1200字范文 > 染色技术 dyeing technology英语短句 例句大全

染色技术 dyeing technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-22 19:12:36


染色技术 dyeing technology英语短句 例句大全

染色技术,dyeing technology

1)dyeing technology染色技术

1.The "color dreams"dyeing technology and products of Ningxia beach Woolfell;宁夏滩羊毛皮“梦幻色”染色技术与产品


1.differential staining technique鉴别染色技术[有时特指染色体显带技术]

2.liquid CO2 application on dyeing process液态二氧化碳在染色工艺中应用(无水染色技术)

3.Study on Alkali-free Modification and Salt-free Dyeing of Reactive Dyes on Cotton Fiber棉纤维无碱改性无盐活性染料染色技术研究

4.Optimized Dyeing of Cellulosic Fibers with KN Type Reactive Dyes纤维素纤维KN型活性染料最优化染色技术

5.Ecological dyeing techniques of multi-component textiles with reactive dyes(I)多组分纺织品活性染料生态染色技术(一)

6.The Techniques of Bleaching and Dyeing of Cork软木(栓皮)材料的漂白和染色技术研究

7.Study on Staining Behavior of Polymer by Ruthenium Tetroxide;RuO_4染色技术在TEM中的应用

8.Study on the Advanced Method of Preparing Pachytene Bivalents High Resolution Multiple Bands of Zebrafish (Danio Rerio) and the Evolution of the Chromosome;斑马鱼染色体显带技术及染色体进化探讨

9.Special pulsating current dyeing technology with high-temperature/high-pressure cheese yarn dyeing machine高温高压筒子纱染色机专用脉流漂染技术

10.This advanced dyeing technology can make the products unfading.这种先进的印染技术,使产品永不褪色。

11.technology of natural lac dye for foods天然食用紫胶染色素生产技术

12.the use of dye to change the color of something permanently.用染这种技术使事物永远改变颜色。

13.Gamete and Zygote Chromosome Doubling of Eucommia Ulmoides Oliv;杜仲配子与合子染色体加倍技术研究

14.Dynamic Membrane Technology and Study on Its Color Removal from Dyeing Wastewater;动态膜技术及对印染废水脱色的研究

15.The Research about Chromosome Banding Technology on Oncorhynchus Mykiss虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)染色体显带技术研究

16.The Research on Shader-Based Real-Time Cartoon Rendering基于着色器技术的实时卡通渲染研究

17.Uniform Dyeing Technology with High-fastness and High Color Fastness for Quaternized Silk季铵化真丝绸高固色率高色牢度匀染技术

18.Application on the chromosomal aberrations and chromosome breakpoint mapping by FISH techrology.FISH技术在分析染色体异常及染色体断裂点作图中的应用


staining technique染色技术

1.The application ofstaining technique inthe study of phase structure of polymer alloys with TEM in petrochemical field hasbeen reviewed in detail on the basis of scientific literature and the research work done inour laboratory.本文主要依据本实验室的工作以及文献资料,详尽介绍了染色技术在石油化工领域内使用透射电子显微镜研究聚合物合金相态结构时的应用情况。

3)new dyeing technology染色新技术

4)chromosomal technology染色体技术

1.Application ofchromosomal technology in clinical diagnosis of heredtary diseases;染色体技术在遗传性疾病临床诊断中的应用

5)Negative staining technique负染色技术

6)chromosome painting染色体涂染技术

1.Application ofchromosome painting technique to analysis of structural aberration of human chromosomes;用染色体涂染技术分析五例染色体结构异常


精子检查的染色技术与组织化学反应精子检查的染色技术与组织化学反应诊法。 利用精子染色技术及组织化学反应对精子的形态、活力及其酶的功能作进一步研究的一种 方法。包括HE(苏木精、伊红)染色、Giemsa染色、巴氏(PaPanicolaou)精子染色、Feulge n 反应(示DNA)、PAS染色(示糖原)、琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)反应、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)反应、单个精 子透明质酸酶活性检测、吖啶橙荧光染色检测男性生育力、复合染色评价精子顶体反应 等。详见各条。
