1200字范文 > 报纸版面 newspaper layout英语短句 例句大全

报纸版面 newspaper layout英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-22 23:15:03


报纸版面 newspaper layout英语短句 例句大全

报纸版面,newspaper layout

1)newspaper layout报纸版面

1.Automatic planning of Chinesenewspaper layout based on dominance;基于强势的中文报纸版面自动规划方法


1.On the Renovation of Journalistic Conception from Newspaper Page Designing of the Perspective of the Alteration;从新闻理念的变化看报纸版面的革新

2.The Special--Main Battlefield in the Competition of Chinese Newspaper Layout;专刊——中国报纸版面竞争的主战场

3.On Layuout Style of Modern Newspapers and some Easthetic Principles;当代报纸版面风格及其审美原则探析

4.The designed comparison in newspaper domain and the homepage of the news website;报纸版面与新闻网站首页设计之比较

5.The Study of Visual Language on Newspaper Layout under the Rhetorical Situation修辞情境下的报纸版面视觉语言研究

6.It is a direct and unified way for readers to organize all elements of the newspaper layout into a kind of Gestalt of newspaper layout.读者是采用直接而统一的方式把报纸版面各要素知觉为一个报纸版面格式塔的。

7.Scientific Application of Conciseness in Newspaper Layout;报纸版面元素简约化追求中的科学运用

8.Thinking on Long-standing Mistaken Concept of Newspaper Layout Design;对当前报纸版面设计误区的观察与思考

9.Preliminary Try into the Gestalt Psychology Application in the Design of Newspaper Layout;格式塔心理学在报纸版面设计中的应用初探

10.The Application of Painting Aesthetics in Designing Layout of Newspaper;绘画审美因素在报纸版面设计中的运用

11.A Brief Discussion about Trend and Drawbacks of Current Newspaper Layout;略论目前报纸版面设计改革的走向及流弊

12.Masthead: Any design or logotype of a newspaper"s name on the front page. Also called Flag in the US.版头:报纸面版上的报名徽号或设计.

13.In Britain the newspaper market is divided between the larger broadsheets and the smaller tabloids.在英国,报纸有两种类型,大版面严肃性报纸和小版面小报。

14.Broadsheets such as The Times, the Guardian and Daily Telegraph are serious papers.《泰晤士报》《卫报》《每日电讯报》等报纸为大版面严肃性报纸,

15.It has all the usual sections of a newspaper.它包括普通报纸通常具有的版面。

16.Several columns were lined off for the editorial.报纸划出了几栏版面用以刊登社论。

17.quality newspaperph.1. 高级报纸(指版面、内容都很严肃认真的大报)

18.The Layout Becoming the User Interface--Some Enlightening User Interface Design Bringing to Newspaper Layout in New Media Epoch当版面成为界面:界面设计对新媒介时代报纸版式设计的几点启示



3)newspaper layout报纸版面设计

1.Thenewspaper layout of the marketing stage is not only an operation of editing,but also a part of the newspaper industry s image engineering and the tactics of the whole market strategy in newspapering.进入营销阶段的报纸版面设计,已不仅仅是一种编辑学范畴的操作,而成为报纸产业形象工程的有机组成部分,成为报纸整个市场战略的一种战术组成。

4)competition amidst newspaper layout报纸版面竞争

5)Layout language of newspapers报纸版面语言

6)above the fold上半版版面(报纸的)


