1200字范文 > 恋爱指导 the guidance of senior high schools teenaged love英语短句 例句大全

恋爱指导 the guidance of senior high schools teenaged love英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-11 07:49:29


恋爱指导 the guidance of senior high schools teenaged love英语短句 例句大全

恋爱指导,the guidance of senior high school"s teenaged love

1)the guidance of senior high school"s teenaged love恋爱指导


1.The Investigate and Analysis of Contemporary University StudentsLove Attitude.;当代大学生恋爱态度调查与分析

2.The Missing Garden of Eden —— Analysis ofLove about “Revolution andLove" Novels;迷失的伊甸园——“革命+恋爱”小说之情爱论

3.Searching for Minority Natonality Morality in the Northwest of Guizhou fromLove,Marriage and Family;从恋爱、婚姻、家庭关系看黔西北少数民族的伦理道德


1.Loving and is disappointed in a love affair being better than essence never loves.恋爱而失恋胜过根本不曾恋爱。

2."What is falling in love like?"“恋爱是什么样的?”

3.of or concerning homosexual love.指同性恋爱的或者与同性恋爱相关的。

4.The state of today s university students love view and the education of their love view;当代大学生恋爱观现状及恋爱观教育

5.Analysis of the Current University Students Ideas and Psyehology of Love;当前大学生恋爱观念与恋爱心理探析

6.I"m in love with Tom.我在和汤姆谈恋爱。

7.v. to have a romantic relationship with sb.与(某人)谈恋爱,约会

8.but I"m in love with Ron.但我在和罗恩谈恋爱。

9.They have gone together for two years.他们谈恋爱已两年了。

10.light fiction romance黄色小说,恋爱、色情小说

11.John and Mary are walking out together.约翰和玛丽正在谈恋爱。

12.To be in love is to surpass oneself.恋爱就是施展浑身解数。

13.The two have been courting for a year.两人恋爱已有一年之久.

14.They were sweethearts for 10 years before they married.他们恋爱了十年才结婚。

15.They were walking out for years before they got married.他们恋爱多年才结婚.

16.The leaf becomes flower when it loves.绿叶恋爱时便成了花。

17.And in time they will fall in love and get married.以后还要恋爱、结婚。

18.If you fall in love - then love with all your soul.若是你爱恋…… 一心去爱恋。”



1.The Investigate and Analysis of Contemporary University StudentsLove Attitude.;当代大学生恋爱态度调查与分析

2.The Missing Garden of Eden —— Analysis ofLove about “Revolution andLove" Novels;迷失的伊甸园——“革命+恋爱”小说之情爱论

3.Searching for Minority Natonality Morality in the Northwest of Guizhou fromLove,Marriage and Family;从恋爱、婚姻、家庭关系看黔西北少数民族的伦理道德


1.Investigation onAmativeness and Masturbation Among Students at Vocational and Technical College;某职业技术学院学生恋爱及手淫情况调查

2.With the change of society and advancement of technology,especially with the coming of information age,fast development of the network and subtle change of ideas of value,the influence of social environment makes undergraduates love psychology based on the sexual psychology and action in network amativeness occur prodigious change.随着社会的变迁和科技的进步,尤其是随着信息时代的到来,网络的飞速发展以及人们价值观的微妙变化和社会环境的影响,当代大学生以性心理和“网恋”心理为基础的“恋爱”心理发生了显著的变化。

3.It has been reported that the undergraduates delinquency cases often occur during the amativeness when they cannot do well in it.大学生因恋爱不当而引发的犯罪案件已有诸多报道,有的作案手段极其残忍,引起社会和各高校的警惕和思考。


1.Through social environment-suppressed subjects, vague and general chivalrous conflicts,vast and hazylove sense and fable of the magical plot,Jin Yong gives his novels more tragic emotion than others.通过社会环境对主体的挤压,侠义冲突的空泛,爱恋情意的迷茫,奇幻情节的寓言这四个层面,赋予小说浓重的悲情意识,表达了他用悲的力量来探索人性、人类生存状况的信念。

5)Attraction of love恋爱吸引

6)the cost of being in love恋爱成本


