1200字范文 > 乐种性腔系 music types英语短句 例句大全

乐种性腔系 music types英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-05 09:34:59


乐种性腔系 music types英语短句 例句大全

乐种性腔系,music types

1)music types乐种性腔系

1.In terms of music features,one tune and its variants can develop into a tune system of variants from different nationalities,regions,genres,music types,schools and so on.从其音乐特征看,同一个腔调及其变体,可以构成民族性腔系、地域性腔系、体裁性腔系、乐种性腔系、流派性腔系和腔套性腔系。

2)oral optimism口腔性乐观

3)tune system of different nationalities民族性腔系

4)music genre乐种

1.Presided instruments influence tomusic genres is discussed in this article by the illustration of different presided instruments features,roles of different instruments in playing and methods of playing.通过对不同的主奏乐器的特点以及各种乐器在演奏中所处的地位、不同乐器的演奏方法,阐述主奏乐器对乐种风格的影响。

5)musical category乐类乐种

6)aria music唱腔音乐

1.Thearia music of Shiqian puppet show is the main form of the local feature and style characteristic.石阡木偶戏的唱腔音乐是该戏种地方特点和风格特征的主要表现形式,可以分为“高腔”和“平弹”两个子系统。

2.Thearia music and sing style of Nanluyangxi in the west of Province Hunan was researched from the history of Nanluyangxi in the west of Province Hunan by concluding and summarizing data about Nanluyangxi in the west of Province Hunan aiming improving the Nanluyangxi in the west of Province Hunan aria systematically and scientifically in theory.通过归纳、整理和总结湘西南路阳戏的相关资料,从湘西南路阳戏的历史渊源入手,对其唱腔音乐和演唱进行探索性的研究,从理论上提升湘西南路阳戏唱腔的系统性和科学性。


1.The Musical Meaning of the Music for Voice of Qu Pai in Tang Xianzu s "the Opera of Handan;汤显祖《邯郸记》曲牌唱腔音乐意义

2.A Comparative Study on the Aria Music of One Opera Genre in two Regions--Taken the Analysis of Erba-rhythm Mode Structure as Example一个剧种两个流传地的唱腔音乐比较研究——以豫剧[二八板]音乐的调式结构分析为例

3.A Tentative Study on the artistic features of Yunan "Leather-silhouette Show";豫南“皮摔”东调音乐唱腔牌子初探

4.People come to enjoy the singing, the acting, the music and the acrobatic combat.人们主要是来欣赏它的唱腔、表演、音乐以及打斗。

5.Everything in classical opera has become so conventionalized that there"s little room left for creative development in the music and singing.传统京剧非常格式化,很难在音乐和唱腔上有所创新。

6.On the Cultural Significance of Traditional Music of Hakkas Folk Songs s "Language and Voice" --A Case Study of Tonggu Hokkas Folk Song;论客家山歌“唱与腔”的传统音乐文化意义——以铜鼓客家山歌为例

7.Local Classified Conception and Cultural Interpretation of Tune-pattern in Dangliyao Ritual Music;两腔三调:荡里姚傩仪式音乐唱腔的原生分类概念及其文化内涵解析

8.Singing do together with re as Harmony-Regular Method for Touching up Vocal Music of Nanying;宫唱而商和——南音唱腔润腔法的一般规定性

9.Three quarters of the record consists of music.唱片的四分之三是音乐。

10.The music came from some old records.音乐来自一些旧唱片。

11.Will he sing in the concert?他会在音乐会上演唱吗?

12.Her singing was out of time with the music.她的演唱和音乐不合拍。

13.religious music for singing.用来歌唱的宗教音乐。

14.She is skilled in music and the song.她擅长音乐和歌唱。

15.lancasbire sol-fa兰开夏唱名法(音乐)

16.the Bath Festival Chorus巴斯音乐节大合唱团.

17.Music Office Children"s Choir音乐事务处儿童合唱团

18.Music Office Youth Choir音乐事务处青年合唱团


oral optimism口腔性乐观

3)tune system of different nationalities民族性腔系

4)music genre乐种

1.Presided instruments influence tomusic genres is discussed in this article by the illustration of different presided instruments features,roles of different instruments in playing and methods of playing.通过对不同的主奏乐器的特点以及各种乐器在演奏中所处的地位、不同乐器的演奏方法,阐述主奏乐器对乐种风格的影响。

5)musical category乐类乐种

6)aria music唱腔音乐

1.Thearia music of Shiqian puppet show is the main form of the local feature and style characteristic.石阡木偶戏的唱腔音乐是该戏种地方特点和风格特征的主要表现形式,可以分为“高腔”和“平弹”两个子系统。

2.Thearia music and sing style of Nanluyangxi in the west of Province Hunan was researched from the history of Nanluyangxi in the west of Province Hunan by concluding and summarizing data about Nanluyangxi in the west of Province Hunan aiming improving the Nanluyangxi in the west of Province Hunan aria systematically and scientifically in theory.通过归纳、整理和总结湘西南路阳戏的相关资料,从湘西南路阳戏的历史渊源入手,对其唱腔音乐和演唱进行探索性的研究,从理论上提升湘西南路阳戏唱腔的系统性和科学性。


