1200字范文 > 划界线 demarcation line英语短句 例句大全

划界线 demarcation line英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-27 11:08:34


划界线 demarcation line英语短句 例句大全

划界线,demarcation line

1)demarcation line划界线


1.Implementation of Auto-achieving the Forest Hierarchy Line on the Basis of Arc View基于ArcView的林业区划界线自动提取实现

2.But it is not easy to have clear definitions.但是却不容易划清界线。

3.preparatory to plotting a new curve-以便划定一道新界线?

4.Boundary-Pattern Mathematical Programming Nonlinear Multipole Boundary Element Method;边界型数学规划非线性多极边界元法

5.the 38th parallel (of latitude)纬度 38 度线((划分南、北韩的界线))

6.It is important to draw a sharp contrast between isolation and dilution.把隔离和稀释两者划清界线是重要的。

7.a person who fixes the boundaries of land claims.划分土地权利分界线的人。

8.separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart.产生分界线的分离用来划分或隔开。

9.a demarcated area of the Earth.地球上一个被划了分界线的区域。

10.Research into the river-sea delimitations of some key estuaries in China我国重要入海河口河海界线划分探讨

11.The line or frontier area separating political divisions or geographic regions; a boundary.边境政治划分或地理区域的分隔线或边界;分界线

12.Laws in the American South kept the two races separate.美国南方的法律将这两种人种划分了界线。

13.Nature does not know our carefully prescribed research boundaries.大自然本身并不具备人们仔细划定的研究界线。

14.For many people there was no fine partition between art and propaganda.对许多人来说,艺术和宣传是划不清界线的。

15.Mr Smith laid off a baseball diamond on the vacant lot.史密斯先生在空地上划出棒球内场的界线。

16.Hitherto it has succeeded in drawing a line between them.迄今为止,该报在此二者间有效地划定了界线。

17.A New Data on Determination of the Boundary between Cambrian and Ordovician in Tongren, Guizhou贵州铜仁寒武系与奥陶系界线划分新资料

18.Application of Logging Curves to the Mesozoic Stratum Zonation in Jiyang Depression测井曲线在济阳坳陷中生界地层划分中的应用



3)draw the line划一界线

4)draw a clear line of demarcation划清界线

5)draw the / a line划定界线

6)boundary of planning area规划区界线


