1200字范文 > 社会互构论 the theory of social mutual-construction英语短句 例句大全

社会互构论 the theory of social mutual-construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-12 10:03:14


社会互构论 the theory of social mutual-construction英语短句 例句大全

社会互构论,the theory of social mutual-construction

1)the theory of social mutual-construction社会互构论

1.Sincethe theory of social mutual-construction was put forward in response to the traditional binary opposition in sociology,it also has great power in the explanation of the binary opposition in both practice and theory of poverty-reduction.以社会互构论为理论原则,中国扶贫应该更强调个人与社会的双重参与、多元互动和制度之间的衔接。


1.An Analysis on Dilemma of Theoretical Integration in Contemporary Western Sociology--Discussing on Theoretical Meaning of Social Interconstructionism当代西方社会学理论整合困境的透析——兼谈社会互构论的理论意义

2.Individuals and Society in the Course of Reducing Poverty in China--From the Perspective of Social Mutual-construction Theory中国扶贫历程中的个人与社会——社会互构论的诠释理路

3.How the Theory of Social Mutual-Construction Came into Being--An Examination about the Academic Tradition of Sociology and a Reflection on Empirical Reality during China s Accelerting Social Transformation;社会互构论的提出——对社会学学术传统的审视和快速转型期经验现实的反思

4.New Development of Modernity and An Interactive Era -- Introduction to Social Interaction: Probing into Sociological Theories with Chinese Characteristics (3);现代性的新发展与社会互构的时代——社会互构导论:中国特色社会学理论的新探索之三

5.The Logic and Research Direction of Sociological Theory Under Globalization --Guided Theory of Social Inter-construction: New Approaches to the Sociological Theory with Chinese Characteristics(2);论社会学理论逻辑和研究指向——社会互构导论:中国特色社会学理论的新探索之二

6.On the Interactive Relationship between the Development of the Public Health and the Construction of the Harmonious Society;论发展公共卫生事业与构建和谐社会互动关系

7.The Implementing Relation Based on the Divison--On the Moral Structure of Contemporary Society;分离基础上的互补——再论当代社会的道德结构

8.On the Constituents of the Socialism Political Civilization and their Interrelations;论社会主义政治文明的构成要素及其相互关系

9.Process of Modernity and the Specific Aspects of Sociological Theory--An Introduction to Speculation of Social Mutual-Construction: A New Exploration of Sociological Theory with Chinese Characteristics (1);现代性过程与社会学理论的个性——社会互构导论:中国特色社会学理论的新探索之一

10.Logical Structure and Mutual Action of Political State and Civil Society--A Comment on Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society政治国家和公民社会的逻辑结构与互动——兼论社会主义和谐社会的构建

11.Etic-Emic Interaction and Meaning Construction:Social Constructivism in Teaching English as Foreign Language;主客互动与意义建构:以社会建构论为指导的英语教学

12.The Feasibality of Moral Legalizition and its Sphere of Demarcation--A Perspective of Social Mutual Construction;论道德法律化的可行性及实施领域界定——社会互构理论的视角

13.On the Benign Interaction between Construction of Political Civilization and Building of Civil Society in China;论我国政治文明建设与公民社会建构的良性互动

14.On the Mutual Beneficial Relationship between People’s Livelihood and Tax Governed by Law during the Establishment of the Harmonious Society;论民生与税收法治在构建和谐社会进程中的互助性关系

15.On the Interaction Relationship between the Diversity of Ethnic Cultures and the Construction of a Harmonious Society;论民族文化多样性与构建和谐社会的互动关系——以云南为例

16.On the Mutual Act of Improving the Party s Governing Capability and Constructing the Harmonious Society;论党的执政能力建设与构建和谐社会的良性互动

17.Permeation of Culture;文化的互动——论构建有中国特色的社会主义政治文化

18.On the Construction of Positive Interactive Model between Government Administration and Grass-roots Self-governing Civil Society论政府行政与基层公民社会自治的良性互动模式的构建


the theory of social mutual construction社会互构理论

3)social mutual-construction社会互构

4)and social interactionism社会建构/互动理论

5)social constructionism社会建构论

1.Essentialism andsocial constructionism are two hardly compatible approaches in psychotherapy.本质论与社会建构论是心理治疗领域中两种对立倾向。

2.The second cognitive revolution is a postmodern one and it results in the establishment ofsocial constructionism.它的直接结果是促进了社会建构论的产生。

6)social constructivism社会建构论

1.Three ideal sources ofsocial constructivism;社会建构论的三个思想渊源

2.Thesocial constructivism and the moral education;社会建构论对道德教育的启示

3.Assessing the Impact of Social Constructivism on the Idea about Science Education;社会建构论对科学教育观的影响评析


《社会理论与社会结构》美国社会学家R.K.默顿的代表作。由多篇论文汇编而成,1949年在纽约出版,1957年修订,1968年增订后增加了许多内容。全书分 4篇共21章。第一篇"理论社会学"共5章,论述了社会学理论及其系统性;阐释了中层理论观点及其在社会学理论系统中的地位与作用;提出了显功能与潜功能的概念,并论述了它们在社会功能分析中的意义;论证了社会学理论与经验研究的相互关系。第二篇"关于社会结构与文化结构的研究"共 8章,论述了社会结构与社会失范;具体分析了官僚体制的结构及其正负功能,以及知识分子在官僚制行政机构中的作用;介绍了参照群体行为理论和影响方式;分析了社会信念与社会现实、正功能与负功能等概念。后两篇通过社会学具体领域的研究,运用和示范了社会结构的功能分析。第三篇"知识社会学与大众传播"论述了知识的社会结构与社会功能,介绍了德国社会学家K.曼海姆及其知识社会学的历史发展,分析了广播与电视宣传的社会作用。第四篇"科学社会学"阐述了科学与社会秩序、民主社会结构的关系,研究了技术进步与社会的关系。默顿以17世纪英国为例,探讨宗教、经济与科学的互动作用,为科学社会学的兴起和发展奠定了基础。
