1200字范文 > 短程团体辅导 short group counseling英语短句 例句大全

短程团体辅导 short group counseling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-07 06:52:02


短程团体辅导 short group counseling英语短句 例句大全

短程团体辅导,short group counseling

1)short group counseling短程团体辅导


1.Research about Short Group Counseling of the Perceived Social Support for the Rural Left-behind Children农村留守儿童领悟社会支持短程团体辅导的实验研究

2.Effect of Short-time Group Psychological Guidance on Mental Quality of College Students;短程团体心理辅导对大学生心理素质影响的分析

3.Group Psychological Guidance in Mental Health Education Course;团体辅导在心理健康教育课程中的应用研究

4.Application of Group Counseling in College Advisors" Work团体辅导在高校辅导员工作中的应用

5.The Exploration of Group Career Counseling for College Freshmen;大学新生团体生涯辅导活动课程设计与实施初探

6.The Application of the Group Counseling Method to the Teaching of College Students Psychological Health Education;团体辅导在大学生心理健康教育课程教学中的应用

7.A Research on the Application of Hypnotic Group Therapy in order to Improving Self-acceptance of College Students;团体催眠辅导在提高大学生自我接纳程度中的应用初探

8.Research on the Application of Group Psychological ConsultationActivities in College Students Psychological Health Education浅析团体心理辅导活动在大学生心理健康教育课程中的运用

9.Application of association psychological counseling in P.E.团体心理辅导应用于体育教学的探讨

10.Enhancement of The Group Dynamics of Group Counseling如何增强大学生团体辅导中的团体动力

11.Promoting Family Cohesion by Group Guidance团体心理辅导对家庭亲密度的促进

12.Efficacy of Cognitive-behavioral Group Therapy for Social Anxiety;大学生社交焦虑的团体辅导实验研究

13.Group counseling for the college students mental health education;团体心理辅导与大学生心理健康教育

14.The Application on Group Counseling of Interpersonal Communication at Local colleges;人际交往团体辅导在地方高校的应用

15.Group Counseling Program Based on Reality Therapy as an Internet Addiction Recovery Method for College Students;大学生网络成瘾的团体辅导现实疗法

16.Pattern of Group Counseling of College Students Career Planning;大学生生涯规划团体心理辅导的模式

17.A study on Test Anxiety with Group Counseling Method in High School Students;高中生考试焦虑的团体辅导干预研究

18.Assessment on Mental Health and Group Counseling Among Senior High School Students;高中生心理健康测评与团体辅导实验


Short-time group psychological guidance短程团体心理辅导

3)group guidance团体辅导

bined with clinical practice,this paper focused on one of the forms of psychological intervention,namely,group guidance and application for asthma patients,which includes implementation of the programme,aprocess,the problems encountered and handling,and so on.结合临床实践,重点介绍作为心理干预形式之一的团体辅导在哮喘患者中的应用情况,包括实施方案、过程、所遇问题及处理等方面。

2.To find out the positive effect of training school and college students in human communication bygroup guidance,ten training school and college freshmen volunteers receivedgroup guidance for nine times in five stages.为了探讨团体辅导在大学生人际交往中的积极作用,本研究对河南理工大学十名新生进行了九次五阶段的团体辅导,并以人际交往训练班的形式,开展针对性交际活动。

4)Group training团体辅导

1.Conclusion:Group training on self-regulated learning skills of colle.目的:探讨团体辅导训练模式对提高大学生自主学习能力的影响。

2.This paper discusses the functions and characteristics of group training courses and examines its design of the content,process and environment.本文论述了团体辅导课程的作用和特点。

3.An Exploration of the Application of Art Therapy in Group Training and Counseling of College Students;鉴于大学生对心理辅导和咨询日益增长的需求以及理论自身发展的需要,在前人的研究方向和疗法自身强大魅力的指引之下,本研究尝试从团体辅导和个案咨询两方面探索绘画艺术疗法在大学生心理辅导与咨询中的适用性和使用特点。

5)Group counseling团体辅导

1.Effect of Group Counseling on Psychological Quality of Vocational College Students;团体辅导对职业技术院校学生心理素质的影响研究

2.Group Counseling Program Based on Reality Therapy as an Internet Addiction Recovery Method for College Students;大学生网络成瘾的团体辅导现实疗法

3.ConclusionGroup counseling is an effective method on social anxiety of college student.目的探讨团体辅导对大学生社交焦虑的效果。

6)Group psychological guidance团体心理辅导

1.Objective:To investigate the possibility and the usefulness of group psychological guidance in mental health education course.目的:考察团体心理辅导应用于心理健康教育课程的可行性与有效性。

2.And college-based group psychological guidance provides a platform for that.大学生正处于发展的关键时刻,将心理健康教育落实到每个人身上成为高校教育的重点,以学院为基础的团体心理辅导为此提供了可以实现的平台,也预示着以学院为基础的团体心理辅导将成为高校心理健康教育发展的必然选择。

3.Study on group psychological guidance in universities and colleges in our country is attracting more and more attention,but the amount of the studies is less,meanwhile,the actual condition should he improved.团体心理辅导是对大学生进行心理健康教育的一种有效形式。


