。

3.Research about the Statues in Quo and Countermeasure of IBA Administrative Coercion;工商部门行政强制现状分析及对策研究

4.the division of a business responsible for hiring employees.负责雇用职工的商业部门。

5.the people engaged in a particular kind of commercial enterprise.被某一商业公司某一部门雇用的工人。

6.You put in a request to the Administrative Authority for Industry and Commerce.你可以向工商行政管理部门提出要求,

7.A Research on the Supervision of Industrial and Commercial Administration to E-Commerce;工商行政管理部门对电子商务的监管研究

8.The Trademark Office of the administrative authority for industry and commerce under the State Council shall be responsible for the registration and administration of trademarks throughout the country国务院工商行政管理部门商标局主管全国商标注册和管理的工作。

9.Undertake registering to branch of Wu of industrial and commercial, duty, pass approval of environmental protection department even.到工商、税务部门进行登记,还要经过环保部门批准。

10.the c ondition of the third sector is complex and it includes all the departments betw een the two types.第三部门是介于政府组织与工商企业的一些部门 ,其情形非常复杂 ,一般统称为第三部门。

11.where the store is located for record, go to the administrative department for industry and commerce to lawfully obtain the business license.到工商行政管理部门依法领取营业执照。

12.after going through corresponding formalities in the administrative department for industry and commerce that handled original registration,到原登记的工商行政管理部门办理相应手续后,

13.Research on Position Classification of Civil Servant of the Administration of Industry and Commence;地级市工商行政管理部门公务员职位分类研究

14.Lawful Thinking on Contracts Identification Management in Industry and Commerce;工商行政部门对合同鉴证管理的法律思考

15.Research on Position Classification of Civil Servant of Shanghai Municipal Industry and Commerce Administration上海工商行政管理部门公务员职位分类研究

16.Impact of FDI on Indigenous Industries" Profitability外商投资对内资工业部门利润率的影响研究

17.Process Industries Sector加工工业部门(科)

18.Work personnel with state commercial inspection departments or organizations, who practice favoritism and malpractice and forge inspection results,国家商检部门、商检机构的工作人员徇私舞弊,伪造检验结果的,


administration for industry and commerce工商管理部门

3)IBA department工商行政管理部门

4)the State"s competent department in charge of industry and commerce administration工商行政管理主管部门

5)commercial sector商业部门

6)Ministry of Agricultrue & Industry & Commerce农工商部


