1200字范文 > 高中学优生 excellent academic students in high schools英语短句 例句大全

高中学优生 excellent academic students in high schools英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-01 05:41:00


高中学优生 excellent academic students in high schools英语短句 例句大全

高中学优生,excellent academic students in high schools

1)excellent academic students in high schools高中学优生


1.A Comparative Study of Adaptability to Learning between Top Learners and Learners with Difficulty in High Schools;高中学优生与学困生学习适应性的比较研究

2.Analysis of the Differentiation in Mathematical Grades for the Top Students in Ordinary High Schools普通高中学优生数学学习成绩分化成因分析

3.The Study on the Psychological Health State of Excellent Academic Students in High Schools and the Corresponding Education Methodology高中学优生的心理健康状况研究与教育对策

4.Differences in Learning Efficiency between Mathematical Disability Students and High Ability Students in High Schools;高中数学学优生与学困生课堂学习效率的差异

5.Giving full play to rural middle schools′ advantages,promoting biological teaching effect;发挥农村中学优势提高生物教学效果

6.To Optimize the Internal Organization System in Universities by Following the Student-centered Orientation;以学生为中心优化高校内部组织体系

7.A Study of Chemistry Curriculum Construction for Senior High-aptitude Students;面向资优学生的高中化学课程构建的研究

8.Experiment on Optimizing the Study Strategy of Senior School Students;优化高中学生地理学习策略的实验研究

9.Study on Advantage of Club Teaching Model in University;高校学生中开展俱乐部式教学的优势研究

10."Girls 2)outperform boys in 3)elementary school, middle school, high school and college and graduate school.“在小学、初中、高中、大学以及研究生院,女生的成绩都比男生优秀。

11.The students in our school can be admitted propriety by No.1 Middle School.我校学生中考可被华师一高中部适当优惠录取。

12.The Study of Function Learning on Mathematics Comprehension between Gifted Students and General Students of Grade One;高一年级学优生与普通生“函数”学习中数学理解的调查研究

13.The Biomechanics Contrasting Research on the Technology of Male High Jump between China and West;中外优秀男子跳高技术的生物力学对比研究

14.The Roles of Higher School Libraries in Quality Education;高校图书馆在大学生素质教育中的优势

15.Statistical Analysis on the Test Anxiety Situation of Top-students from High Schools in Siping City四平地区高中学业优生考试焦虑现状统计分析

16.A Comparative Research on the Psychology of Top Students and Bottom Students in Learning Mathematics at Senior Schools;关于高中数学优生与后进生学习心理的比较研究

parative Study on English Learning Strategies of Good English Learners and English Learning Difficulties in Senior High School in China;高中英语学习优秀生与困难生英语学习策略的比较研究

18.A Probe in Bettering the psycholigical Attitudeof the students in the teaching of PE;普通高校体育教学中优化学生学习心态途径之探究


top-students from high school高中优生

1.In this paper,an investigation was carried out on the test-anxiety situation oftop-students from high school in Siping city,contrasted with Sarason\" TAS test anxiety scale in this paper.采用Sarason TAS考试焦虑量表对四平地区高中学业优生进行调查研究,其目的是了解目前高中优生的考试焦虑现状,为教师更有针对性、目的性地对优生考试焦虑进行有效的心理调控提供依据。

3)mathematical learning-excellent students in senior schools高中数学学习优秀生

4)middle school LE students中学优生

5)Top students of senior high school高中优等生

6)Senior high school students高中学生

1.Correspondence analysis on the prevalence of caries among senior high school students in Hangzhou;杭州市高中学生龋患状况对应分析研究

2.Analysis of psychological intervention and investigation of mental fitness of senior high school students;高中学生心理健康状况调查与心理干预效果分析

3.Objective:To explore the source, influencing scope and extent of psychological stressful factors in senior high school students in Hunan.目的了解湖南省高中学生心理应激因素的来源、影响范围和程度。


