1200字范文 > 高职院校财经类专业 financial professional of the vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

高职院校财经类专业 financial professional of the vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-27 04:25:22


高职院校财经类专业 financial professional of the vocational colleges英语短句 例句大全

高职院校财经类专业,financial professional of the vocational colleges

1)financial professional of the vocational colleges高职院校财经类专业


1.The Design and the Optimization for the System of the Financial Professional Curriculum in Higher Vocational College高职院校财经类专业课程体系设计与优化

2.On Reform and Optimization on Curriculum System and Teaching Content of Financial and Economic Major in Technical and Vocational College论高职院校财经类专业课程体系、教学内容改革和整体优化

3.Consideration on the Curriculum Design of Economical Specialty in Higher Vocational Schools;高职院校经济类专业课程设计的思考

4.On the construction of mathematics curriculum in vocational colleges;高职院校经管类专业数学课程的建构

5.Inside Practice Teaching of financial Accounting in Vocational and Technical Colleges;论高职院校财会专业的校内实践教学

6.Reflections on the Reconstruction of Finance Specialties of Higher Vocational Education;重构高职高专财经类专业体系的思考

7.The Ability cultivation of Talents major in finance and Accounting in Polytechnic colleges;浅谈高职院校财会专业人才能力培养

8.Problem and solution on the integration of subject and profession building in the teaching university--Take financial college as a case;教学型高校学科与专业建设的问题和对策——以财经类院校为例

9.Study and Application of Interactive Teaching in Economic Majors of Junior College;互动式教学模式在高职高专院校经济类专业中的研究与应用

10.Setting up A New Practice Teaching Mode for Finance and Economics Specialty in Higher Vocational Colleges;创建高职财经类专业实践教学新模式

11.Level Teaching of Accounting Majors in Higher Financial Colleges;高等财经院校会计专业分层教学探讨

12.The study of essentiality of commerce culture education in finance-commerce vocational colleges财经类高职院校开展商业文化教育的必要性研究

13.Reform and Practice of Curriculum Construction and Teaching Content of Computer Science in Colleges and Universities of Finance and Economics;财经类高等院校计算机专业课程建设及教学内容改革与实践

14.On Statistic Education of Financial and Economic Discipline in Higher Vocational Education;浅议高职高专教育中财经类专业的统计教育

15.The vocational ability system and cultivation strategies for vocational college students majoring at finance and commerce;高职财经类专业学生职业能力体系及培养策略

16.The Way of Improving Higher Vocational Accounting Specialty Teaching Quality;提高高职院校财会专业教学质量的途径

17.A Study of the Experimental Teaching Models of the Economics and Management Specialty in Finance and Economics Colleges and Universities;财经类院校经济管理专业实验教学模式研究

18.From Vocational Skill Appraisal to a Talk on Higher Vocational Colleges Electrical Specialized Subjects Teaching Reform;由职业技能鉴定谈高职院校电类专业教学改革


finance-commerce vocational colleges财经类高职院校

1.The study of essentiality of commerce culture education infinance-commerce vocational colleges财经类高职院校开展商业文化教育的必要性研究

3)economic specialty in higher vocational college高职财经类专业

4)the specialized course of engineering in higher vocational colleges高职院校工科类专业

5)Vocational Technical Secondary School for Finance and Economics(VTSSFE)财经类职业中专

6)tourism vocational college旅游类高职高专院校

1.As a student oftourism vocational college,one must learn the internation.作为旅游类高职高专院校的学生,学习国际商务礼仪有其独特的必要性。


