1200字范文 > 梯级调度 cascade dispatching英语短句 例句大全

梯级调度 cascade dispatching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-18 12:42:55


梯级调度 cascade dispatching英语短句 例句大全

梯级调度,cascade dispatching

1)cascade dispatching梯级调度

1.Research of 3-D digital simulation platform for TGP and Gezhoubacascade dispatching;三峡与葛洲坝梯级调度三维数字仿真平台开发

2.A real AGC (automatic generation control) incascade dispatching has not been even put into operation in China.真正意义上的梯级调度自动发电控制(AGC)在国内尚属空白,委内瑞拉EDELCA电力公司的梯级联合调度已有30多年的经验,其AGC选择ACE(区域偏差控制)为控制方式,考虑各种复杂因素,控制功能针对不同的机组特性和运行情况有很大的灵活性。

2)cascade dispatching system梯级调度系统

1.This paper introduces the structure, characteristics and main functions of the Jinshuitancascade dispatching system and the demerits of the old system, and analyzes emphatically the application of the key technologies of remote control and regulation, network communication, EDC of cascade hydropower plants, etc.介绍了紧水滩梯级调度系统的结构、特点和主要功能,以及原系统的不足,重点剖析了远方控制和调节、网络通信、梯级电站经济调度控制(EDC)等梯级调度系统的关键技术在紧水滩梯级调度系统中的应用。

3)cascade reservoir scheduling梯级水库调度


1.The Research on Dynamic Random Optimal Control of Cascade Reservoir Scheduling;梯级水库调度中的动态随机最优控制研究

2.A Study on the project of Three Gorges Cascade Reservoir Dispatching Automatization System;三峡枢纽梯级水库调度自动化系统方案研究

3.Study and Design on Three Gorges Cascade Reservoir Dispatching Automatization System;三峡梯级水库调度自动化系统的研究和设计

4.Application of the macro-evolutionary multi-objective genetic algorithm to the operation of cascade reservoirs宏观进化多目标遗传算法在梯级水库调度中的应用

5.Optimization of reservoirs dispatching of Huaguangtan cascade power stations华光潭梯级水电站水库优化调度探讨

6.Joint Economic Dispatching of Cascade Reservoirs in Shaxi Reservoir Basin沙溪流域梯级水库联合经济调度运作

7.Study on Short-term Operation Scheduling of "One-reservoir and Multi-cascade" Hydroelectric Stations;“一库多级”式梯级水电站群短期优化调度研究

8.Development of the cascade operation system of Shanxi hydro-junction珊溪水利枢纽水库梯级联合调度系统开发

9.Study on Optimal Comprehensive Dispatching of Cascaded Reservoirs in Yuanshui Valley,Hunan Province湖南沅水流域梯级水库联合优化调度研究

10.The Theory and Practise of Cascade Reservoirs Power Generation Optimized Operation;梯级水库群发电优化调度的理论与实践

11.Research on Long-mid Term Optimal Dispatching of Hydropower System in Wujiang Rivr;乌江梯级水库群中长期发电优化调度研究

12.Development on the Utility Graph of Optimum Power Dispatching to Baishan-Fengman Cascade Reservoirs;白丰梯级水库实用电力优化调度图的研制

13.Research on Multi-Objective Joint Operation of Cascade Reservoirs in the upper Hanjiang River;汉江上游梯级水库多目标联合调度研究

14.Research and Development of Joint Operation System of Cascade Reservoirs in the Upstream of Heihe River;黑河上游梯级水库联合调度系统研究与开发

15.Application and Dynamic Optimization Model of Cascade Reservoir Optimal Scheduling梯级水库优化调度的动态最优化模型及应用

16.Professional meteorological support service system for Three Gorges Reservoir cascade operation三峡水库梯级调度专业气象服务业务系统

17.Optimal operation of cascade reservoirs based on improved particle swarm optimization algorithm基于改进微粒群算法的梯级水库群优化调度

18.Optimal ecological sound operation of the cascade reservoirs in the lower Yalongjiang River雅砻江下游梯级水库生态友好型优化调度


cascade dispatching system梯级调度系统

1.This paper introduces the structure, characteristics and main functions of the Jinshuitancascade dispatching system and the demerits of the old system, and analyzes emphatically the application of the key technologies of remote control and regulation, network communication, EDC of cascade hydropower plants, etc.介绍了紧水滩梯级调度系统的结构、特点和主要功能,以及原系统的不足,重点剖析了远方控制和调节、网络通信、梯级电站经济调度控制(EDC)等梯级调度系统的关键技术在紧水滩梯级调度系统中的应用。

3)cascade reservoir scheduling梯级水库调度

4)flow losses梯级水电厂调度

1.In analyzing inflow scheduling to optimize cascadehydropower operation, the necessityof consideringflow losses is discussed.本文探讨了在梯级水电厂调度来水分析中考虑水流损失的必要性,并提出了在这种情况下的梯级水电厂优化调度问题,采用广义最小费用流算法加以解决,以期理论计算符合水电厂实际运行条件。

5)Three Georges Cascaded Hydropower Scheduling三峡梯级调度

1.Based on principles of relational database system and information of Three Georges Cascaded Hy-dropower Scheduling System,this paper introduces the principles and ways on desig ning database system inThree Georges Cascaded Hydropower Scheduling System.基于数据库一般设计步骤并结合三峡梯级调度系统,本文介绍了三峡梯级调度系统数据库的设计,针对梯级调度系统对数据库进行优化,提高了系统的性能。

6)cascade optimal scheduling梯级优化调度


长江流域梯级开发长江流域梯级开发cascade development on Changjiang River Valley水布娅 ﹄勺 nJ任500400 300 200100︵已小粗哪袭咪)即帷芭王沱招徕河距清江河口里程(km)~山~~~~一一~~一~-一-~300思龟200 施山 河 图2清江梯级开发方案纵剖面示意兴建高坝的条件;河道含沙量不大,水库可长期使用, 规划可装机289lMW,多年平均年发电量为84.9亿 kw·h。 清江干流河段分三级开发,即水布娅(1 49lMW)、 隔河岩(1 200MW)、高坝洲(20oMW)(图2)。其中,隔河岩水电站于1 986年开工,1994年建成。最大坝高 151m,电站装4台单机容量300MW机组。高坝洲水电站位于隔河岩水电站下游,最大坝 高57m,其水库是隔河岩下游的反调 节水库。水布娅水电站最大坝高 228m,装7台单机容量213MW机 组,是清江干流的骨干电站。 金沙江梯级开发金沙江是长 江上游的重要支流之一。自云南省 石鼓至四川省宜宾的河段长约1300 km,集中落差1685m。宜宾以上流域 面积47.3km“,多年平均流量4610m3/s,多年平均径流量1456亿m“。 宜宾以上干流可开发水能资源5891。Mw,多年平均年发电量3233亿kw·h。这口河段由 于水量充沛、落差集中、淹没损失小,动量指标优越, 但区域地质情况复杂,地震烈度大,交通不便,地下工 程量大,所以开发难度大。按规划,石鼓至宜宾河段拟分8级开发,即虎跳峡有(600oMW)、洪门口(400oMW)、皮厂(5500MW)、站比较集中的一条河流。三座最大的水库分别为两河口(84亿m3)、锦屏一级(100亿m3)和二滩(58亿m“)。前两座是梯级中最大的调节水库。
